Teate vaade
Ettevõte AS Tallink Grupp
Tüüp Korraldatud teave
Kategooria Muud korporatiivtoimingud
Avaldamise aeg 18 juuli 2024 09:00:00 +0300
Keel English
Pealkiri AS Tallink Grupp will hold an Investor Webinar to introduce the results of the second quarter of 2024
AS Tallink Grupp will introduce the results of the second quarter of 2024 in an
investor webinar. All shareholders and other stakeholders are invited to join
the webinar, scheduled to take place on 25 July 2024 at 12:00 (EET). The webinar
will be held in English.

The financial results will be presented by the Chairman of the Management
Board Paavo Nõgene and the member of the Management Board Harri Hanschmidt.

We kindly ask participants to provide their questions before the webinar, latest
11:00 am on 25 July, by e-mail to: investor@tallink.ee
3gKxBAxBUw=). Due to time constraint, preference will be given to questions
submitted in writing before the webinar.

How to join the webinar?
The webinar will be hosted on the Microsoft Teams platform. Please note that to
participate, no prior registration is required, and no reminder of the webinar
will be sent. To participate, please join the webinar on 25 July 2024 at 12:00
(EET) via the following link (https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-

As there is no prior registration needed and no reminder of the webinar will be
sent, we recommend that all interested parties mark their calendar
with the webinar info.

You can either participate by joining from your web browser or via Microsoft
Teams application. When using a mobile device to join the webinar, you first
need to download the Microsoft Teams application from either Play Store or App
Store, depending on your device's software.

The webinar will be recorded and will be available online for everyone on the
company's website at www.tallink.com/investors/webinars

Anneli Simm
Investor Relations Manager

AS Tallink Grupp
Sadama 5
10111 Tallinn, Estonia
E-mail anneli.simm@tallink.ee