Market announcement

Bigbank AS


Other price sensitive information


22.12.2023 18:00:00


Bigbank AS sai Eesti Pangalt trahvi


Eesti  Pank  väljastas  22.12.2023 Bigbank  AS-ile teate seonduvalt kohustusliku
reservi  nõude  rikkumisega  ning  määras  trahvi  summas 10 430.53 eurot. Teate
kohaselt  oli  Bigbank  AS  reservikonto  keskmine  jääk hoidmisperioodil alates
01.11.2023 kuni  19.12.2023 kohustusliku  reservi  nõudest  väiksem.  Bigbank AS
nõustub teavituses edastatud märkusega.

Bigbank  AS juhatuse esimehe Martin Länts  sõnul oli rikkumise põhjuseks inimlik
eksimus.   ?Reservi   mahu   jälgimisel   tehti  inimlik  eksimus.  Oleme  selle
lahendamiseks  ja  edaspidiseks  vältimiseks  viinud  protsessi sisse täiendavad
järelkontrolli  tegevused. Samuti oleme vaatamas üle kogu reservi mahu jälgimise
töövoogu  eesmärgiga  viia  inimlike  eksituste esinemise tõenäosus miinimumini.
Pean  oluliseks  lisada,  et  käesolev  sündmus  ei  ole  kuidagi  seotud  panga
likviidsusega   -   Bigbank  AS  omab  märkimisväärset  likviidsuspuhvrit  Eesti
keskpangas ja täidab kõiki likviidsuse nõudeid varuga."

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank (http://www.bigbank).ee) on Eesti kapitalil põhinev era-
ja  äriklientide  laenudele  ja  hoiustele  keskendunud  pank,  millel on lisaks
tegevusele  Eestis filiaalid Soomes,  Rootsis, Lätis, Leedus  ja Bulgaarias ning
mis  pakub piiriülese teenusena oma tooteid ka Austrias, Saksamaal ja Hollandis.
Bigbanki bilansimaht ületab 2 miljardit eurot.

Martin Länts
Juhatuse esimees


Bigbank AS received a fine from Eesti Pank


Eesti  Pank issued  a notice  to Bigbank  AS on  22 of December 2023 regarding a
violation  of the mandatory reserve requirement and imposed a fine of 10,430.53
euros.  According to  the notice,  the average  balance of  Bigbank AS's reserve
account  during the holding  period from 01.11.2023 to  19.12.2023 was below the
mandatory reserve requirement. Bigbank AS agrees with the remark provided in the

According  to  Martin  Länts,  the  Chairman  of  the  Board  of Bigbank AS, the
violation  regarding monitoring the reserve volume was  due to a human error. "A
human  mistake was made in monitoring the reserve volume. To address and prevent
this in the future, we have implemented additional post-control measures. We are
also  reviewing the entire  workflow for monitoring  the reserve volume with the
aim of minimizing the likelihood of human errors. I consider it important to add
that  this event has nothing to do with  the bank's liquidity - Bigbank AS has a
significant   liquidity   buffer  at  Eesti  Pank  and  fulfills  all  liquidity
requirements with a margin."

Bigbank  AS ( is  based on Estonian  capital and focuses on loans
and  deposits for private and corporate customers. In addition to its activities
in  Estonia,  Bigbank  has  branches  in  Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and
Bulgaria  and also  offers its  products as  a cross-border  service in Austria,
Germany  and the  Netherlands. Bigbank's  total balance  sheet exceeds 2 billion

Additional information:

Martin Länts
Chairman of the Management Board