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26.06.2008 13:53:29


Manutent allkirjastas hotelli ostu-müügi lepingu SOK-ga


Täna hommikul allkirjastasid Manutent ja Soome suurim kaubandus- ja
hotellikontserniga SOK ostu-müügi lepingu, millega SOK tütarfirma SOK Real
Estate Int. OY ostab Manutendi tütarfirmalt Manutent Hotellid OÜ
sajaprotsendilise osaluse Venemaal registreeritud ettevõttes Otel Plus, millele
kuulub uhiuus 255 numbritoaga neljatärnihotell Peterburis Vassili saarel. 
Ostu-müügi tehing on loogiline järg juba rohkem kui kaks aastat tagasi sõlmitud
rendi eel-lepingule, millega lepiti osapoolte vahel kokku hotelli pikaajalise
rentimise tingimused pärast selle valmisehitamist ja kus olid ka sätestatud SOK
õigused hotelli väljaostmise kohta. 
Praeguses turuolukorras, kus likviidsus on hinnas, tunneb Manutent hotelli
müümise võimaluse üle head meelt. Hotellifirma müügiga teenib ettevõte
suurusjärgus 1,5 miljonit eurot kasumit, mis jääb investeerimisotsuse tegemisel
kunagi oodatust allapoole. Hotelliarenduse kasumlikkust on vähendanud
kavandatust oluliselt pikem ehitusperiood ning sellega kaasnenud lisakulud ning
ehitustööde maksumuse mõningane kasv. 
Kogu arendusperioodi vältel on toimunud Peterburi kinnisvarahindade oluline
kasv. Turuhindade kasvul ei ole aga olulist mõju valminud hotelli turuhinnale,
kuna seda piirab enne ehitama hakkamist SOK-ga kokku lepitud 15-aastase rendi
maksumus. Seetõttu ongi mõlemale lepingupoolele kasulik sõlmida valminud
hotellihoone müügileping hinnalt, mis on kindlaks määratud koos rendilepingu
sõlmimisega allkirjastatud SOK ostuoptsiooniga. 
Hotellis, mis hakkab kandma nime “Sokos Hotel Vasilievsky” on 255 numbrituba
rohkem kui 500 voodikohaga. Hotellis on restoran, lobby-baar, saunakompleks ja
konverentsiruum. Hotell asub Vassili saarel, Leitnant Smidt'i silla vahetus
läheduses, jalutuskäigu kaugusel Nevski prospektist. 
Täna allkirjastatud lepingu kohaselt on ostuhinna tasumine kavandatud hiljemalt
26. septembriks 2008.a. Tehingust laekuvate rahadega kavandab Manutent
vajadusel lunastada kogu emiteeritud võlakirjade mahu summas 7 miljonit eurot
ning vähendada laenukoormusi Läti arendusprojektides. 
“Me hindame kõrgelt kogemust, mille oleme Peterburi turul kinnisvara arendades
saanud. Usume, et see ei jää viimaseks Manutendi arendusprojektiks Venemaal”,
ütles Märt Vooglaid, Manutendi juhatuse esimees. 

Reimo Raid
Juhatuse liige
Tel: +372 50 16190


Manutent Signed Hotel Purchase and Sales Contract with SOK


Today morning, Manutent and the largest Finnish trade and hotel group SOK
signed a purchase and sales contract pursuant to which SOK Real Estate Int. OY,
a subsidiary of SOK, is going to purchase the share representing 100% of the
entire charter capital of the company Otel Plus. The seller is Manutent
Hotellid OÜ, a subsidiary of Manutent. Otel Plus is registered in Russia and
owns a 255-room four-star hotel on Vassily Island in St. Petersburg. 
The purchase and sales transaction is the logical sequel to the preliminary
lease contract made more than two years ago where the parties agreed on the
terms and conditions of the long-term lease of the hotel after the completion
of its construction and that also stipulated the rights of SOK to buy the
Manutent is pleased to have the opportunity to sell the hotel in the current
market situation where liquidity is very important. The company will earn a
profit of about 1.5 million euros by selling the hotel, which is below the
profit expected at the time the investment decision was made. The profitability
of the hotel's construction decreased because the construction period of the
hotel was longer than expected, which caused additional costs, and because of
the increase in construction prices. 
Real estate prices in St. Petersburg have increased considerably during the
entire development period. However, the increase in market prices has not had a
significant impact on the market price of the completed hotel, because it is
restricted by the cost of the 15-year lease agreed with SOK before the start of
construction. This why it was profitable for both parties to enter into the
contract for sale of the brand new hotel for the price defined with the
purchase option of SOK signed at the same time as the lease contract. 
The hotel will be named Sokos Hotel Vasilievsky and it has 255 rooms with more
than 500 beds. The hotel has a restaurant, lobby bar, sauna complex and
conference room. The hotel is located on Vassily Island next to the Lieutenant
Smidt Bridge, a short walk from Nevsky Prospect. 
According to the contract signed today, the purchase price of the hotel will be
paid by 26 September 2008 at the latest. Manutent plans to use the proceeds of
the transaction to redeem all the bonds issued by the company for 7 million
euros if necessary and to reduce the loan burden in Latvian development
“We appreciate the experience we gained from developing real estate on the St.
Petersburg market very highly. We believe that this will not be the last
development project of Manutent in Russia,” said Märt Vooglaid, Chairman of the
Management Board of Manutent. 

Reimo Raid
Member of Management Board
Tel.: +372 50 16190