
Arco Vara AS


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


27.08.2009 10:55:53


Arco Vara AS aktsionäride erakorralise üldkoosoleku otsused


Täna, 27. augustil 2009. aastal toimus Arco Vara AS aktsionäride erakorraline
üldkoosolek Reval Hotel Centralis, Narva mnt 7c, Tallinnas. 

Aktsionäride erakorraline üldkoosolek algas kell 09.07 ja lõppes kell 09.15
ning oli pädev võtma vastu otsuseid päevakorras olnud küsimuses. Päevakord
avaldati 19. augustil 2009. ajalehes Postimees, Tallinna Börsi infosüsteemis
ning Arco Vara koduleheküljel http://www.arcorealestate.com. 

Arco Vara AS aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek võttis vastu järgmise otsuse: 
1.	Kehtestada põhikirja punkt 4.1. järgnevas sõnastuses „4.1 Seltsi juhatusel
on 1 (üks) kuni 5 (viis) liiget, kes valitakse ametisse kolmeks aastaks.
Lubatud juhatuse liikmete korduv valimine“ ning kinnitada põhikiri uues

Otsuse poolt anti 54 208 055  häält, mis moodustas 70,80 % registreerunuist,
otsuse vastu hääletas 22 358 584, mis moodustas 29,20 % registreerunuist.
Erapooletuid ei olnud ja hääletamata ei jäetud. 

Tulenedes äriseadustiku § 300 lg 1 on põhikirja muutmise otsus vastu võetud,
kui selle poolt on antud vähemalt 2/3 üldkoosolekul esindatud häältest ning
Arco Vara AS põhikiri ei näe ette suuremat häälteenamuse nõuet. 
Koosolek viidi läbi vastavalt seaduse ja põhikirja nõuetele.

Lembit Tampere
Juhatuse esimees
Arco Vara AS
Tel: +372 614 4630


Decisions of the special general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS


The special general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS was held today, on
27 August 2009 at Reval Hotel Central, Narva mnt 7c, in Tallinn. 

The special general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS started at 9.07
a.m. and ended at 9.15 a.m. and it was competent to pass decisions regarding
the items on the agenda. The agenda of the special general meeting of
shareholders of Arco Vara AS was published in the newspaper Postimees on 19
August 2009, in the information system of the Tallinn Stock Exchange and on the
website of Arco Vara AS http://www.arcorealestate.com. 

The following decision was passed at the special general meeting of
shareholders of Arco Vara AS: 
1.	To enact clause 4.1. in the article of association as following “The
Management Board of the Company consists of 1 (one) to 5 (five) members elected
for three years. Repeated electing of the Members of the Management Board is
allowed.“ In conjunction with the amendments in current clause the new wording
of article of association should be adopted. 

The number of the votes given in favor of the resolution was 54 208 055  which
accounted for 70.80 % of the registered participants. The number of the votes
given against the resolution was 22 358 584 which accounted for 29.20 % of the
registered participants. There were no impartial votes and every participant

According to the clause 300 sub-clause 1 in the Commercial Code a resolution on
amendment of the articles of association shall be adopted if at least
two-thirds of the votes represented at a general meeting are in favor as well
the articles of association of Arco Vara AS have not prescribe a greater
majority requirement. 

The special general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS was held according
to law and Article of Association of Arco Vara AS. 

Lembit Tampere
Arco Vara AS
phone: +372 614 4630