
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


27.11.2008 15:15:00


Laenulepingu sõlmimine


Olympic Entertainment Group AS (OEG) ja AS Hansapank sõlmisid 26. novembril
2008.a laenulepingu, millega suurendati olemasolevat laenulimiiti 10 000 000
euro (156 466 000 krooni) võrra 25 000 000 euroni (391 165 000 krooni) ning
pikendati laenu tagasimakse lõpptähtaega 5 aastani ehk 25. detsembrini 2013.a.
Intressi arvestuse aluseks on Euro 6 kuu Euribor + 3,75% aastas. 

Laenu kasutamise eesmärk on OEG kontserni investeeringute finantseerimine
Poolas, Slovakkias ja Leedus. 

Laenu tagatiseks on AS Hansapank kasuks seatav pant finantstagatise vormis OEG
Eesti, Läti, Leedu, Poola ja Ukraina tütarettevõtete aktsiatele ning garantii
OEG Valgevene, Rumeenia ja Slovakkia tütarettevõtetelt. 


Andri Avila                                                                     
Olympic Entertainment Group                                                     
Tel + 372 667 1250                                                              
E-post andri.avila@oc.eu                                                     


Conclusion of loan agreement


On 26th of November 2008 Olympic Entertainment Group AS (OEG) and AS Hansapank
have concluded a loan agreement, which increased the existing limit amount by
EUR 10,000,000 (EEK 156,466,000) up to EUR 25,000,000 (EEK 391,165,000) and
extended the final term of loan up to 5 years until 25th December 2013. The
basis for calculation of annual interest is Euro 6 months' Euribor + 3.75%. 

The purpose of the loan is OEG concern investments financing in Poland,
Slovakia and Lithuania. 

The loan shall be guaranteed by a pledge to be established in favour of AS
Hansapank in the form of financial collateral on OEG`s subsidiaries shares in
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine and in the form of guarantee
from OEG subsidiaries in Belarus, Romania and Slovakia. 

For further information, please contact:                                        

Andri Avila                                                                     
Olympic Entertainment Group                                                     
Telephone: + 372 667 1250                                                       
E-mail: andri.avila@oc.eu                                                     
Website: http://www.olympic-casino.com