
AS LHV Group


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


17.09.2024 08:00:00


LHV Groupi tulemused augustis 2024


Augustis jätkus LHV poolt plaanitust hoogsam laenude andmine, mis mõjutas
positiivselt ettevõtte kasuminumbrit. AS-i LHV Group konsolideeritud
laenuportfell kasvas kuuga 87 miljoni euro võrra. Hoiused kasvasid
konsolideeritult 254 miljoni euro võrra. LHV juhitud fondide maht kasvas
augustis 4 miljoni euro võrra. Finantsvahendajatega seotud makseid tehti kuuga
6,1 miljonit.

AS-i LHV Group konsolideeritud puhaskasum oli augustis 12,2 miljonit eurot.
Tütarettevõtetest AS LHV Pank teenis kuuga 11,8 miljonit eurot, LHV Bank Ltd 13
tuhat eurot, AS LHV Varahaldus 240 tuhat eurot ja AS LHV Kindlustus 129 tuhat
eurot puhaskasumit.

LHV Panga klientide arv suurenes augustis 3600 võrra. Tugevale tulemusele aitas
kaasa klientide aktiivsus ja hea kodulaenude väljastamine. Laenuportfelli 50
miljoni eurosest kasvust moodustasid 36 miljonit jaelaenud ja 14 miljonit
ettevõtete laenud. Tavaklientide hoiused kasvasid augustis 40 miljoni euro
võrra, finantsvahendajate hoiused 93 miljoni euro võrra ja 35 miljoni euro võrra
suurenes ka platvormide kaudu kaasatud hoiuste maht. Allahindlused jäid püsiva
krediidikvaliteedi tõttu plaanitust väiksemaks.

Augustis sõlmis LHV Pank lepingu TBB panga orienteeruvalt 36 miljoni euro
suuruse laenuportfelli osaliseks soetamiseks. Tehing on eelduslikult plaanis
lõpule viia III kvartali lõpuks. Augustis alustas LHV Pank ka taas õppelaenu
taotluste vastuvõttu.

Ühendkuningriigis tegutseva LHV Banki jaoks oli august seni kiireima
laenuportfelli ja hoiuste mahu kasvuga kuu. Laenuportfell kasvas 37 miljoni euro
võrra, hoiused suurenesid 85 miljoni euro võrra. Samas on ärimahud veel
finantsplaanist madalamal tasemel ja seetõttu on ka intressitulud plaanitust
maas. Käimas on LHV Banki jaepanganduse pakkumise aktiivne arendamine, mis
suurendas kulusid. Mobiilirakendus on plaanis töötajatele testimiseks avada juba

LHV Varahalduse juhitud fondide maht jäi seoses volatiilsusega turgudel eelmise
kuuga sisuliselt samale tasemele, kasvades 4 miljoni euro võrra. Varahalduse
puhaskasum vastab finantsplaanile, fondide maht jääb plaanile alla. Jätkumas on
II samba maksete suurendamise avalduste vastuvõtt, kui augusti lõpuks oli
avalduse esitanud 7300 klienti.

LHV Kindlustus jätkab stabiilselt veidi plaanitust hoogsamas joones. Augustis
sõlmiti 15 600 uut kindlustuslepingut mahuga 2,2 miljonit eurot. Poliiside arv
kasvas 244 tuhandeni. Kahjujuhtumeid hüvitati summas 1,8 miljonit eurot.
Kahjujuhtumite arv on stabiilne.

Augusti lõpuks edestab LHV Group puhaskasumi osas finantsplaani 20,2 miljoni
euroga. Finantsplaan püsib.

AS-i LHV Group aruanded on saadaval aadressil: https://investor.lhv.ee/aruanded.

