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Ettevõte AS Harju Elekter Group
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Kategooria Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumine
Avaldamise aeg 02 apr 2024 15:42:05 +0300
Information on the voting prior to the Annual General Meeting 26.04.2024.pdf
Harju Elekter Group AGM 26.04.2024 Ballot Paper.docx
power of attorney template AS Harju Elekter Group AGM 2024.docx
Withdrawal of the Authorization 2024 Harju Elekter Group AGM.docx
Annual Report of Harju Elekter 2023.pdf
Teave aktsionärile enne üldkoosolekut hääletamise kohta 26.04.2024.pdf
Harju Elekter Group üldkoosolek 26.04.2024 hääletussedel.docx
volikiri_Harju Elekter Group aktsionaride uldkoosolekule 2024.docx
Harju Elekter Group AGM volikirja_ tagasivotmise_ blankett_2024.docx
Harju Elektri aastaaruanne 2023.pdf
Keel English
Pealkiri Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AS Harju Elekter Group, its agenda, and proposals
The  Management Board of AS Harju Elekter Group (registry code 10029524, address
Paldiski  mnt 31/2, Keila) convenes the  Annual General Meeting of shareholders.
The  General Meeting will take place on  26 April 2024 at 14:00 p.m. at venue of
Swissôtel Tallinn (address: Tornimäe 3, Tallinn).

Registration  of meeting participants will  start on 26 April 2024 at 13:00. The
list  of shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting is fixed seven days before
the  General Meeting, i.e. as of  the end of the business  day of the Nasdaq CSD
Estonian settlement system on 19 April 2024.

Shareholders  can vote on the items on  the agenda before the General Meeting by
e-mail  or post. A more  detailed overview of how  it is possible to vote before
the  General Meeting, is provided in the section "Organisational issues" of this
notice  and on  the website  of AS  Harju Elekter  Group at www.harjuelekter.com

The  Supervisory Board of Aktsiaselts Harju Elekter  Group set the agenda of the
following General Meeting and approved the following proposals:

1.  Approval of the 2023 Annual Report of AS Harju Elekter Group

Approve  the 2023 Annual Report prepared by the Management Board and approved by
the  Supervisory Board, according to which  the total consolidated balance sheet
as  of 31 December 2023 is 178,4 million  euros, revenue is 209,0 million euros,
operating profit is 8,1 million euros and net profit is 5,2 million euros.

2.  Approval of profit distribution

Approve  the  2023 profit  distribution  proposal  of  AS  Harju  Elekter  Group
submitted  by  the  Management  Board  and  approved by the Supervisory Board as

  Retained earnings                             EUR 46,822,252

  Net profit for 2023                           EUR 5,159,811

  Total distributable profit as of 31.12.2023   EUR 51,982,063

The Management Board proposes the distribution of profits as follows:

  Dividends (EUR 0.13 per share*)                  EUR    2 404,840

  Retained earnings after distribution of profit   EUR 49,577,223

*Dividends  will  be  paid  to  shareholders  on 28 May 2024, by transfer to the
shareholder's  bank  account.  The  list  of  shareholders  for  the  payment of
dividends is established on 21 May 2024 as at the end of the business day in the
accounting  system.  The  date  of  the  change  in  the  rights  related to the
securities (ex-date) is 20 May 2024, from this date, the person who acquired the
shares is not entitled to receive dividends for the financial year 2023.

3.  Appointment of auditor

To  appoint  AS  PricewaterhouseCoopers,  register  code 10142876 to perform the
audit  of AS  Harju Elekter  Group on  the years  2024-2025. The auditor will be
remunerated according to the agreement.



Shareholders  whose  shares  represent  at  least  1/20 of the share capital may
request  that additional items be included in  the agenda of the General Meeting
if  the respective  request is  submitted in  writing 15 days before the General
Meeting, no later than on 11 April 2024.

