
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


03.09.2009 09:25:41


Muudatused OEG grupi ja tütarettevõtete juhtimises


Alates 1. oktoobrist 2009 muutub Olympic Entertainment Groupi (OEG) juhatus
kaheliikmeliseks - grupi juhatuse esimeheks (CEO) saab Indrek Jürgenson ning
juhatuse liikmeks Kristi Ojakäär. Senine juhatuse liige Andri Avila jätkab tööd
ettevõtte nõukogus. 

Juhatuse esimehena on Indrek Jürgensoni peamised vastutusalad üldjuhtimine ning
arendusprojektide ellu viimine. Juhatuse liige Kristi Ojakäär hakkab vastutama
finantsjuhtimise ja investorsuhete eest. 

Indrek Jürgenson on alates 2003. aastast töötanud OEG info- ja
kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia direktori ametikohal. Ta on lõpetanud Tallinna
Ülikooli füüsika/informaatika erialal. Jürgensonile ei kuulu ühtegi OEG

Kristi Ojakäär asus OEG finantsosakonda tööle 2005. aastal ning alates 2007.
aastast on ta töötanud OEG finantsdirektori ametikohal. Ta on lõpetanud TTÜ
ärikorralduse eriala ning on TTÜ-s omandamas magistrikraadi ärirahanduses.
Kristi Ojakäär omab 1450 OEG aktsiat. Ojakäär on ka Maarjamäe Kinnisvara OÜ
juhatuse liige. 

Jätkuva restruktureerimis- ja optimeerimisprogrammi raames ning seoses lepingu
lõppemisega lahkuvad 1. oktoobril 2009 ettevõttest ka OEG tütarfirma Olympic
Casino Eesti AS juhataja Tarmo Kase ja Valgevene tütarfirma FE Olympic Casino
Bel juhataja Andrus Koha. Olympic Casino Eesti AS uueks juhatajaks (CEO) saab
grupi arendusdirektor Meelis Pielberg ning FE Olympic Casino Bel juhataja
kohuseid asub täitma Leedu tütarfirma UAB Olympic Casino Group Baltija juhataja
Saulius Petravičius. 


Andri Avila

Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Tel +372 667 1250
E-post andri.avila@oc.eu


Changes in management of Olympic Entertainment Group and its subsidiaries


As of October 1, 2009, the management of Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) will
have two members - the chairman of the management board (CEO) of the group will
be Indrek Jürgenson and the member of the management board will be Kristi
Ojakäär. The former member of the management board Andri Avila will continue
working in the supervisory board of the company. 

The main areas of responsibility of the chairman of the management board,
Indrek Jürgenson are general management and the implementation of development
projects.  The member of the management board, Kristi Ojakäär will be
responsible for financial management and for investor relations. 

Since 2003, Indrek Jürgenson has been working in the position of director of
information and communication technology of OEG.  He is a graduate of the
specialty of physics/informatics of Tallinn University.  Mr Jürgenson does not
own any shares of OEG. 

Kristi Ojakäär started her employment in the financial department of OEG in the
year 2005 and as of the year 2007, she has been working in the position of
financial director of OEG. She is a graduate of the specialty of business
administration of Tallinn Technical University and is currently pursuing her
Master's degree in business finance in the above University. Kristi Ojakäär
owns 1450 OEG shares. Ms Ojakäär is also a member of the management board of
Maarjamäe Kinnisvara OÜ. 

In the framework of the continuous program of restructuring and optimization,
and in connection with the expiration of their contracts, as of October 2009,
Tarmo Kase, the director of the subsidiary company of OEG - Olympic Casino
Eesti AS -, and Andrus Koha, the director of the Belarus subsidiary company FE
Olympic Casino Bel, will leave the company. The new director (CEO) of Olympic
Casino Eesti AS will be the development director Meelis Pielberg and the duties
of the director of FE Olympic Casino Bel will be performed by Saulius
Petravičius, the director of the Lithuanian subsidiary company UAB Olympic
Casino Group Baltija. 

Additional information:

Andri Avila
Executive director
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Phone +372 667 1250
E-mail andri.avila@oc.eu