Market announcement

EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS


Other corporate action


01.02.2024 08:00:00


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS 2023. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused


Fondijuhi kommentaar

2023. aasta  peamiseks  märksõnaks  kujunes  kiireim intressitõus eurotsooni 25-
aastases  ajaloos.  EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS-i konsolideeritud intressikulu
kasvas  aastatagusega võrreldes EBITDA suhtes  peaaegu kaks korda, omades otsest
mõju  ka fondi vabale  rahavoole. Samas ei  survestanud EURIBORi kasv tänu fondi
konservatiivsele    finantseerimispoliitikale,    investeeringute    stabiilsele
rahavoole,  püsivalt madalale vakantsusele ning klientide heale maksekäitumisele
ühegi alusvara rahavooge üle kriitilise piiri.

Arvestades  fondi tütarettevõtete likviidsuspuhvrit, plaanib juhatus 2024. aasta
kevadisel   üldkoosolekul   teha   aktsionäridele   ettepaneku  tasuda  möödunud
majandusaasta eest netodividendi rohkem kui fondi dividendipoliitika ette näeb -
1,0 eurot  aktsia kohta, mulluse 1,15 euro  asemel. Arvestades EfTEN Real Estate
Fund   AS-i   aktsia  hinda  börsil,  tähendab  see  jätkuvalt  rohkem  kui  5%

EfTEN  Real Estate Fund AS teenis auditeerimata andmetel 2023. aastal 1,0 miljon
eurot  puhaskasumit  (2022:  11,4 miljonit  eurot). Fondi puhaskasumi vähenemine
tuleneb   peamiselt  kinnisvarainvesteeringute  õiglase  väärtuse  ümberhindluse
kahjumist    kogusummas    13,9 miljonit    eurot   (2022.   aastal   sai   fond
kinnisvarainvesteeringute  ümberhindlusest kasumit 3,1 miljon eurot). Oluline on
rõhutada,  et  fondi  varade  allahindlus  on mitterahaline bilansilise väärtuse
muutus,  mis ei mõjuta kuidagi fondi  tegelikke rahavooge ega dividendi maksmise
võimet.  Käesolevad  hindamised  on  tehtud  2023. aasta lõpu seisuga ning seega
kajastavad  endas  rekordkõrget  EURIBORi  taset.  Võib  eeldada,  et  EURIBOR'i
oodatava  languse tulemusel kinnisvarainvesteeringute  õiglane väärtus osaliselt

2024. aastal  võib oodata ärikinnisvara turutrendide muutust. Kiire intressitõus
on  tõenäoliselt minevik ning ees ootab intressimäärade lauge langus. Kuna Balti
majanduste   makrokeskkond   on   jätkuvalt  habras  ning  kaks  aastat  kestnud
majanduslangus on jätkumas, pöörab fondi juhtkond tähelepanu eelkõige üüritulude
juhtimisele ja hoidmisele ning heale koostööle klientidega.

Tänaseks   võib   öelda,   et   kinnisvaraturu   osapooled   on   harjunud   uue
intressikeskkonnaga,  mis on omakorda eelduseks tehinguteturu aktiviseerumiseks.
Juhul  kui  sellised  eeldused  rakenduvad,  teeb juhatus käesoleva aasta teises
pooles aktsionäridele ettepaneku uue aktsiaemissiooni korraldamiseks, et jätkata
fondi kasvustrateegiat.

Majandustulemuste ülevaade

EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS  teenis  2023. aasta  IV kvartalis konsolideeritud
müügitulu  kokku 8,103 miljonit  eurot (2022  IV kvartal: 3,699 miljonit eurot).
Fondi  2023. aasta  konsolideeritud  müügitulu  oli 31,817 miljonit eurot (2022:
14,299 miljonit   eurot),  sisaldades  EfTEN  Kinnisvarafond  AS-ga  ühinemisest
lisandunud  kinnisvarainvesteeringute  müügitulu  summas  16,918 miljonit eurot.
Like-for-like  põhimõttel  arvestatud  müügitulu  kasvas aastatagusega võrreldes

