Market announcement



Other corporate action


17.01.2024 16:38:42


AS Infortar aktsiakapitali suurendamise registreerimine ja uute aktsiate esimene kauplemispäev


AS  Infortar viis perioodil 28. november  2023 - 7. detsember 2023 läbi aktsiate
avaliku  pakkumise, millele järgnes aktsiate noteerimine ja kauplemisele võtmine
Nasdaq  Tallinna  Börsi  põhinimekirjas.  Aktsiate  avaliku  pakkumise arvelduse
hõlbustamiseks  kasutati aktsiate laenamise struktuuri, mida on kirjeldatud AS-i
Infortar   esmase   avaliku  pakkumise  prospektis,  mis  on  kättesaadav  siin: Swedbank       AS-il
(Stabilisatsiooni  Korraldaja) oli  õigus, kooskõlastatult  pakkumise korraldaja
AS-iga LHV Pank, jaotada investoritele, vastavalt AS-i Infortar poolt otsustatud
avaliku  pakkumise  jaotusele,  täiendavalt  kuni 180 000 aktsiat (Ülejaotatavad
Aktsiad).  Avaliku  pakkumise  raames  otsustati  jaotada  160 000 Ülejaotatavat

Laenatud  aktsiate tagastamiseks  AS-i Infortar  aktsionärile OÜ-le Abante viidi
läbi   AS-i   Infortar  aktsiakapitali  suurendamine  12 123,90 euro  võrra  ehk
2 104 500 eurolt   2 116 623,90 euroni,   mille  käigus  emiteeris  AS  Infortar
Stabilisatsiooni  Korraldajale  Swedbank  AS-ile  121 239 uut  aktsiat.  Aktsiad
emiteeriti hinnaga 26,00 eurot aktsia kohta ning Swedbank AS tasus aktsiate eest
AS-ile Infortar rahalise sissemaksena 3 152 214 eurot.

AS-i  Infortar aktsiakapitali  suurendamine kanti  äriregistrisse täna,  st 17.
jaanuaril  2024, ja  aktsiakapitali  uueks  suuruseks on 2 116 623,90 eurot, mis
jaguneb 21 166 239 lihtaktsiaks nimiväärtusega 10 senti.

AS-i  Infortar uute  aktsiatega kauplemine  Nasdaq Tallinna Börsi põhinimekirjas
algab 22. jaanuaril 2024.

Infortar tegutseb   viies   riigis,   ettevõtte  peamised  tegevusvaldkonnad  on
energeetika,  laevandus ja  kinnisvara. Infortar  omab ligi 42 protsendi suurust
osalust  AS-is Tallink Grupp, 100% osalust AS-is Eesti Gaas ning mitmekülgset ja
kaasaegset,   ca   100 000 m2   suurust   kinnisvaraportfelli.   Lisaks  kolmele
põhitegevusvaldkonnale  tegutseb Infortar  ka ehituse  ja maavarade, trükkimise,
taksonduse  ja  muudes  valdkondades.  Kokku  kuulub  Infortari  kontserni  104
ettevõtet:  48 kontserni tütarettevõtet,  5 sidusettevõtet ja 50 sidusettevõtete
tütarettevõtet. Arvestamata sidusettevõtteid annab Infortar tööd 1333 inimesele.

Kadri Laanvee
investorsuhete juht
+372 5156662 (


Registration of the increase of AS Infortar share capital and first trading day of new shares


AS Infortar conducted the initial public offering of its shares from 28 November
2023 to 7 December 2023 that was followed by listing and admission to trading of
its  shares at the main  list of Nasdaq Tallinn  Stock Exchange. To simplify the
settlement  procedure of  the public  offering of  shares, a  loan structure was
used.  This  is  described  in  detail  in  the prospectus of the initial public
offering      of      AS      Infortar      that     is     accessible     here: Swedbank   AS   (the
Stabilising  Arranger) had  the right  to, in  consultation with arranger of the
offering  AS LHV Pank, pursuant to the allocation of the public offering decided
by AS Infortar, allocate to the investors additionally up to 180,000 shares (the
Overallotment  Shares). In the course of the  public offering, it was decided to
allocate 160,000 Overallotment Shares.

To  return the borrowed shares to the  shareholder of AS Infortar OÜ Abante, the
increase  of the share capital of  AS Infortar by 12,123.90 euro from 2,104,500
euro  to 2,116,623.90 euro was conducted, during which AS Infortar issued to the
Stabilising Arranger, Swedbank AS, 121,239 new shares. The shares were issued at
the price of 26.00 euro per share and Swedbank AS paid to AS Infortar 3,152,214
euro as a monetary contribution.

The  increase of the share capital of AS Infortar was registered in the Estonian
Commercial  Register today, on 17 January 2024, and  the new amount of the share
capital  is 2,116,623.90 euro  that is  divided into  21,166,239 ordinary shares
with the nominal value of 10 euro cents.

Trading  with the new shares  of AS Infortar shall  commence at the main list of
Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange on 22 January 2024.

Infortar  operates in five countries, the  company's main fields of activity are
energy, shipping and real estate. Infortar owns a 42% stake in AS Tallink Grupp,
a  100% stake in AS Eesti Gaas and  a versatile and modern real estate portfolio
of approx. 100,000 m2. In addition to the three main areas of activity, Infortar
also operates in construction and mineral resources, printing, taxi business and
other  areas.  A  total  of  104 companies  belong  to  the  Infortar group: 48
subsidiaries,   5 affiliated   companies   and   50 subsidiaries  of  affiliated
companies. Excluding affiliates, Infortar employs 1,333 people.

Kadri Laanvee
Investor Relations Manager
+372 5156662 (