Market announcement

EfTEN United Property Fund / EFTEN Capital AS


Management interim statement or quarterly financial report


29.12.2023 08:15:00


EfTEN United Property Fund osaku puhasväärtus seisuga 30.11.2023


EfTEN  United Property Fund  osaku puhasväärtus (NAV)  oli novembri lõpus 10,66
eurot, kasvades kuuga 0,4%. Kui fondi investeeringut EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i
aktsiatesse  kajastada selle  puhasväärtuse alusel,  oleks EfTEN United Property
Fund'i  NAV olnud novembri lõpu seisuga 10,85 eurot, kasvades kuuga samuti 0,4%

Detsembris    anti   fondi   kinnisvaraarenduse   investeeringus   Uus-Järveküla
elurajoonis  klientidele  üle  esimesed  6 ridamaja (sõlmiti asjaõiguslepingud).
Kokku   on   esimesest   ehitusetapist   müüdud  50 ridamaja,  mille  üleandmine
klientidele  toimub  suuremas  osas  2024. aasta  jaanuaris ja veebruaris. Teise
etapi  raames valmib 16 paarismaja ja 14 ridamaja. Nendest on tänaseks klientide
poolt  broneeritud  pooled  ning  ehitustöödega  on  plaanis  alustada eeloleval
kevadel.  Detsembri  lõpus  sõlmis  elurajooni  arendav  Uus-Järveküla  OÜ teise
ehitusetapi  elamute ja  taristu rahastamiseks  laenulepingu Coop Pangaga summas
6,435 miljonit eurot.

Detailsem  EfTEN  United  Property  Fund  portfelli  ülevaade  on  leitav  fondi

Kristjan Tamla
Tel: 655 9515
E-post: (


Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 30.11.2023


The  net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN  United Property Fund was 10.66 euros at the
end  of November, increasing by 0.4% over the month. If the fund's investment in
the  of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares is  valued on the NAV basis, the NAV of
EfTEN United Property Fund would have been 10.85 euros, increasing also by 0.4%.

In  December, in the Uus-Järveküla residential development, the first 6 terraced
houses  were handed over to clients (property right contracts were concluded). A
total  of  50 semi-detached  houses  have  been  sold from the first development
stage.  Most of  those will  be handed  over to  clients in January and February
2024. As  part  of  the  second  stage,  16 semi-detached houses and 14 terraced
houses  will be  built. Half  of them  have been  booked by clients to date, and
construction  work  is  planned  to  start  in  the coming spring. At the end of
December  the  residential  district  developer  Uus-Järveküla  OÜ signed a loan
agreement  with Coop Bank in  the amount of 6,435 mio  EUR to finance the second
stage construction of residential buildings and infrastructure.

A  more detailed overview of EfTEN United Property Fund's portfolio can be found
on the fund's website:

Kristjan Tamla
Managing Director
Phone 655 9515
E-mail: (