Market announcement

Hepsor AS


Other corporate action


11.12.2023 07:00:00


Hepsor ASi tütarettevõte Hepsor JG SIA sõlmis Annanhof Majas projekti ehituse finantseerimiseks laenulepingu summas 4 miljonit eurot


08. detsembril  2023 allkirjastasid Hepsor  ASi tütarettevõte  Hepsor JG  SIA ja
Bigbank  AS  Läti  filiaal  laenulepingu  summas  4 miljonit eurot. Kolmeaastase
tähtajaga  laenu eesmärk on finantseerida Annenhof Majas arendusprojekti ehitust

40 korteriga  arendusprojekti ehituse ja müügiga on juba alustatud ning Annenhof
Majas arendus valmib 2024. aasta neljandas kvartalis.

?Rohelist  mõtteviisi väärtustava  eluhoone projekteerimisel  oleme rõhku pannud
energiatõhususele, mis tagab nii madalad kommunaalkulud kui ka väiksema süsiniku
jalajälje   hoone   kasutusajal,"  ütles  Hepsori  juhatuse  liige  Henri  Laks.
?Visuaalselt    atraktiivne    fassaadilahendus,    funktsionaalsed    korterite
planeeringud,  energiatõhus hoone koos  rohelise mõtteviisiga ning  hea hinna ja
kvaliteedi  suhe on aspektid, mille alusel tänased korteriostjad oma ostuotsused
teevad.   Tänaseks   on  ligi  18% korteritest  Annenhof  Majas  projektis  juba
broneeritud, mis kinnitab projekti atraktiivust klientide seas Riia turul".


Hepsoril  on  Lätis  lisaks  Jurmalas  Gatve  projektile ehituses ja müügis neli
elukondlikku  arendusprojekti  -  Kuld?gas  Parks  (116 korterit, millest 99% on
müüdud),  M?rupes D?rzs (92 korterit,  millest 99% on müüdud), Strelnieku 4b (54
korterit,  millest  82% on  müüdud)  ning  2023. aastal  ehitusse  läinud Nameja
Rezidence, kus on 38 korterit, millest eellepinguid on sõlmitud 29% ulatuses.

Rohkem infot Annenhof Majas projekti kohta

Henri Laks
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5693 9114


Hepsor AS (
on üks kiiremini kasvavaid elu- ja ärikondliku kinnisvara arendajaid Eestis ja
Lätis, kes tegutseb alates 2023. aastast ka Kanada kinnisvaraturul.
Kaheteistkümne tegutsemisaasta jooksul oleme loonud üle 1600 kodu ja ligi
36 000 m2 äripindasid. Hepsor on esimese arendajana Balti riikides rakendanud
mitmeid uuenduslikke insener-tehnilisi lahendusi, mis muudavad ettevõtte
rajatavad hooned energiasäästlikumaks ja seeläbi keskkonnasõbralikumaks.
Ettevõtte portfellis on kokku 25 arendusprojekti kogupindalaga 169 300 m2.


Hepsor JG SIA, Hepsor AS group company, signed 4 million euro loan agreement for financing the construction of Annenhof Majas project


Hepsor  JG SIA,  Hepsor AS  group company,  and Latvian  affiliate of Bigbank AS
signed a 4 million loan agreement on 08 December 2023. The purpose of the three-
year  loan is to finance the  construction of Annenhof Majas development project
in Riga.

The  construction and sales of the  project of 40-apartments has already started
and the project will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2024.

?In  the design of a  sustainable living space valuing  a green mindset, we have
emphasized  energy efficiency,  ensuring both  low utility  costs and  a smaller
carbon footprint during the building's operational lifespan," said Henri Laks, a
member  of the Hepsor  board. "A visually  appealing facade solution, functional
apartment layouts, an energy-efficient building with a green mindset, and a good
balance  of price  and quality  are aspects  that today's homebuyers consider in
their  purchasing decisions.  As of  today, nearly  18% of the apartments in the
Annenhof  Majas  project  have  already  been reserved, confirming the project's
attractiveness among clients in the Riga market".

Additional info:

In  addition  to  the  Jurmalas  Gatve  project,  Hepsor  has  four  residential
development  projects in construction and sales  in Latvia - Kuld?gas Parks (116
apartments,  of which 99% are sold), M?rupes D?rzs (92 apartments, of which 99%
are  sold), Strelnieku  4b (54 apartments,  of which  82% are sold),  and Nameja
Rezidence, started in 2023, featuring 38 apartments with pre-contract agreements
made for 29% of them.

More information about Jurmalas Gatve project can be

Henri Laks
Member of the Management Board
Phone: +372 5693 9114


Hepsor AS ( is one of the fastest growing residential and
commercial real estate developers in Estonia and Latvia. Over the last twelve
years Hepsor has developed more than 1,600 homes and 36,000 m2 of commercial
space. Hepsor was the first real estate developer in the Baltic States to
implement a number of innovative engineering solutions that make the buildings
we construct more energy-efficient and thus more environmentally friendly. The
company's portfolio is comprised of 25 development projects with a total
sellable space of 169,300 m2.