Market announcement

Nordecon AS


Other corporate action


08.11.2023 08:00:00


Nordecon ASi juhatuse esimees ei jätka pärast teenistuslepingu lõppemist 7. jaanuaril 2024


Nordecon AS-i juhatuse esimees Gerd Müller teavitas nõukogu, et ei jätka
ettevõtte juhina pärast kehtiva teenistuslepingu lõppemist 07.01.2024, teatas
Nordecon AS-i nõukogu. Uue juhatuse esimehe määramiseni tegutseb alates
08.01.2024 juhatuse esimehe kohusetäitjana Nordecon AS-i juhatuse liige Maret

Gerd Müller on juhtinud Nordecon AS-i alates 2018. aasta algusest ning lahkub
ettevõttest omal soovil. ?Nordeconi juhtimine on olnud äärmiselt huvitav,
pingeline ja väljakutseid pakkuv. Tunnen, et need kuus aastat on läinud ühest
küljest lennates, teisalt on see olnud suurte muudatuste aeg, mis andnud
võimaluse oma teadmisi ja oskusi pidevalt proovile panna. Nordeconil on väga
võimekas ja kompetentne meeskond ning ettevõttel on ees tugev tööde portfell,
samuti oleme astunud julgeid samme digitaliseerimise valdkonnas. Uue juhi jaoks
on see alustamiseks hea hetk," ütles Nordecon AS-i juhatuse esimees Gerd Müller.

"Nordecon on Gerdi juhtimisel suutnud tormisel turul kiirelt reageerida ning
vajalikke muudatusi teha. Tänan teda pühendumuse eest nendel kuuel aastal.
Nõukogu alustab nüüd uue juhatuse esimehe otsingut." ütles Nordecon AS nõukogu
esimees Toomas Luman.

Alates 08.01.2024 jätkab Nordecon AS juhatus kolmeliikmelisena: Maret Tambek
(esimehe kohusetäitja), Priit Luman ja Tarmo Pohlak.?

Nordeconi kontsern ( hõlmab ettevõtteid, mis on keskendunud
hoonete ja rajatiste ehitamise projektijuhtimisele ja peatöövõtule.
Geograafiliselt tegutsevad kontserni ettevõtted Eestis, Soomes, Ukrainas ja
Rootsis. Kontserni emaettevõte Nordecon AS on registreeritud ja asub Tallinnas,
Eestis. Kontserni 2022. aasta konsolideeritud müügitulu oli 323 miljonit eurot.
Nordeconi kontsern annab hetkel tööd ligi 570 inimesele. Alates 18.05.2006 on
emaettevõtte aktsiad noteeritud Nasdaq Tallinna Börsi põhinimekirjas.

Andri Hõbemägi
Nordecon AS
Investorsuhete juht
Tel: +372 6272 022


CEO of Nordecon AS not to continue on his position after expiry of the Contract of Service on 7 January 2024


Gerd Müller, CEO of Nordecon AS informed the council that he will not continue
as CEO of the company after the expiry of his contract of service on 7 January
2024, informs the council of Nordecon AS. Until the appointment of the new
chairman of the management board, Maret Tambek, a member of the management board
of Nordecon AS, will act as the acting chairman of the management board as of 8
January 2024.

Gerd Müller has been in charge of Nordecon AS since the beginning of 2018 and is
leaving the company at his own request. "Managing Nordecon has been extremely
interesting, intense and challenging. I feel that these six years have gone by
flying on the one hand, on the other hand, it has been a time of great change,
which has given me the opportunity to constantly test my knowledge and skills.
Nordecon has a highly capable and competent team, and the company has a strong
portfolio of works ahead of it, and we have also taken bold steps in the field
of digitalisation. For the new chairman, this is a good moment to start," said
Gerd Müller, CEO of Nordecon AS.

"Nordecon, under Gerd's leadership, has been able to react quickly in a stormy
market and make the necessary changes. I thank him for his dedication in these
six years. The Supervisory Board will now start the search for a new chairman of
the management board." said Toomas Luman, chairman of the supervisory board of
Nordecon AS.

As of 8 January 2024, the management board of Nordecon AS will continue with
three members: Maret Tambek (acting chairman), Priit Luman and Tarmo Pohlak.

Nordecon ( is a group of construction companies whose core
business is construction project management and general contracting in the
buildings and infrastructures segment. Geographically the Group operates in
Estonia, Finland, Ukraine and Sweden. The parent of the Group is Nordecon AS, a
company registered and located in Tallinn, Estonia. The consolidated revenue of
the Group in 2022 was 323 million euros. Currently Nordecon Group employs close
to 570 people. Since 18 May 2006 the company's shares have been quoted in the
main list of the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange.

Andri Hõbemägi
Nordecon AS
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +372 6272 022