Fondi  konsolideeritud 2023. aasta neto üüritulu (NOI) oli kokku 29,608 miljonit
eurot  (2022: 13,665 miljonit eurot).  Selle aasta neto  üüritulu sisaldas EfTEN
Kinnisvarafond   AS-ga  ühinemisest  lisandunud  kinnisvarainvesteeringute  neto
üüritulu  kogusummas  15,484 miljonit  eurot.  Seega on Like-for-like põhimõttel
arvestatud  NOI  kasvanud  aastatagusega  võrreldes  3,4%. Konsolideeritud  neto
üüritulu   marginaal   oli  sellel  aastal  93% (2022:  96%), seega  moodustasid
kinnistute  haldamisega otseselt seotud kulud (s.h maamaks, kindlustus, hooldus-
ja parenduskulud) ning turustuskulud 7% (2022: 4%) müügitulust.

Kontserni varade maht seisuga 31.12.2023 oli 380,944 miljonit eurot (31.12.2022:
181,956 miljonit eurot), s.h kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglane väärtus moodustas
varade mahust 94%  (31.12.2022: 93%).


2023. aasta     lõpu     seisuga    oli    kontsernil    35 (31.12.2022:    18)
ärikinnisvarainvesteeringut,  mille õiglane  väärtus bilansipäeval  oli 357,916
miljonit eurot (31.12.2022: 168,875 miljonit eurot) ning soetusmaksumus 354,408
miljonit  eurot  (31.12.2022:  151,426 miljonit  eurot). Lisaks kuulub kontserni
ühisettevõttele  hotell  Palace  Tallinnas,  mille  õiglane  väärtus 31.12.2023
seisuga oli 9,0 miljonit eurot.

Ühinemise  järgselt  on  kontserni  kinnisvaraportfell  riikide  lõikes paremini
hajutatud.  Kui 2022. aasta lõpus moodustas  Leedu investeeringute osakaal 60%,
Eesti  25% ja Läti  15% kõikidest kinnisvarainvesteeringutest,  siis 2023. aasta
lõpus oli Leedu osakaal 30%, Eesti investeeringute osakaal 52% ning Läti osakaal
18% kõikidest  investeeringutest. Mahukaimad investeeringud on tehtud kaubanduse
sektorisse (38%), millele järgnevad logistikasektor (30%), büroode sektor (25%),
hooldekodude sektor (3%) ning riiklik sektor ja hotellid (mõlemad 2%).

Kontsern  lõpetas 2023. aasta  suvel Valkla  hooldekodu II  etapi ehituse[MT1] .
Hooldekodusse  investeeriti  kokku  3,860 miljonit  eurot  ning  investeeringult
saadakse  7,5% üüritootlust.  2023. aasta  sügisel  alustati kontsernile kuuluva
kolmanda  hooldekodu - Tartu Südamekodu ehitustegevust. 120-le kliendile rajatav
Tartu  hooldekodu valmib  2024. aastal. Tartu  hooldekodu projekteerimiseks ning
ehituseks investeeris kontsern 2023. aastal kokku 2,674 miljonit eurot.

Valmis üüritulu teenivatesse kinnisvaraprojektidesse investeeris kontsern 2023.
aastal  kokku 3,083 miljonit eurot. Investeeringud olid peamiselt seotud Betooni
6 logistikahoone  laiendusega  kogusummas  1,044 miljonit eurot. Investeeringust
saab kontserni tütarettevõte üüritootlust 8,5% aastas. Suuremaid investeeringuid
tehti 2023. aastal veel Saules Miestas kaubanduskeskuse üldalade renoveerimiseks
(800  tuhat  eurot)  ning  Jurkalne  logistikapargi  parendustöödeks  (561 tuhat


2023. aastal  teenis kontsern  kokku 30,606 miljonit  eurot üüritulu, sisaldades
EfTEN  Kinnisvarafond  AS-ga  ühinemisest  saadud  üüritulu  kogusummas  16,441
miljonit eurot. Võrreldavatel alustel arvestatud üüritulu oli 2023. aastal kokku
13,927 miljonit eurot, mis on 4% rohkem kui 2022. aastal.

