Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Other corporate action


31.01.2024 09:00:00


Arco Vara kasumiprognoosi muutus


2023. aasta algusest avalikustab Arco Vara kvartaliaruannetes järgnevate
kvartalite käibe ning kasumi prognoosi. 2023. aasta III kvartalis projekteeriti
2023. aasta käibeks 18,2 miljon eurot ning kasumiks 2,7 miljon eurot.

Käesoleva teatega grupp uuendab oma 2023. aasta kasumiprognoosi ning uueks
2023. aasta kasumiks prognoositakse 3,6 miljon eurot. Käibes olulisi muutuseid
ei ole - kasumi kasv tuleneb eelarvest madalamaks kujunenud kuludest. Võidust
enamuse moodustas Rannakalda arenduse lõpliku ehitushinna jäämine planeeritust
soodsamale tasemele ning kokkuhoidu leiti ka ettevõtte üldkuludes.

Tegemist on auditeerimata andmetega. Auditeeritud 2023. aasta aruanne
avalikustatakse 4. aprillil 2024. aastal.

Tiina Malm
Arco Vara AS
Tel: +372 614 4630


Change in Arco Vara’s profit forecast


From the beginning of 2023, Arco Vara is disclosing turnover and profit forecast
for the following quarters in its quarterly reports. In the Q3 2023, the
turnover for 2023 was projected to achieve 18.2 million euros and the profit to
be 2.7 million euros.

With this announcement, the group updates its profit prediction for 2023, with
the forecasted profit being 3.6 million euros. There are no significant changes
in turnover - the increase of profit is due to lower expenses than budgeted.
Most of the gain was due to the final construction price of the Rannakalda
development being favorable than planned, and savings were also found in the
company's operating expenses.

This information is unaudited. The audited 2023 report will be published on
April 4, 2024.

Tiina Malm
Arco Vara AS
+372 614 4630