
AS Trigon Property Development


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumine


20.05.2009 16:10:00





19.05.2009.a. toimus AS Trigon Property Development nõukogu koosolek, kus
nõukogu otsustas kutsuda kokku aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku, kinnitada
üldkoosoleku päevakorra ja anda oma seisukohad päevakorrapunktidele.
21.05.2009.a. avaldatakse järgmise sisuga korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise

AS Trigon Property Development korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade
AS Trigon Property Development (äriregistrikood: 10106774, edaspidi Selts)
juhatus kutsub nõukogu ettepanekul kokku Seltsi aktsionäride korralise
üldkoosoleku, mis toimub 16.06.2009.a. kell 11.00 Seltsi asukohas, aadressil
Viru Väljak 2, Tallinn, Eesti Vabariik. 

Alljärgnevalt on esitatud korralise üldkoosoleku päevakord koos Seltsi nõukogu
1. 2008.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine
Seltsi nõukogu ettepanek: kinnitada juhatuse poolt koostatud 2008.a.
majandusaasta aruanne esitatud kujul. 
2. 2008. a. kahjumi katmine
	Seltsi nõukogu ettepanek: katta 2008. aasta kahjum summas 13 180 tuhat Eesti
krooni eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasumi arvelt. 
3. 2008. majandusaasta audiitori valimine ja tasustamise korra määramine
Seltsi nõukogu ettepanek: valida 2008. majandusaasta audiitoriks AS
PricewaterhouseCoopers ning maksta audiitorile tasu vastavalt audiitoriga
sõlmitud lepingule ja esitatud arvetele. 
4. Nõukogu koosseisu muutmine
Seltsi nõukogu ettepanek: kutsuda tagasi nõukogu liige Gleb Ognyannikov ja
valida Seltsi uueks nõukogu liikmeks Ülo Kallas. Ülo Kallas töötab AS-s Trigon
Capital alates 2008 aastast ning on alates 01.01.2009 AS Trigon Capitali
finantsdirektor. Aastatel 2005-2008 töötas Ülo Kallas AS-s Swedbank, kus juhtis
muuhulgas ka projektifinantseerimise osakonda. Ülo Kallas ei oma AS Trigon
Property Development aktsiaid. 

AS Trigon Property Development 2008.a. auditeeritud majandusaasta aruandega on
võimalik tutvuda Seltsi asukohas, Viru Väljak 2, Tallinn ja Seltsi interneti
koduleheküljel www.trigonproperty.com. 

Üldkoosolekul hääleõiguslike aktsionäride nimekiri määratakse kindlaks seisuga
05.06.2009.a. kell 23:59. Koosolekust osavõtjate registreerimine algab kell

Üldkoosolekul osalejate registreerimiseks palume kaasa võtta:
Füüsilisest isikust aktsionäril - isikut tõendav dokument; 
Füüsilisest isikust aktsionäri esindajal - kirjalik volikiri ja isikut tõendav
Juriidilisest isikust aktsionäri esindajal - kehtiv registrikaardi tõestatud
ärakiri, millest nähtub isiku seadusjärgne õigus aktsionäri esindada ja
esindaja isikut tõendav dokument või nõuetekohaselt vormistatud volikiri ja
esindaja isikut tõendav dokument. Välisriigis registreeritud juriidilise isiku
dokumendid peavad olema legaliseeritud või kinnitatud Apostilliga. 

Isikut tõendava dokumendina palume esitada pass või ID kaart.

Aivar Kempi
Juhatuse liige
+372 6679 200




May 20, 2009

The meeting of the supervisory board of AS Trigon Property Development was held
on May 19, 2009 where the supervisory board decided to call the annual general
meeting of shareholders, to approve the agenda of the general meeting and to
give the proposals with respect of the items at the agenda of the general
meeting. The notice to call the annual general meeting will be published on May
21, 2009 as follows: 

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of AS Trigon Property Development

On the proposal of the supervisory board, the management board of AS Trigon
Property Development (registry code: 10106774, hereinafter the Company) calls
the annual general meeting of the shareholders to be held in the office of the
Company at Viru Väljak 2, Tallinn 10111, Estonia at 11 am on June 16, 2009. 

The agenda of the general meeting with the proposals of the supervisory board
is  the following: 

1. Approval of the annual report 2008
The proposal of the supervisory board: to approve the annual report 2008
concluded by the management board in the presented form. 
2. Cover of loss for the year 2008
The proposal of the supervisory board: to cover the loss for the year 2008 in
the amount of 13,180 thousand Estonian kroons from the account of undistributed
profit of the previous periods. 
3. Appointment of auditor for the financial year 2009 and determination of the
remuneration procedure 
The proposal of the supervisory board: to appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers as
and auditor on the financial year 2009 and to pay remuneration upon the
concluded agreement presented invoices. 
4. Change of composition of the supervisory board
The proposal of the supervisory board: to remove the current supervisory board
member Gleb Ognyannikov from the position of the supervisory board member and
to appoint Ülo Kallas as the new supervisory board member of the Company. Ülo
Kallas is employed with AS Trigon Capital since 2008 and is the Chief Financial
Officer of AS Trigon Capital since January 1, 2009. Prior to that in the years
2005-2008 Mr. Kallas worked for AS Swedbank including as the head of project
financing department. Ülo Kallas owns no shares in AS Trigon Property

The audited annual report 2008 of AS Trigon Property Development is available
for examination at the location of the Company at Viru Väljak 2, Tallinn and on
the website of the Company www.trigonproperty.com. 

The list of shareholders entitled to participate at the general meeting will be
closed at 23:59 on June 5, 2009. The registration of the participants of the
meeting will start at 10:30. 

For registration of the participants of the general meeting are requested:

Shareholders as natural persons are requested to submit a passport or identity
card; their representatives are requested to submit additionally written power
of attorney. 
Shareholders as legal entities are requested to submit a certified extract from
a relevant (commercial) register, with whom the legal entity has been
registered, which sets out a person's right to represent the shareholder (at
law) or power of attorney along with the person's idenification document. The
documents of legal entities registered abroad shall be legalised or affixed
with Apostille. 

Aivar Kempi
Member of the management board
+372 6679 200