LHV Group on suurim kodumaine finantskontsern ja kapitali pakkuja Eestis. LHV
Groupi peamised tütarettevõtted on LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV Kindlustus ja
LHV Bank Limited. Grupi ettevõtetes töötab üle 1100 inimese. LHV pangateenuseid
kasutab augusti lõpu seisuga 441 000 klienti, LHV hallatavatel pensionifondidel
on 118 000 aktiivset klienti ja LHV Kindlustusega on kaitstud 168 000 klienti.
Groupi tütarettevõte LHV Bank omab Ühendkuningriigi pangalitsentsi ning pakub
pangateenuseid rahvusvahelistele finantstehnoloogia ettevõtetele ja laenusid
väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele.

Priit Rum
LHV kommunikatsioonijuht
Telefon: 502 0786
Email: priit.rum@lhv.ee (mailto:priit.rum@lhv.ee)


LHV Group results for August 2024


In August, LHV's lending continued at a faster than planned pace, which had a
positive impact on the company's profit number. The consolidated loan portfolio
of AS LHV Group increased by EUR 87 million over the month. Deposits increased
by EUR 254 million on a consolidated basis. The volume of the funds managed by
LHV grew by EUR 4 million in August. Payments related to financial
intermediaries amounted to 6.1 million per month.

In August, the consolidated net profit of AS LHV Group was EUR 12.2 million.
Among the subsidiaries, AS LHV Pank earned EUR 11.8 million, LHV Bank Ltd EUR
13 thousand, AS LHV Varahaldus EUR 240 thousand, and AS LHV Kindlustus EUR 129
thousand in net profit over the month.

The number of the LHV Pank clients increased by 3,600. Strong results were
driven by client activity and good home loan lending performance. Of the
increase of EUR 50 million in the loan portfolio, retail loans accounted for EUR
36 million and corporate loans for EUR 14 million. In August, the deposits of
retail clients increased by EUR 40 million, the deposits of financial
intermediaries by EUR 93 million, and the volume of deposits raised through
platforms also increased by EUR 35 million. Write-downs remained lower than
planned due to the constant credit quality.

In August, LHV Pank entered into an agreement for the partial acquisition of the
loan portfolio of TBB Pank worth approximately EUR 36 million. The transaction
is expected to be completed by the end of Q3. In August, LHV Pank started
accepting student loan applications again.

For LHV Bank, which operates in the United Kingdom, August was the month with
the fastest loan portfolio and growth in the volume of deposits to date. The
loan portfolio grew by EUR 37 million and the deposits increased by EUR 85
million. At the same time, business volumes are still at a lower level than the
financial plan, and therefore interest income is also behind schedule. The
active development of LHV Bank's retail banking offering is underway, which has
increased costs. The mobile app is scheduled to be opened to staff for testing
as early as October.

Due to the volatility on the markets, the volume of funds managed by LHV
Varahaldus remained essentially at the same level as last month, increasing by
EUR 4 million. The net profit of Varahaldus corresponds to the financial plan;
however, the volume of funds is below the plan. The acceptance of applications
for increasing the amount of second pillar payments is continuing, with 7,300
clients having submitted applications by the end of August.

LHV Kindlustus is continuing at a steady and slightly faster than planned pace.
In August, 15,600 new insurance contracts were concluded in the amount of EUR
2.2 million. The number of policies increased to 244,000. Loss events were
compensated for in the amount of EUR 1.8 million. The number of loss events
remained stable.

By the end of August, LHV Group outperformed the financial plan in terms of net
profit by EUR 20.2 million. The financial plan remains unchanged.

To access the reports of AS LHV Group, please visit the website at

LHV Group is the largest domestic financial group and capital provider in
Estonia. The key subsidiaries of LHV Group are LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV
Kindlustus, and LHV Bank Limited. The Group employs over 1,100 people. As at the
end of August, LHV's banking services are being used by 441,000 clients, the
pension funds managed by LHV have 118,000 active clients, and LHV Kindlustus
protects a total of 168,000 clients. LHV Bank Limited, a subsidiary of the
Group, holds a banking license in the United Kingdom and provides banking
services to international financial technology companies, as well as loans to
small and medium-sized enterprises.

Priit Rum
Communications Manager
Phone: +372 502 0786
Email: priit.rum@lhv.ee (mailto:priit.rum@lhv.ee)