2023. aastal  ei teinud  kontserni tütarettevõtted  üürnikele olulistes summades
üüri allahindluseid. Allahindluste konsolideeritud kulu oli kokku 36 tuhat eurot
(0,1%  konsolideeritud  üüritulust)  ning  allahindlused  olid  peamiselt seotud
kokkulepetega RAF Centrs kaubanduskeskuse ning Terbata büroohoone üürnikega.

Kontsernile  kuuluvate kinnisvarainvesteeringute  vakantsus portfelli  kohta oli
31.12.2023 seisuga   madal  -  2,6%. Veidi  suurenenud  vakantsust  oli  märgata
büroohoonete  segmendis (7,8%),  kus vakantsete  üüripindade täitmine  on võtnud
varasemast  rohkem aega. 31.12.2023 seisuga oli  peale ühe üürilepingu lõppemist
2023. aasta    suvel    tavapärasest    suurem    vakantsus    ka   Piepilsetase
logistikakeskuses  (19,1%,  s.o  2554m2), kus  aruande  koostamise hetkel on uue
üürnikuga läbirääkimised pooleli.

Kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglane väärtus

EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS  hindab korraliselt kinnisvarainvesteeringuid kaks
korda  aastas -  30. juuni ja  31. detsembri seisuga. Seoses kinnisvaratehingute
aktiivsuse  languse,  konservatiivsema  üüri  puhastulu  (NOI)  prognooside ning
kõrgenenud  EURIBOR'ga olid 31.12.2023 seisuga Colliers International poolt läbi
viidud  kinnisvarainvesteeringute  turuväärtused  madalamad  kui need olid aasta
tagasi.  Kinnisvarainvesteeringute väärtus  langes 2023. aastal  portfelli peale
kokku  3,9%, sh  vähenes  enim  büroosegmendi  kinnisvarainvesteeringute väärtus


2023. aastal  tõstsid suuremad  keskpangad teist  aastat järjest intresse rohkem
kui turud prognoosisid. Euroalal oodati 2023. aasta alguses, et EURIBOR saavutab
tipu  3,5% tasemel juunis. Tegelikult  tõusid intressid septembris-oktoobris 4%
tasemele.  Sellega seoses  hinnati alla  enamike Euroopa kinnisvaraettevõtete ja
-fondide  varade väärtused ning paljud neist olid sunnitud vähendama või sootuks
peatama   dividendimaksed.  Kõrgeima  finantsvõimenduse  tasemega  Skandinaavias
esines   kinnisvarasektoris   isegi   ebasoodsatel  tingimustel  sundmüüke  ning
laenukohustuste mittetäitmist.

Oktoobris  tipu saavutanud euroala intressid  avaldasid mõju ka kontserni 2023.
aasta   rahavoogudele,   viies   intresside  kattekordaja  (ICR)  peaaegu  poole
madalamaks kui see oli 2022. aastal.

Hoolimata  suuremast intressikulust säilitasid kontserni kõik kinnisvaraobjektid
tänu   madalale  vakantsusele  ning  konservatiivsele  finantseerimispoliitikale
positiivse rahavoo ning mitte ühegi laenu eritingimusi 2023. aastal ei rikutud.

Esmakordselt  viimase kahe  aasta jooksul  on 2024. aastal oodata intressikulude
alanemist. Turgudel hinnatakse, et Euroopa Keskpank (EKP) langetab intresse enam
kui     100 baaspunkti     võrra,     mille     tulemusel    langeb    kontserni
kinnisvarainvesteeringute  soetamiseks  võetud  pangalaenude  intressikulu  ning
paraneb rahavoog.

Järgmise   12 kuu   jooksul  lõppevad  kontserni  kahe  tütarettevõtte  -  EfTEN
Autokeskus  OÜ ning SIA  "EfTEN J?rkalne" laenulepingud,  mille jääk 31.12.2023
seisuga oli 10 825 tuhat eurot. Lõppevate laenulepingute LTV on vastavalt 48% ja
40% ning  kinnisvarainvesteeringud  omavad  stabiilselt  tugevat  üürirahavoogu,
mistõttu  kontserni  juhtkonna  hinnangul  ei  teki  laenulepingute pikendamisel

Kontserni   laenulepingute   kaalutud   keskmine  intressimäär  (s.h  arvestades
intressiswapi  lepinguid) EURIBOR´i tõusu mõjul oli detsembri lõpu seisuga 5,9%
(31.12.2022:  3,7%) ning LTV  (Loan to  Value) 42% (31.12.2022: 40%). Kõik fondi
tütarettevõtete laenulepingud on seotud ujuva intressimääraga.


