Market announcement

Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital AS


Other corporate action


21.12.2023 15:50:00


Baltic Horizon Fondi erakorralise üldkoosoleku otsused


21. detsembril 2023. aastal toimus Tallinnas, Eestis, Baltic Horizon Fondi
osakuomanike ja Rootsi hoidmistunnistuse (edaspidi ?SDR") omanike (edaspidi koos
?Investorid") erakorralise üldkoosoleku korduskoosolek.

Korduskoosolek kutsuti kokku, sest algsel erakorralisel üldkoosolekul 6.
detsembril 2023 aastal ei tulnud kokku vajalikku kvoorumit. Kooskõlas Baltic
Horizon Fondi reeglite punktiga 10.11 on korduskoosolekul võimalik otsus vastu
võtta olenemata koosolekul esindatud häälte arvust, kui fondi reeglites pole
kirjeldatud teisiti.

Koosolekule registreerus 6 Investorit, kellele kuulub 16,432,830 osakut/SDR-i,
mis esindavad 13,74% kogu häälte arvust.

Koosoleku päevakorras oli otsustada uute nõukogu liikmete valimine, neile
makstav tasu ning seniste nõukogu liikmete tagasikutsumine.

Üldkoosolek otsustas:

 1. Valida uueks Baltic Horizon Fondi nõukogu liikmeks Reimo Hammerberg
    tähtajatult alates 1. jaanuarist 2024.

Otsus võeti vastu, otsuse poolt oli 99,9% koosolekul esindatud häältest.

 1. Kinnitada Reimo Hammerbergile nõukogu liikme kohustuste täitmise eest
    makstava tasu suuruseks 16,000 EUR aastas.

 Otsus võeti vastu, otsuse poolt oli 99,9% koosolekul esindatud häältest.

 1. Valida uueks Baltic Horizon Fondi nõukogu liikmeks Monica Hammer tähtajatult
    alates 1. jaanuarist 2024.

 Otsus võeti vastu, otsuse poolt oli 99,4% koosolekul esindatud häältest.

 1. Kinnitada Monica Hammerile nõukogu liikme kohustuste täitmise eest makstava
    tasu suuruseks 11,000 EUR aastas.

 Otsus  võeti  vastu,  otsuse  poolt  oli  99,4% koosolekul  esindatud häältest.
Otsusele anti üks vastuhääl.

 1. Valida uueks Baltic Horizon Fondi nõukogu liikmeks Per V. Jenster
    tähtajatult alates 1. jaanuarist 2024.

 Otsus  võeti  vastu,  otsuse  poolt  oli  99,9% koosolekul  esindatud häältest.
Otsusele anti üks vastuhääl.

 1. Kinnitada Per V. Jenster ile nõukogu liikme kohustuste täitmise eest
    makstava tasu suuruseks 11,000 EUR aastas.

 Otsus võeti vastu, otsuse poolt oli 99,9% koosolekul esindatud häältest.

 1. Kutsuda nõukogu liikme ametikohalt tagasi Raivo Vare, Andris Kraujins ja Per
    Moller, kelle volituste kehtivuse viimane päev on 31. detsembril 2023.

Otsus võeti vastu, otsuse poolt oli 99,9% koosolekul esindatud häältest.

Üks koosolekule registreeritud investor ei osalenud hääletamisel.

Koosoleku salvestus on leitav siin. (

Koosoleku protokoll tehakse kättesaadavaks seitsme päeva jooksul Baltic Horizon
Fondi kodulehekülje vahendusel.

Lisainformatsiooni saamiseks palume kontakteeruda:

Tarmo Karotam
Baltic Horizon Fond, fondijuht
E-mail ( (

Baltic Horizon Fond on registreeritud lepinguline avalik kinnine kinnisvarafond,
mida valitseb alternatiivfondivalitseja Northern Horizon Capital AS.

Avaldamine:     GlobeNewswire,     Nasdaq     Tallinn,     Nasdaq     Stockholm, (

Saamaks  börsiteateid  ning  uudiseid  Baltic  Horizon  Fondilt tema projektide,
plaanide   ja   muu   kohta,   registreeruge   aadressil
(  Samuti  on  teil  võimalik  Baltic Horizon
Fondi                   jälgida                  aadressil
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Resolutions of Baltic Horizon Fund repeat general meeting


A  repeat extraordinary General Meeting of  Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders and
Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the "SDR") holders (hereinafter together
the "Investors") took place on 21 December 2023 in Tallinn, Estonia.

The  repeat meeting was convened  as the required quorum  was not reached during
the initial extraordinary General Meeting on 6 December 2023. In accordance with
section  10.11 of  the  fund  rules  of  Baltic  Horizon Fund the repeat General
Meeting  is permitted  to adopt  resolutions regardless  of the  number of votes
represented at the meeting, unless otherwise stipulated in the fund rules.

6 Investors  were registered  as attending  to the  meeting, holding 16,432,830
Baltic  Horizon Fund  units/SDRs which  represent 13,74% of  the total number of
votes of the fund.

The agenda of the meeting was to decide on the appointment of the new members of
the  supervisory board, the remuneration  to be paid to  them and the removal of
the current supervisory board members.

The General Meeting resolved:

 1. To elect Reimo Hammerberg as a new member of the supervisory board of Baltic
    Horizon Fund as of 1 January 2024 for an indefinite period;

The resolution was passed, 99,9% of the votes represented at the meeting were in

 1. To pay remuneration to Reimo Hammerberg  for fulfilling obligations of the
    member of the supervisory board in the amount of EUR 16,000 per calendar

The resolution was passed, 99,9% of the votes represented at the meeting were in

 1. To elect Monica Hammer as a new member of the supervisory board of Baltic
    Horizon Fund as of 1 January 2024 for an indefinite period;

The resolution was passed, 99,4% of the votes represented at the meeting were in
favour. There was one vote against the resolution.

 1. To pay remuneration to Monica Hammer for fulfilling obligations of the
    member of the supervisory board in the amount of EUR 11,000 per calendar

The resolution was passed, 99,4% of the votes represented at the meeting were in
favour. There was one vote against the resolution.

 1. To elect Per V. Jenster as a new member of the supervisory board of Baltic
    Horizon Fund as of 1 January 2024 for an indefinite period;

The resolution was passed, 99,9% of the votes represented at the meeting were in

 1. to pay remuneration to Per V. Jenster for fulfilling obligations of the
    member of the supervisory board in the amount of EUR 11,000 per calendar

The resolution was passed, 99,9% of the votes represented at the meeting were in

 1. to recall Raivo Vare, Andris Kraujins and Per Moller from the position of
    the supervisory board member with the last date of the office being 31
    December 2023.

The resolution was passed, 99,9% of the votes represented at the meeting were in

One investor did not participate at the voting.

The  meeting  recording  is  available  here ( The
minutes  of the meeting will be made available within seven days via the website
of the Baltic Horizon Fund.

For additional information, please contact:

Tarmo Karotam

Baltic Horizon Fund manager

E-mail ( (

Baltic  Horizon Fund is  a registered contractual  public closed-end real estate
fund  that  is  managed  by  Alternative  Investment Fund Manager license holder
Northern Horizon Capital AS.

Distribution: GlobeNewswire, Nasdaq Tallinn, Nasdaq Stockholm, (

To  receive Nasdaq  announcements and  news from  Baltic Horizon  Fund about its
projects,     plans     and     more,    register    on
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