Market announcement

AS PRFoods


Notifications of major holdings


06.12.2023 21:22:40


OÜ REDSTORM 51% osaluse ja hoonestusloa müük


OÜ REDSTORM 51% osaluse ja hoonestusloa müük

AS-i  PRFoods  (registrikood  11560713) tütarettevõtjale  Saaremere  Kala AS-ile
(registrikood 11310040) kuulus OÜ-s REDSTORM (registrikood 11228060) 51% osalus,
nimiväärtusega  2050 eurot,  ja  kuulub  Tarbijakaitse  ja Tehnilise Järelevalve
Ameti poolt 19.09.2023 otsusega nr 1-7/23-317 väljastatud hoonestusluba.

OÜ REDSTORM põhitegevus on vikerforelli kasvatamine meres.

Saaremere  Kala  AS-ile  kuuluva  hoonestusloa  eesmärgiks  on  avaliku  veekogu
koormamine vesiviljelusrajatistega avamere kalakasvatuse rajamise eesmärgil.

Saaremere  Kala AS on sõlminud 01.12.2023 müügilepingu ja 06.12.2023 selle lisa,
mille kohaselt müüs Saaremere Kala AS:

 1. kogu talle kuuluva OÜ REDSTORM osaluse, 51% kogu kapitalist, osa
    nimiväärtusega 2050 eurot, osaühingule SAARE FISHEXPORT (registrikood
 2. Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Ameti poolt 19.09.2023 otsusega nr
    1-7/23-317 väljastatud hoonestusloa osaühingule Energy Port (registrikood

Osaühingule SAARE FISHEXPORT kuulus ka käesoleva teates viidatud tehingu eelselt
49% osalus  OÜ-s REDSTORM.  Osaühing SAARE  FISHEXPORT omandas  49% osaluse OÜ-s
REDSTORM   selle   varasemalt   osanikult   osaühingult  Fodiator  (registrikood

Osaühing Energy Port kuulub alates 28.11.2023 100% osaühingule SAARE FISHEXPORT.

Saare  Kala  Tootmine  OÜ,  Saaremere  Kala  AS  100% tütarettevõte, on sõlminud
pikaajalise   koostöölepingu  Redstorm  OÜ-ga,  viimase  poolt  kasvatatud  kala
edasimüügiks  ja  töötlemiseks,  tagamaks  Saare  Kala  Tootmisele kohaliku kala

Tehing seotud isikute vahel, juhtkonna ja seotud isikute huvid

Tulenevalt  eelnevalt  kirjeldatud  seostest  emitendiga on tegemist tehingutega
seotud   isikuga,   kelleks  on  osaühing  SAARE  FISHEXPORT.  Tehingud  vajavad
AS PRFoods  aktsionäride  heakskiitu,  kuivõrd  NASDAQ Tallinna börsi reglemendi
kohaselt  on  tegemist  seotud  isikuga  tehtava  olulise tehinguga ning selleks
viiakse läbi AS PRFoods aktsionäride otsuste hääletus koosolekut kokku kutsumata
esimesel  võimalusel,  kui  on  kogu  NASDAQ  Tallinna börsi reglemendi kohaselt
koosolekuks   vajalik  materjal  kogutud.  Seoses  kavandatava  tehinguga  tasub
osaühing  Redstorm  omandajalt  saadavate  vahendite  eest  erinevaid kohustusi:
Saaremere  Kala AS-i laenud ja võlgnetavad ostuarved, AS-ile PRFoods võlgnetavad
ostuarved,  Amber Trust II S.C.A. SICAR ja  Lindermann, Birnbaum & Kasela OÜ ees
olevad kohustused.

Emitendi  nõukogu ja juhatuse  liikmed ei ole  kirjeldatud tehingust muul viisil
isiklikult huvitatud. Osaühing Redstorm ei ole emitendi oluline tütarettevõte.

Vara üle andmine ja selle eeltingimused

OÜ  REDSTORM 51% osalus  anti üle  müügilepingu sõlmimisel. Müüdava hoonestusloa
üle  andmiseks  on  vajalik  Tarbijakaitse  ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Ameti poolt
haldusakti tegemine, millega muudetakse hoonestusloa omajat. Viidatud haldusakti
väljastamise  eelduseks on Saaremere Kala  AS-i poolt vastava taotluse esitamine
Tarbijakaitse  ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Ametile,  mis omakorda sõltub järgnevate
eelduste täidetusest:

 1. Osaühing Energy Port kui hoonestusloa ostja on kandnud müügihinna (va
    sellelt arvestatud käibemaksu (arvestatud kogu tehingu maksumuselt)) summas
    2 000 000 eurot notari deposiiti, vastavalt poolte vahel sõlmitud
    hoiustamise ametiteenuse lepingule; ja
 2. Müüja emaäriühingu AS PRFoods aktsionärid on heaks kiitnud hoonestusloa
    müümise osaühingule Energy Port, juhul kui börsi reglemendist tulenevalt on
    selline heakskiit vajalik.