Bilansipäevaga  01.01.2023 ühines EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS (endise nimega EfTEN
Real  Estate Fund  III AS)  EfTEN Kinnisvarafond  AS-ga. Ühinemise läbiviimiseks
suurendati  EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i aktsiakapitali 57 472 tuhande euro võrra
ning  emiteeriti 5 747 261 uut  aktsiat nimiväärtusega  10 eurot. Aktsiakapitali
suurendamisel  tasuti  aktsiate  eest  täies ulatuses mitterahalise sissemaksega
EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS-le  üleantava  EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS-i kogu vara
arvel,  mille väärtuseks  oli EfTEN  Kinnisvarafond AS-i  EPRA vara puhasväärtus
seisuga 31.12.2022 (125 905 tuhat eurot).

Uued   aktsiad   emiteeriti  EfTEN  Kinnisvarafond  AS-i  kui  ühendatava  fondi
aktsionäridele, kes olid kantud aktsionäride nimekirja seisuga 31.01.2023.

EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS-i  registreeritud  aktsiakapitali  suurus  seisuga
31.12.2023 on    108 198 tuhat    eurot    (31.12.2022:   50 725 tuhat   eurot).
Aktsiakapital koosnes 10 819 796 aktsiast (31.12.2022: 5 072 535) nimiväärtusega
10 eurot (31.12.2022: sama).

EfTEN  Real Estate Fund  AS-i aktsia puhasväärtus  seisuga 31.12.2023 oli 20,21
eurot (31.12.2022: 20,55 eurot). EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i aktsia puhasväärtus
langes  2023. aasta  jooksul  1,7%. Fondi  aktsia  puhasväärtus langes peamiselt
kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglase väärtuse muutuse tulemusel.

2023. aasta  mais maksis fond 2022. aasta  kasumist dividende kogusummas 12,471
miljonit  eurot  (2022  aasta  mais:  4,058 miljonit  eurot).  Ilma  dividendide
maksmiseta oleks fondi aktsia puhasväärtus 2023. aasta jooksul kasvanud 4,1%.

2023. aasta  jooksul on  kontsern teeninud  vaba rahavoogu 11,314 miljonit eurot
(2022: 6,182 miljonit eurot), millest vastavalt fondi dividendipoliitikale oleks
võimalik brutodividendideks arvestada 9,051 miljonit eurot (2022: 4,946 miljonit
eurot).   Arvestades   fondi  tütarettevõtete  laenu  eritingimustest  tulenevat
minimaalse  raha jäägi  hoidmise kohustust  ning lühiajalist likviidsusvajadust,
samuti  aga ka  fondi tütarettevõtete  SIA "EfTEN  J?rkalne", EfTEN  SPV15 OÜ ja
Saules Miestas UAB laenulepingutest tulenevalt laenusumma suurendamise võimalust
2,166 miljoni  euro võrra, teeb fondi juhatus nõukogule ettepaneku maksta 2023.
aasta  eest dividende  rohkem kui  dividendipoliitika ette  näeb - kokku 10,820
miljonit eurot (1 euro aktsia kohta).


                                                     IV kvartal     12 kuud
                                                      2023  2022    2023   2022
 EUR tuhandetes
 Müügitulu                                           8 103 3 699  31 817 14 299
 Müüdud teenuste kulu                                 -506   -56  -1 626   -267
 Brutokasum                                          7 597 3 643  30 191 14 032

 Turustuskulud                                        -190  -113    -583   -367
 Üldhalduskulud                                       -978  -525  -3 546 -1 916
 Kasum / kahjum kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglase
 väärtuse muutusest                                 -7 759  -582 -13 941  3 119
 Muud äritulud ja -kulud                                -2   -25      21     23
 Ärikasum                                           -1 332 2 398  12 142 14 891

