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Ettevõte Arco Vara AS
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Kategooria Juhtkonna vaheteadaanne või kvartaalne finantsaruanne
Avaldamise aeg 25 juuli 2024 09:00:00 +0300
ArcoVara_report Q2 2024 ENG.pdf
ArcoVara_aruanne Q2 2024 EST.pdf
Keel English
Pealkiri Unaudited consolidated interim report for Q2 and 6 months of 2024

The decrease in activity of the real estate sector following the surge in
Vitamin D has now become the norm, which is well illustrated by the Q2 results
of Arco Vara. At that, the slight drop in base interest rates has not yet shown
a significant impact.

Despite low activity, our team has managed to continue sales of the Kodulahe
Rannakalda project and we also commenced preliminary sales in the next stage of
Kodulahe. While three homes were sold at Rannakalda in the previous quarter,
eight homes and two commercial premises had been sold in the future Soodi 6
development as at the publishing of this report. The construction of the next
stage of Kodulahe should commence at the end of this year.

We have also reached the point of initiating the detailed plan of the final
stage of the Kodulahe development: Lammi 6. Approximately 175 homes are planned
for the Lammi 6 property, construction is expected to begin in about two years.

The proceedings of the detailed plan of Arcojärve, the next major project of
Arco Vara, are nearing the stage of approval. Due to this, we have begun the
designing works for stage I and are registering interested parties.

Our Bulgarian team is continuing development activities at Botanica Lozen, where
approximately 40% of the development volume has been sold. We have noticed the
positive sign of a certain increase in interest, but the important thing is to
convert inquiries into sales, which has not yet reached the desired degree of
The team of Arco Tarc is continuing construction at the padel centre being built
at Helme 18, intended to be completed as early as Q3 of this year. Here, we have
also noticed a slight decrease in construction prices, allowing to increase the
ROE of rental properties during the lease period of the facility.

Our primary challenges in the near future are the sales of the homes completed
at Kuldlehe and Kodulahe, which contain nearly 15 million euros' worth of homes
without contracts. With these projects, any revenue can be redirected into
existing projects and new properties.


In Q2 2024, the group's sales revenue was 943 thousand euros, which is 3.7 times
more than the sales revenue of the Q2 2023 of 254 thousand euros. The group's
sales revenue was 1,933 thousand euros for the 6 months of 2024 which is 3.8
times higher than the sales revenue of 507 thousand euros for the 6 months of

In Q2 2024, the group's operating loss (=EBIT) was 103 thousand euros and net
loss 339 thousand euros (in 6 months 2024: operating loss 311 thousand euros and
net loss of 688 thousand euros). In Q2 2023, the group had operating loss of
249 thousand euros and net loss of 347 thousand euros. In 6 months 2023, the
group had operating loss of 433 thousand euros and net loss of 638 thousand

In Q2 2024, 3 apartments were sold, 7 apartments were sold in total in 6 months
2024. As of 30 of June 2024, 44 apartments and one commercial space were ready
in stock. In Q2 2023, no final sales were formalized (in 6 months only 1 parking
space was sold), because group did not have any apartments ready for sale that

In the first 6 months of 2024, the group's debt burden (net loans) increased by
5,610 thousand euros up to the level of 14,218 thousand euros as of 30 June
2024. As of 30 June 2024, the weighted average annual interest rate of interest-
bearing liabilities was 9.4%. This is an increase of 1.2 percentage points
compared to 31 December 2023.


The group's sales revenue was 943 thousand euros in Q2 2024 (Q2 2023: 254
thousand euros), including the sale of real estate in the group's own
development projects 870 thousand euros (0 euros in Q2 2023). In 2023, income
was received from the operation of the commercial building in Madrid in Sofia -
the commercial building was sold in 2023.

Other sales revenue in 2024 mainly includes revenue from franchise fees of real
estate agencies in Estonia, Latvia and Bulgaria. Franchise fees for the Q2 2024
were 73 thousand euros (in 6 months 128 thousand euros), franchise revenues for
the Q2 2023 were 66 thousand euros (in 6 months 119 thousand euros).

