Market announcement



Other price sensitive information


28.12.2023 19:37:17


Stock market quotes of FON SE - current market situation


The Management Board of FON SE, with reference to current report No. 12/2023 of 11/12/2023 informs that on 20/12/2023 the Company submitted appropriate documents to the National Depository for Securities for the conditional registration of 140 625 000 shares resulting from the bonus issue registered on 20/12/2023 by the register of commercial companies (Ariregister) appropriate under Estonian law.

Immediately after the National Depository for Securities issues a relevant resolution on the above subject, the Company will submit an appropriate application to the Warsaw Stock Exchange for admission to trading of 140 625 000 shares from the bonus issue.

The planned date of admission of the shares is approximately the second half of January 2024. The Issuer requests to admit to trading the requested bonus shares as soon as possible.

Therefore, the Company's Management Board once again appeals for carefull investment decisions, especially in the context of the soon admission of new issue shares to trading.

At the same time, the Management Board indicates that the Issuer's parent company, Patro Invest OU, has undertaken stabilization activities by selling the Issuer's shares on the WSE in order to stabilize the Issuer's price (770 000 shares were sold). However, the number of the Issuer's shares admitted to trading held by the parent company currently amounts to 40 000 pcs (quantity as of 17:06 on 28/12/2023), which may be an insufficient quantity for further stabilization of the price on the stock exchange. Therefore, the Management Board appeals to investors to make more thoughtful purchases, as the current situation threatens further uncontrolled price increases.