
AS Tallink Grupp


Muu oluline informatsioon


18.08.2008 09:17:32


Olulise osaluse muutus


Genesis Asset Manager LLP teatas AS-le Tallink Grupp, et nende poolt hallatavad 
fondid  omavad olulist osalust AS-is Tallink Grupp.                             

Vastavalt teatele on Genesis Asset Manager LLP poolt hallatava osaluse suurus   
tõusnud 10%-ni (67 375 370 aktsiani) AS-i Tallink Grupp aktsiakapitalist.
Septembris 2007 avaldatud Genesis Asset Manager LLP poolt hallatava osaluse
suurus oli 9,12%. 

Täiendavalt annab Genesis Asset Manager LLP teada, et nad ei oma AS-i Tallink   
Grupp aktsiaid enda nimel vaid haldavad neid aktsiaid oma klientide nimel ja    
ühtlasi omavad hääletamise õigust enamuse aktsiate osas oma klientide poolt     
antud investeerimisvolituste alusel. Genesise investeerimiseesmärgiks on olla   
pikaajaline aktsionär.                                                          

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
e-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee


Change in substantial shareholding


Genesis Asset Manager LLP has informed that they currently manage funds with a  
substantial shareholding of AS Tallink Grupp.                                   

As of this date, the aggregate shareholdings under Genesis management is 10%    
(67,375,370 shares) of the total share capital of AS Tallink Grupp. The earlier 
information published is from September 2007 when the shareholding managed by   
Genesis Asset Manager LLP was 9.12%.                                            

Genesis Asset Manager LLP further informs that they do not hold any of  the     
securities for its own account but are disclosing this information as Genesis   
has been granted investment authority over such shares (owned by its clients)   
and has voting control over the majority of the shares. Genesis' investment     
objective is as a long term shareholder.                                        

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
e-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee