
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


15.05.2009 14:16:38


Olympic Casino avas Rumeenias oma esinduskasiino Bora Bora


Olympic Entertainment Groupi (OEG) Rumeenia tütarfirma avas täna riigi
pealinnas Bukarestis oma esinduskasiino Bora Bora. Accor Hotels hotelliketti
kuuluvas 4-tärni hotellis Pullmann avatud kasiino valmimisse investeeriti ligi
100 miljonit krooni. 

Kahel korrusel ja enam kui 1400 ruutmeetril laiuvas Olympic Casino Bora Boras
asub 72 mänguautomaati, kolm elektroonilist ruletilauda ja 17 kasiinolauda,
millest neli paiknevad luksuslikus VIP-ruumis. Samuti ootab kasiinokülastajaid
laia valikuga restoran. 

OEG sisenes 22 miljoni elanikuga Rumeenia turule 2007. aasta teises kvartalis,
omandades Rumeenia ühele tuntuimale kasiinooperaatorile Empire International
Game Worldile kuuluvad kolm kasiinot Rumeenia pealinnas Bukarestis. Täna
opereerib OEG Rumeenias kokku kuue kasiino tegevust, andes tööd 224 inimesele. 

Olympic Entertainment Group on regiooni suurim kasiinomeelelahutuse pakkuja,
andes tööd kokku ligi 3500 inimesele. OEG on Euroopa Kasiinoassotsiatsiooni
(ECA) täisliige. Täna opereerib grupp kasiinodega Eestis, Lätis, Leedus,
Valgevenes, Ukrainas, Rumeenias, Poolas ja Slovakkias. OEG aktsiatega saab
kaubelda Tallinna Börsi ning Varssavi Börsi põhinimekirjades. Kõik Olympic
Entertainment Groupi kasiinooperaatorid on vastutustundlikud ettevõtted, kes
teavitavad oma kliente ka hasartmängudega seotud ohtudest. 
Andri Avila
Olympic Entertainment Group 
tel + 372 667 1250
e-post andri.avila@oc.eu


Olympic Casino opened its Romanian flagship casino Bora Bora


Romanian subsidiary of Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) opened its flagship
casino Bora Bora in the state's capital city Bucharest. Close to 100 mln kroons
(6.4 mln Euros) were invested in the opening of the new casino, which is
located in the Accor Hotels chain's 4-star hotel Pullmann. 

The two-storey Olympic Casino Bora Bora covers an area of more than 1400 square
metres and has 72 slot machines, three electronic roulette tables and 17 casino
tables, four out of which are located in the luxurious VIP room. In addition,
the new casino holds a restaurant with a wide menu. 

OEG entered the Romanian market in the second quarter of 2007 by acquiring
three casinos in the Romanian capital city Bucharest that belonged to one of
the best-known Romanian casino operators Empire International Game World. Today
OEG operates a total of six casinos and employs a total of 224 people in
Romania - a country that has a population of 22 million. 

Olympic Entertainment Group is one of the largest casino entertainment
providers in the region, employing around 3500 people. OEG is a full member of
the European Casino Association. Today the Group operates casinos in Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Slovakia. Shares of
OEG are traded on the main lists of the Tallinn Stock Exchange and the Warsaw
Stock Exchange. All the subsidiaries of Olympic Entertainment Group are
responsible casino operators who also inform their customers about the threats
related to casino games. 
For additional information please contact:
Andri Avila
CEO of Olympic Entertainment Group 
phone: +372 667 1250
e-mail: andri.avila@oc.eu