 Kasum / kahjum ühisettevõtetest                      -474     0    -499      0
 Intressitulud                                          87     0     184      0
 Muud finantstulud ja -kulud                        -2 277  -582  -7 970 -1 680
 Kasum enne tulumaksu                               -3 996 1 816   3 857 13 211

 Tulumaksukulu                                      -1 884  -617  -2 857 -1 803
 Aruandeperioodi koondkasum kokku                   -5 880 1 199   1 000 11 408
 Kasum aktsia kohta
 - tava                                              -0,54  0,24    0,09   2,25
 - lahustatud                                        -0,54  0,24    0,09   2,25


                                    31.12.2023   31.12.2022
  EUR tuhandetes
  Raha ja raha ekvivalendid             14 712       11 331
  Lühiajalised hoiused                   3 400            0
  Nõuded ja viitlaekumised               2 360        1 522
  Ettemakstud kulud                        106           49
  Käibevara kokku                       20 578       12 902

  Pikaajalised nõuded                      214           61
  Ühisettevõtete osad                    2 078            0
  Kinnisvarainvesteeringud             357 916      168 875
  Materiaalne põhivara                     158          116
  Immateriaalne põhivara                     0            2
  Põhivara kokku                       360 366      169 054
  VARAD KOKKU                          380 944      181 956

  Laenukohustused                       16 907       22 058
  Võlad ja ettemaksed                    3 417        1 461
  Lühiajalised kohustused kokku         20 324       23 519

  Laenukohustused                      130 849       45 917
  Muud pikaajalised võlad                1 790        1 008
  Edasilükkunud tulumaksukohustus        9 283        7 248
  Pikaajalised kohustused kokku        141 922       54 173
  Kohustused kokku                     162 246       77 692

  Aktsiakapital                        108 198       50 725
  Ülekurss                              84 721       16 288
  Kohustuslik reservkapital              2 749        2 149
  Jaotamata kasum                       23 030       35 102
  Omakapital kokku                     218 698      104 264
  KOHUSTUSED JA OMAKAPITAL KOKKU       380 944      181 956

Marilin Hein
Tel. 6559 515
E-mail: (


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS unaudited results for 4th quarter and 12 months 2023


The  main keyword for 2023 was the fastest interest rate increase in the 25-year
history  of the Eurozone. The consolidated interest expense of EfTEN Real Estate
Fund  AS increased almost  twice compared to  a year ago  in relation to EBITDA,
having  a direct impact on the Fund's free  cash flow as well. At the same time,
thanks to the conservative financing policy of the Fund, the stable cash flow of
investments,  the permanently low vacancy rate  and the good payment behavior of
customers,  the growth of EURIBOR did not pressure  the cash flows of any of the
underlying assets above the critical limit.

Considering  the  liquidity  buffer  of  the Fund's subsidiaries, the Management
Board plans to propose to the shareholders at the 2024 spring general meeting to
pay  a net dividend  for the past  financial year more  than the Fund's dividend
policy  stipulates  -  1.0 euros  per  share,  instead  of 1.15 euros last year.
Considering  the share price of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS on the stock exchange,
this still means a dividend yield of more than 5%.

According  to unaudited data, EfTEN  Real Estate Fund AS  earned a net profit of
1.0 million euros in 2023 (2022: 11.4 million euros). The decrease in the Fund's
net profit is mainly due to the loss of the fair value revaluation of investment
properties in the total amount of 13.9 million euros (in 2022, the Fund received
a profit of 3.1 million euros from the revaluation of investment properties). It
is  important to emphasize  that the write-down  of the Fund's  assets is a non-
monetary  change in the balance sheet value,  which in no way affects the Fund's
actual  cash flows or ability to pay dividends. These evaluations have been made
as  of the end of 2023 and  thus reflect a record high  EURIBOR level. It can be
assumed  that  the  fair  value  of  investment  property will partially recover
because of the expected drop in EURIBOR.

In 2024, a change in commercial real estate market trends can be expected. Rapid
interest  rate hikes are likely to be a  thing of the past, and a gentle decline
in  interest rates is  ahead. As the  macro environment of  the Baltic economies
continues  to  be  fragile  and  the  two-year economic recession continues, the
Fund's  management pays attention primarily to the management and maintenance of
rental income and good cooperation with clients.

