Market announcement

AS Harju Elekter Group


Other corporate action


16.01.2024 15:26:49


Harju Elekter kontserni Rootsi tütarettevõtete ühinemine kanti äriregistrisse


AS       Harju       Elekter       Group      avaldas      16.12.2022 börsiteate
et), milles teatas muuhulgas kavatsusest ühendada LC Development Fastigheter 17
AB,  Harju Elekter AB  tehase haldamisega tegeleva tütarettevõtte, Harju Elekter
Services  AB-ga.  15.01.2024 saime  kinnituse  LC  Development Fastigheter 17 AB
ühendamisest Harju Elekter Services AB-ga.

Harju Elekter Services AB on AS-i Harju Elekter Group tütarettevõte, mis tegeleb
Rootsis  Harju Elektri tööstuskinnisvara  haldamisega. Kontsern järgib põhimõtet
hoida  tootmistegevus ja kinnisvarahaldus eraldi ettevõtetes. Ettevõtte nõukokku
kuuluvad  Aron Kuhi-Thalfeldt (esimees), Tiit Atso,  Priit Treial, Tiit Luman ja
Erko Lepa ning tegevjuht on Martin Frank (Harju Elekter AB tegevjuht).

Harju  Elekter on  rahvusvaheline tööstuskontsern,  millel on  laialdane kogemus
kestlike  elektrijaotuslahenduste pakkumisel. Harju  Elekter Grupp projekteerib,
toodab     ja    paigaldab    elektriseadmeid    energeetika-,    tööstus-    ja
taristuettevõtetele  ning avalikele ja ärihoonetele.  Grupi Eesti, Soome, Rootsi
ja  Leedu  üksustes  töötab  ligikaudu  1000 töötajat ning kontserni 2023. aasta
üheksa kuu müügitulu oli 158 miljonit eurot.

Tiit Atso
Juhatuse esimees
+372 674 7400

Aron Kuhi-Thalfeldt
Kinnisvara üksuse juht, juhatuse liige
+372 5171448

Marit Tack
+372 5340 8444
E-mail: (


The merger of Harju Elekter Group’s Swedish subsidiaries was registered in the business register


AS    Harju    Elekter   Group   published   a   stock   exchange   announcement
en)  on 16.12.2022, in which it announced,  among other things, its intention to
merge  LC  Development  Fastigheter  17 AB,  a  subsidiary  of  Harju Elekter AB
involved  in factory management, with Harju Elekter Services AB. On 15.01.2024,
we  received confirmation of the merger of LC Development Fastigheter 17 AB with
Harju Elekter Services AB.

Harju  Elekter Services  AB is  a subsidiary  of AS  Harju Elekter  Group, which
manages  Harju Elekter's industrial real estate in Sweden. The Group follows the
principle  of keeping production activities  and property management in separate
companies.  The company's  board includes  Aron Kuhi-Thalfeldt  (chairman), Tiit
Atso,  Priit Treial, Tiit Luman, and Erko Lepa, and the CEO is Martin Frank (CEO
of Harju Elekter AB).

Harju  Elekter is an international industrial group with extensive experience in
providing future proof solutions for electrical power distribution. We engineer,
manufacture,  and install  electrification solutions  for utilities, industries,
infrastructure,  public and commercial buildings.  The entities of Harju Elekter
Group  in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, and Lithuania employ around 1000 people, and
the Group's revenue for the first three quarters of 2023 was 158 million euros.

Tiit Atso
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 674 7400

Additional information:
Aron Kuhi-Thalfeldt
Chief of Real Estate
+372 5171448

Prepared by:
Marit Tack
Corporate Communications Manager
+372 5340 8444
E-mail: (