
AS Harju Elekter Group


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15.09.2009 12:56:22


Tütarettevõte Satmatic ostis Siemensilt parklate auto eelsoojenduskilpide äritegevuse


Harju Elektri 100%line Soome tütarettevõte Satmatic Oy ostis Siemens Oyle
kuulunud parklate auto eelsoojenduskilpide tootmise ja turustamise õigused.
Tehingu käigus omandas Satmatic parklate auto eelsoojenduskilpide tootmise
tehnoloogia ja tootmisvahendid ning vajaliku oskusteabe. Senini on Satmatic
valmistanud soojenduskilpe Siemens allhankijana. Tehingu hinda osapooled ei

Parklate soojenduskilpe kasutatakse autode eelsoojendamiseks mootori
käivitamisel peamiselt Soomes, kus arvatav aastane turumaht on ca 40 tuhat
tükki. Nimetatud toodetele on potentsiaalset turgu ka teistes Põhjamaades ja
Venemaal. Selline eelsoojendus säästab juba 0-kraadise temperatuuri juures
oluliselt auto mootorit ja vähendab kütusekulu. Satmatic Oy juhataja Simo
Puustelli sõnul on tegemist tulevikutootega, kus auto ja muu transporditehnika
külmaga käivitamise kõrval nähakse tooterühma laienemisvõimalusi elektriautode
laadimispostide, aga ka välistingimustes elektritoitepunktide välja arendamises

Harju Elekter on juhtiv elektriseadmete ja -materjalide tootja Baltimaades.
Harju Elektri Gruppi kuuluvad elektriseadmete valmistajatehased Eestis, Soomes
ja Leedus: AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika (100%), Satmatic Oy (100%) ja Rifas
UAB (51%), samuti telekommunikatsioonitoodete valmistaja AS Eltek (100%) ning
sidusettevõte AS Draka Keila Cables (34%). Harju Elektril on ka
finantsinvesteeringud Läti elektriseadmete müügifirmas SIA Energokomplekss (14%)
ja Soome börsiettevõttes PKC Group Oyj (8%).

Andres Allikmäe
Juhatuse esimees
Tel 6747 400

Lisainfo: Simo Puustelli, Satmatic Oy juhataja, tel +358 (2)537 9800.


Subsidiary Satmatic purchased vehicle pre-heating panel business for car parks from Siemens


Satmatic Oy, the 100% Finnish subsidiary of Harju Elekter, purchased the rights
to manufacture and sell vehicle pre-heating panels for car parks, which belonged
to Siemens Oy. With the transaction, Satmatic acquired the technology for the
manufacture of vehicle heating panels for car parks, including production
equipment and the required know-how. Thus far, Satmatic had been manufacturing
the heating panels as a subcontractor for Siemens. The parties shall not
disclose the price of the transaction.

Vehicle heating panels for car parks are used mainly in Finland for the pre-
heating of cars when starting the engine, where the estimated annual market
volume is about 40 thousand products. There is a potential market for said
products in other Nordic countries and in Russia as well. Such pre-heating
significantly spares the engine of the car at 0 degrees already and decreases
fuel consumption. According to Simo Puustelli, Managing Director of Satmatic Oy,
it is a product of the future, where in addition to starting the car and other
means of transport in cold weather, the product group is expected to expand to
charging stations for electric cars and infrastructure objects for the
development of electric supply stations in external conditions.

Harju Elekter is a leading manufacturer of electrical plants and materials in
the Baltic States. Harju Elekter Group includes the manufacturers of electrical
plants in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania: AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika
(100%), Satmatic Oy (100%) and Rifas UAB (51%), as well as the manufacturer of
telecommunications products AS Eltek (100%) and the related company AS Draka
Keila Cables (34%). Harju Elekter also has financial investments in the Latvian
seller of electrical plants SIA Energokomplekss (14%) and the Finnish stock
company PKC Group Oyj (8%).

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
Phone: +372 674 7400

For more information: Simo Puustelli, Managing Director of Satmatic Oy, ph +358
(2)537 9800.