Today, it can be said that the parties in the real estate market are used to the
new  interest environment, which in turn is a prerequisite for the activation of
the  transaction market.  If such  assumptions are  implemented, the  board will
propose  to shareholders in the second half of this year to organize a new share
issue in order to continue the Fund's growth strategy.

Financial overview

In  the fourth  quarter of  2023, EfTEN Real  Estate Fund  AS earned  a total of
8.103 million  euros in consolidated sales  revenue (2022 fourth quarter: 3.699
million  euros). The consolidated sales revenue  of the fund in 2023 was 31.817
million  euros (2022: 14.299 million euros), including the sales revenue of real
estate  investments added  from the  merger with  EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS in the
amount  of  16.918 million  euros.  Sales  revenue calculated on a like-for-like
basis increased by 4.2% compared to a year ago.

The  consolidated  net  rental  income  (NOI)  of  the Fund for the year 2023 is
29.608 million euros (2022: 13.665 million euros). This year's net rental income
includes  the net rental  income from investment  properties added by the merger
with  EfTEN  Kinnisvarafond  AS  in  the  total  amount of 15.484 million euros.
Therefore, NOI calculated on the like-for-like basis has also increased by 3.4%
compared to a year ago. The consolidated net rental income margin was 93% (2022:
96%) this year, so costs directly related to property management (including land
tax,  insurance,  maintenance  and  improvement  costs)  and  distribution costs
constituted 7% (2022: 4%) of sales income.
The  volume of  the group's  assets as  of 31.12.2023 was  380.944 million euros
(31.12.2022: 181.956 million euros), incl. the fair value of investment property
made up 94% of the volume of assets (31.12.2022: 93%)

 Investment portfolio

At  the end of  the year, the  Group has 35 (31.12.2022: 18) commercial property
investments with a fair value at the balance sheet date of 357.916 million euros
(31.12.2022:  168.875 million euros) and an  acquisition cost of 354.408 million
euros  (31.12.2022:  151.426 million  euros).  In  addition,  the  Group's joint
venture  owns  the  Palace  hotel  in  Tallinn,  the  fair  value of which as of
31.12.2023 was 9.0 million euros.

After  the  merger,  the  group's  investment  portfolio is better spread across
countries  - if  at the  end of  2022 the share  of investments in Lithuania was
60%, Estonia 25% and Latvia 15% of all investment properties, then at the end of
2023 the  share of  Lithuania will  be 30%, the  share of investments in Estonia
52% and  Latvia share  of 18% of  all investments.  The largest investments have
been made in the trade sector (38%), followed by the logistics sector (30%), the
office  sector (25%), the nursing  home sector (3%) and  the National sector and
hotels (both 2%).

The  Group completed the construction  of the Valkla care  home in the summer of
2023. A  total of 3.860 million  euros were invested  in the care  home, and the
investment  yields a rental yield of 7.5%. In the fall of 2023, the construction
of  the third care home  belonging to the Group  - Tartu Südamekodu - began. The
Tartu  care home for  120 clients will be  completed in 2024. In 2023, the Group
invested  a total of 2.674 million euros for  the design and construction of the
Tartu care home.

In 2023, the Group invested a total of 3.083 million euros in real estate
projects generating rental income. The investments were mainly related to the
expansion of the Betoon 6 logistics building in the total amount of 1.044
million euros. The subsidiary of the group receives a rental yield of 8.5% per
year from the investment. Larger investments were made in 2023 also for the
renovation of the general areas of the Saules Miestas shopping center (800
thousand euros) and for the improvement of the Jurkalne logistics park (561
thousand euros).

Rental income

In  2023, the  Group  earned  a  total  rental  income  of 30.606 million euros,
including  rental income  from the  merger with  EfTEN Kinnisvarafond  AS in the
total  amount  of  16.441 million  euros.  The  rental  income  calculated  on a
comparable  basis  was  a  total  13.927 million  euros  in 2023, which is a 4%
increase compared to 2022.

