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Avaldamise aeg 28 märts 2024 08:00:00 +0200
Keel English
Pealkiri Changes in the Management Board of AS Tallinna Sadam
The supervisory board of AS Tallinna Sadam (hereinafter: Tallinna Sadam) decided
to extend the term of office of the member of the management board - CCO Margus
Vihman by three years. Margus Vihman's next term of office starts on 1(st)
November 2024 and lasts until 31(st) October 2027.

The supervisory board also decided to bring the business development function to
the management board level and appointed Rene Pärt, the current head of business
development,  as the fourth member of the management board. Rene Pärt will start
his term of office on 1(st) May 2024, and it lasts until 30(th) April 2029.

Riho  Unt, chairman of  the supervisory board  of Tallinna Sadam, explained that
due  to the long-term slump in east-west trade, it is essential to pay attention
to  new business  areas and  the successful  implementation of the port's growth
projects.  Consequently, by  bringing the  business development  function to the
management  board level,  we would  like to  emphasize the  importance of growth
throughout  the Tallinna Sadam group. "Rene's  responsibility as a new member of
the  management  board  is  to  lead  the  development  of  the group's business
strategy,  to lead  and manage  activities that  support growth and new business
areas,  as well as to  create the necessary environment  for the introduction of
green and digital innovation and new technologies."

Riho  Unt  noted  that  the  management  board  member  - CCO Margus Vihman will
continue  on the management board for the next three years and the main focus of
his  activities  is  maximizing  the  opportunities  of existing business lines,
restoring  profitability and supporting customers and together with them looking
for development opportunities for the effective use of the resources of Tallinna
Sadam to maximize the value-creation.

Margus Vihman has been a member of the management board of Tallinna Sadama since
2016 and  he is a  member of the  supervisory board of  Tallinna Sadam associate
Green  Marine. Margus  Vihman has  a master's  degree in  international business
management  from  the  Estonian  Business  School.  Previously, Vihman was sales
director at Krimelte OÜ, regional sales director at construction company Ruukki,
and   CEO  of  a  sub-organization  at  construction  chemicals  company  Henkel
Makroflex. Margus Vihman owns 22,486 Tallinna Sadama shares.

Rene  Pärt is the head of business  development of Tallinna Sadam since 2021 and
he  is a member of  the supervisory boards of  the subsidiaries TS Laevad and TS
Shipping.  Rene has a BA in logistics  from Tallinn University of Technology and
is  currently taking a masters study in business management in Aston University.
Pärt  has worked  in the  international logistics  corporation Kühne+Nagel  as a
business  development manager and in  the shipping group DFDS  Baltic as a sales
and  partner  relations  manager.  Rene  Pärt  owns 4,000 Tallinna Sadama shares
through his company RP Finance OÜ.

The  chairman of the management  board Valdo Kalm and  management board member -
CFO Andrus Ait also belong to the management board of Tallinna Sadama.

Tallinna  Sadam is one of the largest cargo- and passenger port complexes in the
Baltic Sea region. In addition to passenger and freight services, Tallinna Sadam
group  also operates in  shipping business via  its subsidiaries -  OÜ TS Laevad
provides  ferry services between the Estonian  mainland and the largest islands,
and  OÜ TS Shipping charters its  multifunctional vessel Botnica for icebreaking
and  offshore services in  Estonia and projects  abroad. Tallinna Sadam group is
also  a  shareholder  of  an  associate  AS  Green  Marine, which provides waste
management services.

Additional information:

Marju Zirel
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +372 53 42 6591
E-mail: m.zirel@ts.ee (mailto:m.zirel@ts.ee)