
AS Trigon Property Development




11.08.2009 16:10:00


AS Trigon Property Development Auditeerimata Majandustulemused, 6 kuud 2009


2009. aasta II kvartali lõpuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte         
arendusprojekti, milleks on 40 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Niidu      
Käesolevas teates esitatud bilanss seisuga 30.06.2009 ja 31.12.2008 kajastab    
täielikult AS Trigon Property Development varasid.                              
Vastavalt esitatud kasumiaruandele on AS Trigon Property Development 2009. aasta
6 kuu puhaskahjum 435 tuhat EEK ja puhaskahjum aktsia kohta 0,10 EEK.           
Seisuga 30.06.2009 moodustasid AS Trigon Property Development konsolideeritud   
varad kokku EEK 124 531 tuhat. Ühingu konsolideeritud omakapital moodustas EEK  
120 704 tuhat, mis moodustas 96,93% bilansimahust.                              

Lühendatud konsolideeritud bilanss                                              
|                      |     tuh EEK |     tuh EEK |     tuh EUR |     tuh EUR |
|                      |  30.06.2009 |  31.12.2008 |  30.06.2009 |  31.12.2008 |
| Raha                 |          31 |          69 |           2 |           4 |
| Nõuded ja ettemaksud |         220 |         125 |          14 |           8 |
| Käibevara kokku      |         251 |         194 |          16 |          12 |
| Kinnisvarainvesteeri |     124 280 |     124 280 |       7 943 |       7 943 |
| ngud                 |             |             |             |             |
| Põhivara kokku       |     124 280 |     124 280 |       7 943 |       7 943 |
| AKTIVA KOKKU         |     124 531 |     124 474 |       7 959 |       7 955 |
| Laenukohustused      |       1 030 |       1 026 |          66 |          66 |
| Võlad ja ettemaksed  |        643  |         155 |          41 |          10 |
| Lühiajalised         |       1 673 |       1 181 |         107 |          76 |
| kohustused kokku     |             |             |             |             |
| Pikaajalised         |       2 154 |       2 154 |         138 |         138 |
| laenukohustused      |             |             |             |             |
| Pikaajalised         |       2 154 |       2 154 |         138 |         138 |
| kohustused kokku     |             |             |             |             |
| Kohustused kokku     |       3 827 |       3 335 |         245 |         214 |
| Aktsiakapital        |      44 991 |      44 991 |       2 875 |       2 875 |
| nimiväärtuses        |             |             |             |             |
| Ülekurss             |       3 537 |       3 537 |         226 |         226 |
| Kohustuslik          |       4 499 |       4 499 |         288 |         288 |
| reservkapital        |             |             |             |             |
| Jaotamata kasum      |      67 677 |      68 112 |       4 325 |       4 352 |
| Omakapital kokku     |     120 704 |     121 139 |       7 714 |        7741 |
|                      |             |             |             |             |
| PASSIVA KOKKU        |     124 531 |     124 474 |       7 959 |       7 955 |

Lühendatud konsolideeritud kasumiaruanne                                        
|                      |     tuh EEK |     tuh EEK |     tuh EUR |     tuh EUR |
|                      | 6 kuud 2009 | 6 kuud 2008 | 6 kuud 2009 | 6 kuud 2008 |
| Renditulu            |         310 |         234 |          20 |          15 |
| Kinnisvarainvesteeri |       (619) |        (90) |        (39) |         (6) |
| ngutega seotud kulud |             |             |             |             |
|                      |             |             |             |             |
| Brutokahjum (-kasum) |       (309) |         144 |        (19) |           9 |
|                      |             |             |             |             |
| Üldhalduskulud       |        (86) |       (124) |         (5) |         (8) |
| Kinnisvarainvesteeri |           0 |     (6 462) |           0 |       (413) |
| ngu õiglase väärtuse |             |             |             |             |
| muutus               |             |             |             |             |
| Muud äritulud        |           0 |         226 |           0 |          14 |
|                      |             |             |             |             |
| Ärikahjum            |       (395) |     (6 216) |        (24) |       (398) |
|                      |             |             |             |             |
| Neto finantskulu     |        (40) |        (20) |         (3) |         (1) |
| PERIOODI PUHASKAHJUM |       (435) |     (6 236) |        (27) |       (399) |
|                      |             |             |             |             |
| Tava puhaskahjum     |      (0,10) |      (1,39) |      (0,01) |      (0,09) |
| aktsia kohta         |             |             |             |             |
| Lahustatud           |      (0,10) |      (1,39) |      (0,01) |      (0,09) |
| puhaskahjum aktsia   |             |             |             |             |
| kohta                |             |             |             |             |