In  2023, the Group's subsidiaries  did not offer  significant rent discounts to
tenants.  The consolidated  cost of  discounts was  a total of 36 thousand euros
(0.1%  of the consolidated rental income), and the discounts were mainly related
to  the tenants of  the RAF Centrs  shopping center and  Terbata office building

As  of 31.12.2023, the vacancy of investment property belonging to the Group per
portfolio was low - 2.6%. A slightly increased vacancy can be seen in the office
buildings  segment  (7.8%),  where  it  takes  longer than before to fill vacant
rental  premises. As  of 31.12.2023, after  the expiration  of one  lease in the
summer  of 2023, the Piepilsetas logistics center also has a larger vacancy than
usual  (19.1%, i.e. 2554m2), where negotiations with a new tenant are ongoing at
the time of writing the report.

Fair value of investment properties

EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS regularly evaluates investment properties twice a year
-  in June  and December.  Due to  the decrease  in the  activity of real estate
transactions,  more  conservative  net  rental  income  (NOI)  forecasts and the
increased  EURIBOR, the  market values  of investment  properties carried out by
Colliers  International as of 31.12.2023 are lower than they were a year ago. In
2023, the  value  of  investment  properties  fell  by  a  total  of 3.9% on the
portfolio,  including the  value of  investment property  in the  office segment


In  2023, for the second year in a  row, the major central banks raised interest
rates  more than the markets had forecast. In the euro area, at the beginning of
2023, EURIBOR was expected to peak at 3.5% in June. In fact, interest rates rose
to  4% in September-October. As a result, the asset values of most European real
estate companies and funds were devalued, and many of them were forced to reduce
or  stop dividend payments altogether. In Scandinavia, with the highest level of
financial  leverage,  forced  sales  and  non-fulfillment  of  loan  obligations
occurred in the real estate sector even under unfavorable conditions.

Eurozone  interest rates,  which peaked  in October,  also had  an impact on the
group's cash flows in 2023, bringing the interest coverage ratio (ICR) to almost
half of what it was in 2022.

Despite  the  higher  interest  expense,  all  real  estate objects of the group
maintained  a positive cash  flow due to  low vacancy and conservative financing
policy, and the special conditions of no loan were violated in 2023.

For  the first time in the two years, interest costs are expected to decrease in
2024. The  markets  estimate  that  the  European  Central Bank (ECB) will lower
interest rates by more than 100 basis points, because of which the interest cost
of bank loans taken for the acquisition of investment property of the Group will
decrease and the cash flow will improve.

Within the next 12 months, the loan agreements of the group's two subsidiaries -
ABC  Motors  Autokeskus  and  Jurkalne  logistics  park,  whose  balance  as  of
31.12.2023 is  10,825 thousand euros, will expire. The  LTV of the expiring loan
agreements  is  48% and  40%, respectively,  and  the investment property have a
stable  and  strong  rental  cash  flow,  therefore,  according  to  the Group's
management, there are no obstacles in the extension of the loan agreements.

As  of the end  of December, the  weighted average interest  rate of the Group's
loan agreements (including interest rate swap agreements) due to the increase in
EURIBOR  is  5.9% (31.12.2022:  3.7%) and  the  LTV  (Loan  to  Value)  is  42%
(31.12.2022:  40%). All loan agreements of the fund's subsidiaries are linked to
a floating interest rate.

Information on shares

On  the balance  sheet date  of 01.01.2023, EfTEN  Real Estate Fund AS (formerly
EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS) merged with EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS. To carry out
the  merger, the  share capital  of EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS was increased by
57,472 thousand  euros and 5,747,261 new shares with a nominal value of 10 euros
were issued. When increasing the share capital, the shares were paid for in full
with  a non-monetary contribution at  the expense of the  entire assets of EfTEN
Kinnisvarafond  AS, which  were transferred  to EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS, the
value  of which was the net value of  the EPRA assets of EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS
as of 31.12.2022 (125,905 thousand euros).

According   to  the  merger  agreement,  the  new  shares  were  issued  to  the
shareholders of EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS as the merging fund, who were entered in
the list of shareholders as of 31.01.2023.