Shareholders  whose  shares  represent  at  least  1/20 of the share capital may
submit a draft resolution on each item on the agenda no later than 3 days before
the  General Meeting, no later than on 23 April 2024. Further information on the
procedure  and terms  for exercising  the rights  provided pursuant to section §
287 (right  of shareholder to information), subsection 293 (2) (right to request
inclusion   of   additional  items  on  the  agenda  and  subsection  293(1) (3)
(obligation to submit a draft resolution or a substantiation simultaneously with
the  demand on the modification of  the agenda) and subsection 293(1) (4) (right
to  submit a draft  resolution in respect  to each item  on the agenda) has been
disclosed  on  the  website  of  AS  Harju Elekter Group at www.harjuelekter.com
(http://www.harjuelekter.com). This is also where draft resolutions submitted by
shareholders  and  the  substantiations  of  the  resolutions,  if any, are also

The documents of the annual general meeting of AS Harju Elekter Group, including
the annual report, the sworn auditor's report, the profit distribution proposal,
the  report of the Supervisory Board, and  the draft resolutions of the items on
the  agenda  are  available  on  the  company's  website at www.harjuelekter.com
(http://www.harjuelekter.com)  or  in  Keila,  at  Paldiski  mnt 31/2. Questions
regarding  the  items  on  the  agenda  can  be  submitted to the e-mail address
yldkoosolek@harjuelekter.com  (mailto:yldkoosolek@harjuelekter.com).  Questions,
answers,  and positions of  the meeting are  published on the company's Internet

Appointment of a representative. Prior to the General Meeting, a shareholder may
announce  the appointment of a representative and the revocation of the power of
attorney   granted   to   the   representative   by   sending   an   e-mail   to
yldkoosolek@harjuelekter.com (mailto:yldkoosolek@harjuelekter.com) or by handing
over  the said document(s) on working days from 10:00 to 16:00 but no later than
on  23 April 2024 at the AS Harju Elekter Group office at Paldiski mnt 31/2 (3rd
floor)  in Keila. A shareholder  may use power of  attorney forms to authorize a
representative   available   on   the   website   of   AS  Harju  Elekter  Group
www.harjuelekter.com (http://www.harjuelekter.com).

If  voting prior to the  General Meeting, shareholders are  requested to fill in
the  ballot  papers  available  on  the  website  of  AS  Harju Elekter Group at
www.harjuelekter.com  (http://www.harjuelekter.com)  and  attached  to the stock
exchange  announcement convening the General Meeting. When voting by e-mail, the
completed  ballot  papers  must  be  digitally  signed  and  sent  by  e-mail to
yldkoosolek@harjuelekter.com (mailto:yldkoosolek@harjuelekter.com) no later than
by 25 April 2024 at 11:00.

When voting by mail, the completed ballot papers must be signed by hand and sent
with a copy of the personal data of the signatory's identity document by mail no
later  than by 25 April 2024 at 11:00 to the  address of AS Harju Elekter Group,
Paldiski mnt 31/2, Keila 76606.

Ballot  papers received after the  above deadline shall not  be considered. If a
shareholder  submits several completed ballot papers,  the ballot paper with the
latest  digital signature time stamp  or time of mailing  shall be deemed valid.
All previously submitted ballot papers shall be deemed invalid.

If  the shareholder who submitted a ballot paper before the General Meeting also
physically  participates in the  General Meeting, all  ballot papers sent by the
shareholder  before  the  General  Meeting  shall  be  deemed invalid. The exact
procedure for voting prior to the General Meeting is provided in the shareholder
information  document  available  on  the  website  of AS Harju Elekter Group at
www.harjuelekter.com  (http://www.harjuelekter.com)  and  in  the stock exchange
announcement convening the General Meeting.

To  register participants physically attending the General Meeting the following
is   required:  shareholder  who  is  a  natural  person  -  identity  document;
representative  of a shareholder who is a natural person - identity document and
a  power of attorney in written form;  legal representative of a shareholder who
is a legal person - an extract from the relevant (commercial) register where the
legal  person  is  registered  and  an  identity document of the representative;
contractual representative of a shareholder who is a legal person shall submit a
power  of attorney in written form in addition to the documents specified above.
Please  legalise or apostille the documents  of a legal person registered abroad
in  advance, unless otherwise  provided by an  international agreement. AS Harju
Elekter  Group may  register a  shareholder who  is a  foreign legal person as a
participant  in a General Meeting even if all the required information about the
legal person or its representative is contained in a notarised power of attorney
issued  to the representative abroad and that power of attorney is acceptable in
Estonia. Please present a passport or ID Card as an identity document.

Questions  regarding the general meeting, also about voting, can be submitted to
the            e-mail            address            yldkoosolek@harjuelekter.com

Tiit Atso
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 674 7400