Müügilepingu  poolte  omavahelise  kokkuleppe  alusel loetakse hoonestusluba üle
antuks pärast esimese müügihinna osa ja käibemaksu laekumist müüjale.

Müügihind ja selle tasumine

OÜ  REDSTORM müüdava osa eest kuulus  tasumisele summa 313 348 eurot, mis tasuti
lepingu  sõlmimisel  müüdud  osa  üle  kandmisel, ja millele lisandub 2023 aasta
kasvatushooaja  biomassi  realiseerimisest  saadud  tulemist  51%, mis tasutakse
10.01.2024. OÜ  REDSTORM on 2023 aasta  kasvatushooaja biomassi realiseerimiseks
sõlminud lepingu Saare Kala Tootmine OÜ-ga (registrikood 10377013).

Lepingu  sõlmimisel võeti kohustus  tagastada ka Saaremere  Kala AS-i laen OÜ-le
REDSTORM summas 547 115 eurot (sisaldab ka intresse), tasuda Saaremere Kala AS-i
ostuarve  summas 2 555 eurot ja PRFoods  AS-i arve summas 10 427 eurot, millised
kohustused said täidetud 04.12.2023.

Müügilepingu  kohaselt  tasutakse  hoonestusloa  eest  2 500 000 eurot,  millele
lisandub  käibemaks,  millest  2 000 000 eurot  koos  kogu  tehingule  lisanduva
käibemaksuga  kuulub tasumisele hoonestusloa  omaja muutmise haldusakti tegemise
järgselt,   250 000 eurot   tasutakse   hiljemalt   10.01.2025 ja  250 000 eurot
tasutakse hiljemalt 10.01.2026.

Hoonestusloa  eest  esimese  osamakse  (2 000 000)  tasumiseks kasutatakse notar
Mari-Liis  Parmase deposiitkontot, kes kohustub  selle kandma Saaremere Kala AS-
ile  3 tööpäeva jooksul  alates hetkest,  mil osaühingu  Energy Port  on vastava
Tarbijakaitse  ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Ameti  otsuse alusel saanud hoonestusloa
omajaks,  müüja ja ostja on teinud notarile vastava korralduse ja tingimusel, et
see  on  juhtunud  enne  31.01.2024 ning  kui  see  ei  ole  juhtunud  hiljemalt
31.01.2024, siis   kannab   notar   deponeeritud  hoonestusloa  müügihinna  koos
käibemaksuga tagasi osaühingule Energy Port ja kummalgi poolel on õigus sõlmitud
müügilepingust  taganeda.  Hoonestusloa  müügihinnalt  arvestatud käibemaksu osa
tasutakse hiljemalt 19.01.2024.

Osaühing   SAARE  FISHEXPORT  annab  käenduse  tagamaks  osaühingu  Energy  Port
kohustust tasuda hoonestusloa ostuhinna järelmakse osa.

Tehingu mõju AS-ile PRFoods

Tehingute  eesmärk  on  kontserni  võlakohususte  vähendamine.  Mõju  AS PRFoods
konsolideeritud  aruannetele 2023-2024. majandusaastal  on eeldatav  OÜ REDSTORM
osade  ja hoonestusõiguse  müügihind 2 813 313 eurot,  millele lisandub biomassi
eest  makstav tasu, mille summa selgub vastavalt ülalpool kirjeldatule. Saadavat
tulu  vähendatakse 51% proportsioonis OÜ  REDSTORM netovaraga 30.11.2023 seisuga
(esialgsete  arvutuste  põhjal  222 000 eurot, konsolideeritud), firmaväärtusega
summas   2 154 000 eurot   (konsolideeritud)  ning  hoonestusõiguse  bilansilise
väärtusega  summas 666 000 eurot. Esialgne erakorraline  tulem tehingust on -229
000 eurot   (konsolideeritud   koos   kogu  segmendi  goodwilli  mahaarvamisega.
Konsolideerimata  neto  tulemus  on   1,923 miljonit eurot erakorralist kasumit,
juhul  kui maha arvatud ainult Redstorm OÜ-ga seotud goodwill), millele lisandub
biomassi  eest makstav tasu, mis  mõjutab positiivselt lõplikku tulemit. Tehingu
kogumõju   avaldatakse   AS-i   PRFoods   2023-2024 majandusaasta   I  poolaasta

