Market announcement


City Service SE shareholders meeting resolutions


The shareholders meeting adopted the following resolutions on 21st June 2023:

1. To take into consideration annual report of the Company for 2022.
2. To take into consideration the auditor´s report of the Company for 2022.
3. To approve the set of the consolidated annual financial statements of the Company for 2022.
4. To approve the distribution of profit (loss) of the Company of 2022 as indicated below (consolidated amounts are presented). No retained profit will be distributed to the shareholders.

Amounts (EUR 000’s)

Retained earnings – profit (loss) brought forward from the previous year (8,865)
Net result of the financial year – profit (loss) (4,660)
Profit (loss) available for distribution at the end of the financial year  (13,525)

Profit distribution:

For dividend -
Retained earnings – profit (loss) at the end of the financial year (13,525)

5. To elect Andrius Janukonis, date of birth 12.10.1971, personal identification code 37110120371, address Filaretu st 87A, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania, to act as a Supervisory Board member of the Company.

To elect Gintautas Jaugelavicius, date of birth 03.07.1971, personal identification code 371070849, address Kalvos st 15, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania, to act as a Supervisory Board member of the Company.