


Muu oluline informatsioon


22.06.2009 14:30:47


Muudatused AS Tallinna Vesi nõukogu koosseisus


Teisipäeval, 16. juunil 2009 kutsus United Utilities (Tallinn) BV (edaspidi UU)
AS-i Tallinna Vesi nõukogust tagasi Kevin Starlingi ja Steven Richard Fraseri
ning nimetas  uuteks nõukogu liikmeteks Leslie Anthony Belli ja Andrew James

Leslie Anthony Bell töötab United Utilities Utility Solutionsi
tegevdirektorina. Ta liitus United Utilities'iga 2001. aastal ning omab
magistrikraadi ehitusgeoloogia alal. Leslie Anthony Bellil on varasem kogemus
ehitussektorist, ta on töötanud sellistes ettevõtetes nagu AMEC Civil
Engineering ning Colcrete Ltd. Leslie Anthony Bell ei oma AS-i Tallinna Vesi
aktsiaid. Aastatel 2001-2003 oli Leslie Anthony Bell AS-i Tallinna Vesi nõukogu

Andrew James Prescott töötab United Utilities Utility Solutionsi
finantsplaneerimise- ning analüüsi juhina. Ta liitus United Utilities'iga 2006.
aastal ning omab bakalaureusekraadi majanduse ning majandusajaloo alal. Andrew
James Prescottil on varasem kogemus finantsvaldkonnast, ta on töötanud
sellistes ettevõtetes nagu Rank Leisure Holidays ning Princes Limited. Andrew
James Prescott ei oma AS-i Tallinna Vesi aktsiaid. 
AS-i Tallinna Vesi põhikirja kohaselt on UU-l kui AS Tallinna Vesi
suuraktsionäril (35,3% aktsiatest) õigus määrata kaks AS-i Tallinna Vesi
nõukogu liiget  ja Tallinna linnal kui teisel suuraktsionäril (34,7%) on õigus
samuti määrata kaks nõukogu liiget. UU-l on ka õigus esitada kaks valitavat
nõukogu liikme kandidaati ning Tallinna linnal on õigus esitada üks valitav
nõukogu liikme kandidaat AS-i Tallinna Vesi aktsionäride üldkoosolekule, mis
valib lisaks ka kaks sõltumatut nõukogu liiget. 

Tänase seisuga on AS-i Tallinna Vesi nõukogu liikmeteks Robert John Gallienne,
Leslie Anthony Bell  (UU), Matti Hyyrynen (EBRD), Andrew James Prescott (UU),
Rein Ratas (Tallinna linn), Elmar Sepp (Tallinna linn), Deniss Boroditš
(Tallinna Linn) Mart Mägi (sõltumatu) ja Valdur Laid (sõltumatu). 

Priit Koff
Tel 62 62 209


Changes in AS Tallinna Vesi supervisory council members


On Tuesday, 16th of June 2009, United Utilities (Tallinn) BV (henceforth UU)
recalled Kevin Starling and Steven Richard Fraser from the Supervisory Council
of AS Tallinna Vesi and appointed Leslie Anthony Bell and Andrew James Prescott
as new members of the Supervisory Council. 

Leslie Anthony Bell is Managing Director of United Utilities Utility Solutions.
He has previously worked for AMEC Civil Engineering before joining United
Utilities in 2001 as Managing Director of United Utilities International. Mr.
Bell holds a MSc in Engineering Geology and does not own any shares of AS
Tallinna Vesi. 

Andrew James Prescott is Financial Planning and Analysis Manager of United
Utilities Utility Solutions. He has previously worked for Princes Limited and
Rank Leisure Holdings before joining United Utilities as Group Financial
Control Manager in 2006. Mr. Prescott holds a BA in Economics and Economic
History and does not own any shares of AS Tallinna Vesi.
According to the articles of association of AS Tallinna Vesi, United Utilities
as a majority shareholder in AS Tallinna Vesi (35,3%) has the right to appoint
2 supervisory council members of AS Tallinna Vesi and the City of Tallinn as
the other majority shareholder (34,7%) also has the right to appoint two
supervisory council members. UU also has the right to present two supervisory
council member candidates and the City of Tallinn has the right to present one
supervisory council member candidate to be elected by the annual general
meeting of AS Tallinna Vesi shareholders, which also elects the two independent
supervisory council members. 

As of today the members of AS Tallinna Vesi Supervisory Council are Robert John
Gallienne (UU), Leslie Anthony Bell (UU), Matti Hyyrynen (EBRD), Andrew James
Prescott (UU), Rein Ratas (Tallinn City), Elmar Sepp (Tallinn City), Deniss
Boroditš (Tallinn City), Mart Mägi (independent) and Valdur Laid (independent). 

Priit Koff
Head of Communication
Tel +372 62 62 209