Emitendi   juhatuse  hinnangul  ei  kahjusta  planeeritavad  tehingud  tehinguga
mitteseotud  aktsionäride huve. Üldkoosoleku  korraldamise korral esitab emitent
koosoleku  kokkukutsumise teate  avaldamisel ka  muud börsi  reglemendi kohaselt
nõutud dokumendid..

Indrek Kasela
AS PRFoods
Juhatuse liige
T: +372 452 1470


AS PRFoods: Sale of 51% share of OÜ REDSTORM and fish farming licence


AS PRFoods: Sale of 51% share of OÜ REDSTORM and fish farming licence

AS  Saaremere Kala (registry code 11310040), which is a subsidiary of AS PRFoods
(registry  code 11560713), was the owner of a 51% share of OÜ REDSTORM (registry
code  11228060) with  a  nominal  value  of  EUR  2,050, and  is the holder of a
superficies  licence issued by the  Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory
Authority on 19.09.2023 under decision no. 1-7/23-317.

The main activity of OÜ REDSTORM is fish farming in Saaremaa, Estonia.

The  purpose of the  licence held by  Saaremere Kala AS  is to encumber a public
water  body for  the purpose  of constructing  aquacultural facilities  for fish
farming at sea.

Saaremere  Kala AS concluded a sales contract on 01.12.2023 and an Annex thereto
on 06.12.2023, under which Saaremere Kala AS sold:

 1. its whole shareholding in OÜ REDSTORM, namely a share with the nominal value
    of 2,050 euros representing 51% of the company's share capital, to OÜ SAARE
    FISHEXPORT (registry code 10723478); and
 2. the superficies licence issued by the Consumer Protection and Technical
    Regulatory Authority on 19.09.2023 under decision no. 1-7/23-317 to OÜ
    Energy Port (registry code 14785192).

Prior  to the  transaction described  in this  notification, OÜ SAARE FISHEXPORT
already  had a 49% shareholding in OÜ REDSTORM. OÜ SAARE FISHEXPORT acquired the
49% shareholding  in  OÜ  REDSTORM  from  the  company's  former  shareholder OÜ
Fodiator (registry code 11362953).

OÜ Energy Port is fully (100%) owned by OÜ SAARE FISHEXPORT as of 28.11.2023.

Saare  Kala Tootmine,  100% owned Subsidiary  of Saaremere  Kala and Redstorm OÜ
also  concluded long  term agreement  on sale  and processing  of fish farmed by
Redstorm  OÜ  to  continue  the  supply  of  locally  farmed fish for Saare Kala

Transaction  between related  parties; interests  of the  management and related

Considering  the abovementioned relations  with the issuer,  the transactions in
question  are transactions with a related party, namely OÜ SAARE FISHEXPORT. The
transactions  require approval from the  shareholders of AS PRFoods because they
are  material transactions  with related  parties within  the meaning  of NASDAQ
Tallinn  Rules, and a vote  without calling a meeting  of the shareholders of AS
PRFoods  shall be held as soon as possible, after all the materials required for
a  meeting under NASDAQ Tallinn Rules have been prepared. In connection with the
proposed transaction, OÜ Redstorm shall use the proceeds received from the buyer
to pay various obligations: loans and outstanding purchase invoices of Saaremere
Kala AS, purchase invoices owed to AS PRFoods, obligations due to Amber Trust II
S.C.A. SICAR and to Lindermann, Birnbaum & Kasela OÜ.

The members of the issuer's supervisory board and management board have no other
personal  interest  in  the  transaction  in  question.  OÜ  Redstorm  is not an
important subsidiary of the issuer.

