Market announcement

Coop Pank AS


Other corporate action


12.02.2024 08:00:00


Coop Pank AS 2024. aasta jaanuari tulemused


Coop Panga 2024. aasta jaanuari majandustulemused:

  * Panga klientide arv kasvas jaanuaris 2400 võrra ja aktiivselt arveldavate
    klientide arv langes 900 võrra. Kuu lõpuks ulatus klientide arv 184 900-ni
    ja aktiivselt arveldavate klientide arv 81 100-ni. Aastaga on kliendibaas
    kasvanud 23%
  * Panga klientide hoiuste maht kasvas jaanuaris 21 miljoni euro võrra ulatudes
    kuu lõpu seisuga 1,74 miljardi euroni. Äriklientide hoiused kasvasid 12
    miljonit ja eraklientide hoiused kasvasid 9 miljonit eurot.
    Rahvusvahelistelt platvormidelt kaasatud hoiuste maht püsis stabiilsena.
    Aastaga on panga hoiuste maht kasvanud 15%.
  * Panga laenuportfell kasvas jaanuaris 22 miljoni euro võrra ja jõudis kuu
    lõpu seisuga 1,51 miljardi euroni. Ärilaenud kasvasid 17 miljonit eurot,
    kodulaenud 3 miljonit eurot, liising 3 miljonit eurot ja
    tarbimisfinantseerimine kahanes 1 miljonit eurot. Aastaga on panga
    laenuportfell kasvanud 15%.
  * Jaanuaris tehti laenude allahindluseid 0,6 miljoni euro ulatuses.
  * Võrreldes möödunud aasta esimese kuuga on käesoleval aastal sama ajaga panga
    netotulud kasvanud 13% ja tegevuskulud 32%.
  * Pank teenis jaanuaris 3 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit, mida on 2% rohkem kui
    aasta tagasi samal perioodil.
  * Panga omakapitali tootlus oli jaanuaris 18,7%, kulu-tulu suhe 45%.

Coop Panga juhatuse liikme ja finantsjuhi Paavo Truu kommentaar:

?Coop Panga jaanuarikuu majandustulemused kinnitavad panga tugevat aasta algust:
head kasvu näitas nii hoiuste kui ka laenuportfell, millesse panustasid nii era-
kui ka ärikliendid.

Aasta  alguses  oleme  näinud  rahaturgudel  intresside  langustrendi jätkumist,
millest võidavad laenajad ja kaotavad hoiustajad. Kuna Euroopa Keskpanga juhitud
majandust  jahutav  kõrgete  intresside  ajajärk  on  selleks  korraks lõppemas,
kasutavad  hoiustajad  praegu  veel  viimaseid  võimalusi  avada  hea intressiga
tähtajalisi hoiuseid, sest nii häid pakkumisi lähiajal enam oodata ei ole.

Ärilaenude  kõrval näitas jaanuaris korralikku  kasvu kodulaenude portfell, mida
mõjutas  muuhulgas õpetajate toetamiseks mõeldud  kodulaenu pakkumine. Coop Pank
pakub   alates   jaanuarist   üldhariduskoolide   ja   lasteaedade   õpetajatele
soodustingimustel  kodulaenu,  millel  on  madalam intressimarginaal ning lisaks
tasub  pank ka õpetaja  eest laenulepingu tasu  ja esimese aasta kodukindlustuse

Coop Panga põhjalikumad kvartaliaruanded on leitavad aadressil:

Eesti kapitalil põhinev Coop Pank on üks viiest Eestis tegutsevast
universaalpangast. Pangal on 184 900 igapäevapanganduse klienti. Coop Pank
kasutab jaekaubanduse ja panganduse vahel tekkivat sünergiat ning toob
igapäevased pangateenused kodule lähemale. Panga strateegiline omanik on
kodumaine kaubanduskett Coop Eesti, mille müügivõrgustikku kuulub 320 kauplust.

Paavo Truu
Telefon: 5160 231
E-post: (


Coop Pank AS results for January 2024


Coop Pank's financial results in January 2024:

  * In January, number of the bank's clients increased by 2,400 and number of
    active clients decreased by 900. By the end of the month number of clients
    reached 184,900 and number of active clients reached 81,100. Over the year,
    customer base has grown by 23%.
  * Volume of the bank's customer deposits increased by 21 million euros,
    reaching 1.74 billion euros by the end of month. Deposits of corporate
    customers increased by 12 million and deposits of private customers
    increased by 9 million euros. The volume of deposits attracted from
    international platforms remained stable. Over the year, volume of bank
    deposits increased by 15%.
  * The bank's loan portfolio increased by 22 million euros over the month and
    reached 1.51 billion euros by the end of January. Corporate loans increased
    by 17 million euros, home loans by 3 million euros, leasing by 3 million
    euros and consumer financing decreased 1 million euros. Over the year, loan
    portfolio increased by 15%.
  * In January, the loan impairment cost was 0.6 million euros.
  * Compared to the first month of last year, the bank's net income has
    increased by 13% and expenses by 32% during the same period this year.
  * The bank earned net profit of 3 million euros in January, that is 2% more
    than in the same period last year.
  * In January, Coop Pank's return on equity was 18.7% and the cost-income ratio
    was 45%.

Comment by Paavo Truu, Member of the Management Board and CFO of Coop Pank:

"Coop Pank's financial results of January confirm the bank's strong start to the
year: good growth was shown by both the deposit and loan portfolio, in which
both private and business customers contributed.

At the beginning of the year, we have seen a continuation of the downward trend
of interest rates in money markets, this is a win for borrowers and a loss for
depositors. As the era of high interest rates, which is led by the European
Central Bank and cooling the economy, is ending for now, the savers are
currently using the last opportunities to open term deposits with good interest,
because in the near future such good offers are no longer expected.

In addition to corporate loans, the portfolio of home loans showed decent growth
in January, which was influenced, among other things, by the offer of home loans
intended to support teachers. Starting in January, Coop Pank offers home loans
to the teachers of secondary schools and kindergartens on favourable terms with
a lower interest margin, and in addition, the bank pays a loan contract fee for
teachers along with their home insurance premiums for the first year."

More detailed quarterly reports of Coop Pank are available at:

Coop Pank, based on Estonian capital, is one of the five universal banks
operating in Estonia. The number of clients using Coop Pank for their daily
banking reached 184,900. Coop Pank aims to put the synergy generated by the
interaction of retail business and banking to good use and to bring everyday
banking services closer to people's homes. The strategic shareholder of the bank
is the domestic retail chain Coop Eesti, comprising of 320 stores.

Additional information:
Paavo Truu
Phone: +372 5160 231

E-mail: (