The  registered share capital of  EfTEN Real Estate Fund  AS as of 31.12.2023 is
108,198 thousand  euros (31.12.2022:  50,725 thousand euros).  The share capital
consisted  of 10,819,796 shares (31.12.2022: 5,072,535) with  a nominal value of
10 euros (31.12.2022: the same).

The  net value of  the share of  EfTEN Real Estate  Fund AS as of 31.12.2023 was
20.21 euros  (31.12.2022: 20.55 euros). The net value  of EfTEN Real Estate Fund
AS  shares fell by 1.7% during 2023. The net value of the Fund's share decreased
mainly as a result of the change in the fair value of investment property.

In May 2023, the Fund paid dividends from the 2022 profit in the total amount of
12.471 million  euros (May  2022: 4.058 million euros).  Without the  payment of
dividends,  the net  value of  the Fund's  shares would  have increased by 4.1%
during 2023.

During  2023, the  Group  has  earned  a  free cash flow of 11.314 million euros
(2022:  6.182 million euros), of which, according to the Fund's dividend policy,
9.051 million  euros (2022:  4.946 million euros)  could be  considered as gross
dividends. Taking into account the obligation to keep a minimum cash balance and
the  short-term need for  liquidity arising from  the special loan conditions of
the  Fund's  subsidiaries,  as  well  as  the possibility of increasing the loan
amount  by  2.166 million  euros  due  to  the  loan  agreement  of  the  Fund's
subsidiaries  EfTEN Jurkalnes  SIA, EfTEN  SPV15 OÜ  and Saules Miestas UAB, the
Management  Board of the Fund  proposes to the Supervisory  Board to pay for the
year  2023 dividends  more  than  the  dividend  policy  stipulates - a total of
10.820 million euros (1 euro per share).


                                                    4th quarter    12 months
                                                      2023  2022    2023   2022
 EUR thousands
 Revenue                                             8,103 3,699  31,817 14,299
 Cost of services sold                                -506   -56  -1,626   -267
 Gross profit                                        7,597 3,643  30,191 14,032

 Marketing costs                                      -190  -113    -583   -367
 General and administrative expenses                  -978  -525  -3,546 -1,916
 Gain / loss from valuation of investment
 properties                                         -7,759  -582 -13,941  3,119
 Other operating income and expense                     -2   -25      21     23
 Operating profit/loss                              -1,332 2,398  12,142 14,891

 Profit / loss from joint ventures                    -474     0    -499      0
 Interest income                                        87     0     184      0
 Other finance income and expense                   -2,277  -582  -7,970 -1,680
 Profit/loss before income tax                      -3,996 1,816   3,857 13,211

 Income tax expense                                 -1,884  -617  -2,857 -1,803
 Net comprehensive profit/loss for the reporting
 period                                             -5,880 1,199   1,000 11,408
 Earnings per share
 - basic                                             -0.54  0.24    0.09   2.25
 - diluted                                           -0.54  0.24    0.09   2.25


                                   31.12.2023   31.12.2022
  EUR thousands
  Cash and cash equivalents            14,712       11,331
  Short-term deposits                   3,400            0
  Receivables and accrued income        2,360        1,522
  Prepaid expenses                        106           49
  Total current assets                 20,578       12,902

  Long-term receivables                   214           61
  Shares in joint ventures              2,078            0
  Investment property                 357,916      168,875
  Property. plant and equipment           158          116
  Intangible assets                         0            2
  Total non-current assets            360,366      169,054
  TOTAL ASSETS                        380,944      181,956

  Borrowings                           16,907       22,058
  Liabilities and prepayments           3,417        1,461
  Total current liabilities            20,324       23,519

  Borrowings                          130,849       45,917
  Other long-term liabilities           1,790        1,008
  Deferred income tax liability         9,283        7,248
  Total non-current liabilities       141,922       54,173
  Total liabilities                   162,246       77,692

  Share capital                       108,198       50,725
  Share premium                        84,721       16,288
  Statutory reserve capital             2,749        2,149
  Retained earnings                    23,030       35,102
  Total equity                        218,698      104,264
  TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY        380,944      181,956

Marilin Hein
Phone +372 6559 515
E-mail: (