Asset transfers and their preconditions

The 51% shareholding in OÜ REDSTORM was transferred upon conclusion of the sales
contract.   The   transfer   of   the   sold  superficies  licence  requires  an
administrative act by the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority
by which the holder of the superficies licence is replaced. The precondition for
obtaining  the said administrative act is a relevant application to be submitted
by  Saaremere  Kala  AS  to  the  Consumer  Protection  and Technical Regulatory
Authority, which is in turn subject to the following preconditions:

 1. OÜ Energy Port as the buyer of the superficies licence has deposited the
    purchase price (exclusive of VAT (calculated on the full value of the
    transaction)) of EUR 2,000,000 with the notary in accordance with the
    professional deposit service agreement between the parties; and
 2. the shareholders of the seller's parent company AS PRFoods have approved the
    sale of the superficies licence to OÜ Energy Port, if such approval is
    required under exchange rules.

By  mutual  agreement  of  the  parties  of  the sales contract, the superficies
licence  shall be  deemed transferred  after the  seller has  received the first
instalment of the sales price and the VAT.

Sales price and terms of payment

The  share of OÜ REDSTORM  was sold for a  price of EUR 313,348, fully paid when
the  contract  was  concluded  and  the  share  was  transferred, which shall be
complemented  by 51% of revenue  from the sale  of biomass from the 2023 farming
season,  payable on 10.01.2024. OÜ REDSTORM has  concluded a contract with Saare
Kala Tootmine OÜ (registry code 10377013) for the sale of biomass from the 2023
farming season.

The  contract was  concluded with  the obligation  to repay  a loan  obtained by
Saaremere  Kala AS from OÜ  REDSTORM in the amount  of EUR 547,115 (inclusive of
interest),  to pay a EUR  2,555 purchase invoice of Saaremere  Kala AS and a EUR
10,427 invoice of PRFoods AS, all of which were paid on 04.12.2023.

According  to the sales  contract, the price  of the superficies  licence is EUR
2,500,000 (exclusive  of VAT),  of which  EUR 2,000,000 plus  VAT for  the whole
transaction  shall be paid after the  administrative act replacing the holder of
the  superficies licence is issued, EUR 250,000 is payable by 10.01.2025 and EUR
250,000 by 10.01.2026 at latest.

The  first instalment of  the price of  the superficies licence (EUR 2,000,000)
shall  be  paid  through  the  deposit  account  of notary Mari-Liis Parmas, who
undertakes  to transfer the  said amount to  Saaremere Kala AS within 3 business
days after OÜ Energy Port has become the holder of the superficies licence under
the  relevant  decision  by  the  Consumer  Protection  and Technical Regulatory
Authority  and the seller and  the buyer have instructed  the notary to make the
payment  and this  has occurred  before 31.01.2024; if  this has not occurred by
31.01.2024 at  latest, the notary  shall return the  deposited purchase price of
the  superficies licence and the VAT amount to OÜ Energy Port and each party has
the  the right to  withdraw from the  sales contract. The  VAT calculated on the
sales price of the superficies licence shall be paid by 19.01.2024 at latest.

OÜ  SAARE FISHEXPORT gives a  surety for OÜ Energy  Port's obligation to pay the
remaining part of the purchase price of the superficies licence.

Effect of the transaction on AS PRFoods

The  purpose of the transactions is to concentrate on fish processing and reduce
overall  debt level.  The effect  on the  2023/2024 consolidated accounts  of AS
PRFoods  includes  the  assumed  total  sales  price of EUR 2,813,313 for the OÜ
REDSTORM share and the superficies licence, plus the biomass revenue which shall
be  determined as described above. The proceeds are reduced by 51% in proportion
with  the net assets  of OÜ REDSTORM  as of 30.11.2023 (EUR 222,000 according to
initial  calculations, consolidated), goodwill  in the amount  of EUR 2,154,000
(consolidated. Redstorm goodwill is 448 keur)) and the EUR 666,000 balance sheet
value  of  the  superficies  licence.  The  initial  exceptional income from the
transaction  is EUR -229,000 eurot (consolidated, incl goodwill writeoff for the
entire segment. Unconsolidted net effect is  1.923 mEUR, incl goodwill write off
related  only  to  Redstorm  OÜ),  plus  the  biomass  revenue which will have a
positive effect on the final price. The total effect of the transaction shall be
reported in the 2023/2024 H1 interim accounts of AS PRFoods.

According   to   the   assessment  of  the  issuer's  management,  the  proposed
transactions  do not  affect the  interests of  shareholders not involved in the
transactions.  If and when a  general meeting is held,  the issuer shall provide
the rest of the documents required by exchange rules when dispatching the notice
convening the meeting.

Indrek Kasela
AS PRFoods
Management Board Member
T: +372 452 1470