Ülo Adamson                                                                     
Nõukogu esimees                                                                 
+372 51 39 424


Unaudited Financial results of AS Trigon Property Development, 6 months of 2009


As at the end of second quarter 2009, AS Trigon Property Development owned one  
property development project involving 40-hectare land plot in the City of      
Pärnu, Niidu area.                                                              

The balance sheet as of 30.06.2009 and 31.12.2008 delivered by the present      
announcement completely reflects the assets, liabilities and equity capital of  
AS Trigon Property Development.                                                 
According to the presented income statement the net loss for 6 months 2009 of AS
Trigon Property Development is 435 thousand EEK and the earnings per share is   
-0.10 EEK.                                                                      
As of 30.06.2009 the consolidated assets of AS Trigon Property Development was  
EEK 124 531 thousand. The consolidated equity of the company was EEK 121 207    
thousand, corresponding to 96.93 % of the total balance sheet.                  

Ülo Adamson                                                                     
Chairman of the Supervisory Board                                               
Investor Relations                                                              
+372 51 39 424                                                                  

Condensed consolidated balance sheet                                            
|                      | EEK thous |   EEK thous |    EUR thous |    EUR thous |
|                      | 30.06.200 |  31.12.2008 |   30.06.2009 |   31.12.2008 |
|                      |         9 |             |              |              |
| Cash                 |        31 |          69 |            2 |            4 |
| Receivables and      |       220 |         125 |           14 |            8 |
| prepayments          |           |             |              |              |
| Total current assets |       251 |         194 |           16 |           12 |
| Investment property  |   124 280 |     124 280 |        7 943 |        7 943 |
| Total non-current    |   124 280 |     124 280 |        7 943 |        7 943 |
| assets               |           |             |              |              |
| TOTAL ASSETS         |   124 531 |     124 474 |        7 959 |        7 955 |
| Borrowings           |     1 030 |       1 026 |           66 |           66 |
| Payables and         |      643  |         155 |           41 |           10 |
| prepayments          |           |             |              |              |
| Total current        |     1 673 |       1 181 |          107 |           76 |
| liabilities          |           |             |              |              |
| Long-term borrowings |     2 154 |       2 154 |          138 |          138 |
| Total non-current    |     2 154 |       2 154 |          138 |          138 |
| liabilities          |           |             |              |              |
| Total liabilities    |     3 827 |       3 335 |          245 |          214 |
| Share capital at     |    44 991 |      44 991 |        2 875 |        2 875 |
| nominal value        |           |             |              |              |
| Share premium        |     3 537 |       3 537 |          226 |          226 |
| Statutory reserve    |     4 499 |       4 499 |          288 |          288 |
| capital              |           |             |              |              |
| Retained earnings    |    67 677 |      68 112 |        4 325 |        4 352 |
| Total equity         |   120 704 |     121 139 |        7 714 |         7741 |
|                      |           |             |              |              |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES    |   124 531 |     124 474 |        7 959 |        7 955 |
| AND EQUITY           |           |             |              |              |

Condensed consolidated income statement                                         
|                       |  EEK thous |   EEK thous |  EUR thous |    EUR thous |
|                       |   6 months |    6 months |   6 months |     6 months |
|                       |       2009 |        2008 |       2009 |         2008 |
| Rental income         |        310 |         234 |         20 |           15 |
| Expenses related to   |      (619) |        (90) |       (39) |          (6) |
| investment property   |            |             |            |              |
|                       |            |             |            |              |
| Gross loss (profit)   |      (309) |         144 |       (19) |            9 |
|                       |            |             |            |              |
| Administrative and    |       (86) |       (124) |        (5) |          (8) |
| general expenses      |            |             |            |              |
| Change in value of    |          0 |     (6 462) |          0 |        (413) |
| investment property   |            |             |            |              |
| Other income          |          0 |         226 |          0 |           14 |
|                       |            |             |            |              |
| Operating loss        |      (395) |     (6 216) |       (24) |        (398) |
|                       |            |             |            |              |
| Net financial income  |       (40) |        (20) |        (3) |          (1) |
| NET LOSS FOR THE      |      (435) |     (6 236) |       (27) |        (399) |
| PERIOD                |            |             |            |              |
|                       |            |             |            |              |
| Basic earnings per    |     (0.10) |      (1.39) |     (0.01) |       (0.09) |
| share                 |            |             |            |              |
| Diluted earnings per  |     (0.10) |      (1.39) |     (0.01) |       (0.09) |
| share                 |            |             |            |              |