Market announcement

EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS


Other corporate action


09.11.2023 08:00:00


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS’i aktsia puhasväärtus seisuga 31.10.2023


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS teenis oktoobris 2 538 tuhat eurot üüritulu, mis on 6
tuhat eurot vähem kui septembris. Peamiselt seoses kaubanduskeskuste tavapäraste
sügiskampaaniatega  ning parenduskuludega oktoobris teenis fond oktoobris 2 439
tuhat  eurot puhast üüritulu, mis on 101 tuhat eurot vähem kui septembris. Fondi
kinnisvaraportfelli  üüripindade  vakantsus  oli  oktoobri  lõpu  seisuga  2,6%
(septembri lõpus 2,5%).

Fondi   laenude   kaalutud  keskmine  intressimäär  oli  oktoobri  lõpus  5,88%
(septembris  5,83%). Kõiki  fondi  laene  teenindatakse  tavapäraselt  ning  iga
kinnisvarainvesteeringu   äritegevuse   rahavoog  ületab  igakuiseid  laenu-  ja
intressimakseid vähemalt 20%.

Tänavuse aasta kümne kuu jooksul on fond teeninud konsolideeritud üüritulu kokku
25,31 miljonit  eurot (2022:  11,13 miljonit eurot)  ning EBITDA-d 21,8 miljonit
eurot  (2022:  9,78 miljonit  eurot).  Fondi  2023. aasta konsolideeritud EBITDA
sisaldab Like-for-Like põhimõttel arvutatud EBITDA-d summas 10,12 miljonit eurot
(kasv võrreldes eelmise aastaga 2,7%) ning EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS-ga ühinemisel
lisandunud  kinnisvarainvesteeringute  EBITDA-d  kogusummas  11,8 miljonit eurot
(kasv  võrreldes EfTEN  Kinnisvarafond AS  eelmise aasta  näitajatega on 3,0%).
EfTEN  Real Estate Fund AS konsolideeritud  puhaskasum on sellel aastal 10 kuuga
kokku  8,18 miljonit eurot,  sisaldades juunis  tehtud kinnisvarainvesteeringute
allahindluseid kogusummas 6,18 miljonit eurot.

Selle   aasta   kümne  kuu  jooksul  on  EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS  teeninud
investoritele   71,11 senti   (eelmisel   aastal  samal  perioodil  80,37 senti)
potentsiaalset  brutodividendi aktsia kohta.  Potentsiaalne brutodividend aktsia
kohta on EURIBORi kasvu tulemusel võrreldes eelmise aastaga vähenenud 11,5%.

EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS'i  puhasväärtus aktsia  kohta oli 31.10.2023 seisuga
20,8767 eurot  ja EPRA  NRV 21,5667 eurot.  Aktsia puhasväärtus kasvas oktoobris
tavapäraselt 0,6%.

Marilin Hein
Tel. 6559 515
E-mail: (


The net asset value of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares as of 31.10.2023


EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS  earned  2,538 thousand  euros in rental income in
October,  which is 6 thousand  euros less than  in September. Mainly  due to the
usual  fall campaigns in  shopping centers and  property maintenance expenses in
October,  the fund earned a net rental  income of 2,439 thousand euros, which is
101 thousand  euros less than the previous month. The vacancy rate in the fund's
rental portfolio was 2.6% at the end of October (2.5% at the end of September).

The  fund's loans had  a weighted average  interest rate of  5.88% at the end of
October  (5.83% in September). All the fund's loans are being serviced normally,
and  the cash flow  from each investment  property exceeds the  monthly loan and
interest payments by at least 20%.

In  the current year over ten months,  the fund has earned a consolidated rental
income of 25.31 million euros (2022: 11.13 million euros) and an EBITDA of 21.8
million  euros (2022:  9.78 million euros).  The fund's 2023 consolidated EBITDA
includes  a Like-for-Like  EBITDA of  10.12 million euros  (an increase of 2.7%
compared  to the previous  year) and an  EBITDA from investment properties added
through  the merger with EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS totaling 11.8 million euros (an
increase of 3.0% compared to EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS's figures from the previous
year).  EfTEN Real Estate Fund  AS's consolidated net profit  for this year over
ten  months totals 8.18 million euros, including loss from investment properties
revaluation made in June totaling 6.18 million euros.

Over the ten months of this year, EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS has earned investors
71.11 cents  per share  in potential  gross dividends  (80.37 cents  in the same
period  of  the  previous  year).  The  potential  gross  dividend per share has
decreased by 11.5% compared to the previous year due to the higher EURIBOR.

As of October 31, 2023, the net asset value (NAV) per share of EfTEN Real Estate
Fund AS was 20.8767 euros, and the EPRA NRV was 21.5667 euros. The NAV per share
increased by 0.6% in October as usual.

Marilin Hein
Phone +372 6559 515