In Q2 2024, the pre-sale of the next stage of Kodulahe began: 66 apartments and
4 commercial premises in the form of three buildings will be built at Soodi 6.
By the time this report is published, 8 apartments and 2 commercial premises
have been booked. The homes are planned to be completed by the very end of 2025.

In the most premium phase of Kodulahe, Rannakalda, a pavilion, 4 service areas
and 108 apartments (as three separate apartment buildings), many of which have a
sea view, have been completed. As of the publication date of the quarterly
report, 36 of the 113 are vacant.

A subsidiary of Arco Vara, Arcojärve OÜ, in 2021 signed an agreement for land
acquisition beside Lake Harku, address Paldiski road 124b, Tallinn. More than
35,000 m(2) of residential and commercial real estate (GBA) is planned for
development. The project is called Arcojärve. As of 30.06.2024, the total
advance payment for the land is 4,978 thousand euros. The subsidiary of Arco
Vara is obliged to pay an additional 1,627 thousand euros for the purchase of
the land within three months from the establishment of the detailed plan for the
property by the Tallinn City Government, but no later than 30.04.2026. The start
of the construction of the first stage is planned for 2025.

In the Kuldlehe project, a spacious and exclusive cluster house with 5 homes was
built in Pirita. The sale of the project has started.

The Botanica Lozen project foresees construction of 54 homes (houses) in three
stages. Construction and sales of the first 16 buildings have begun - the
private houses of the first phase will be completed by the end of 2024. By the
date of publication of the quarterly report, 6 out of 16 houses have been pre-

Kerberon OÜ, a subsidiary of Arco Vara, is developing a fully automatic padel
center with six indoor courts at Helme 18 with the help of the construction
company Arco Tarc OÜ. The hall is fully leased and according to the plan, will
open its doors in the Q4 2024.


 In thousands of euros                   6m 2024 6m 2023 Q2 2024 Q2 2023

 Revenue from sale of own real estate      1,797       7     870       0

 Revenue from rendering of services          136     500      73     254

 Total revenue                             1,933     507     943     254

 Cost of sales                            -1,376    -191    -559    -105

 Gross profit                                557     316     384     149

 Other income                                  0      76       0      54

 Marketing and distribution expenses        -219    -177    -149    -120

 Administrative expenses                    -632    -646    -336    -331

 Other expenses                              -17      -2      -2      -1

 Operating loss                             -311    -433    -103    -249

 Financial costs                            -377    -205    -236     -98

 Loss before tax                            -688    -638    -339    -347

 Net loss for the period                    -688    -638    -339    -347

 Total comprehensive loss for the period    -688    -638    -339    -347

 Earnings per share (in euros)

 - basic                                   -0.07   -0.06   -0.03   -0.03

 - diluted                                 -0.07   -0.06   -0.03   -0.03


  In thousands of euros                           30 June 2024 31 December 2023

 Cash and cash equivalents                               1,504            1,472

 Receivables and prepayments                             6,245            5,798

 Inventories                                            29,619           27,637

 Total current assets                                   37,368           34,907

 Receivables and prepayments                                18               18

 Investment property                                     1,430               20

 Property, plant and equipment                             186              221

 Intangible assets                                          19               24

 Total non-current assets                                1,653              283

 TOTAL ASSETS                                           39,021           35,190

 Loans and borrowings                                    3,391            3,391

 Payables and deferred income                            3,388            4,013

                                                           206               80

 Total current liabilities                               6,985            7,484

 Loans and borrowings                                   12,331            6,689

 Total non-current liabilities                          12,331            6,689

 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                      19,316           14,173

 Share capital                                           7,272            7,272

 Share premium                                           3,835            3,835

 Statutory capital reserve                               2,011            2,011

 Other reserves                                             56               56

 Retained earnings                                       6,531            7,843

 Total equity attributable to owners of the
 parent                                                 19,705           21,017

 TOTAL EQUITY                                           19,705           21,017

 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                           39,021           35,190

Tiina Malm
Arco Vara AS
Phone: +372 614 4630