
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


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23.04.2008 17:26:39


OEG avas Rumeenias viienda kasiino


Olympic Entertainment Groupi (OEG) tütarfirma Rumeenias avas oma viienda
mängukoha, investeerides sellesse ligi 18,5 miljonit krooni (1,2 miljonit

Rumeenia uusim Olympic Casino kannab nime Olympic Casino Acropolis ning see
asub kiiresti areneva Pitesti linna värskelt avatud kaubanduskeskuses. 340
ruutmeetri suurune antiik-Kreeka stiilis kujundatud mängusaal on sisustatud 50
kaasaegse mänguautomaadiga, samuti tegutseb kasiinos avar baariosa. 

Värske kasiino on teine käesoleval aastal Rumeenias avatud uus Olympic Casino
mängukoht. Lisaks neile kuulub OEGle Rumeenias veel kolm mängusaali, mis saadi 
sealse juhtiva kasiinooperaatori Empire International Game World ostuga 2007.
aasta kevadel. Kaks neist on ümber ehitatud ja viidud Olympic Casino kaubamärgi
alla, sama ootab ees ka kasiinot “Napoleon”, mis asub Bukaresti World Trade
Centre'is paiknevas Sofiteli hotellis ning on linna üks luksuslikemaid

Andri Avila
juhatuse liige
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Tel + 372 667 1250
E-post andri.avila@oc.eu


OEG opened 5th casino in Romania


The Romanian subsidiary of Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) opened its fifth
gaming hall at an investment of around EEK 18.5 million (1.2 million Euros). 

The latest Olympic Casino in Romania is named Olympic Casino Acropolis and it
is located in the newest shopping centre of rapidly developing city of Pitesti.
The casino, which is designed in the style of Ancient Greece, has 340 square
metres of floor space and is equipped with 50 latest high-end slot machines.
There is also a spacious bar section in the casino. 

The newly opened gaming hall is the second new Olympic Casino founded in
Romania this year. In addition to those, OEG owns three more casinos in
Romania, which were acquired as part of the purchase of the country's leading
casino operator Empire International Game World in spring 2007. Two of them
have already been refurbished and rebranded as Olympic Casino. The same fate
expects the third casino - Napoleon - that is located in the Sofitel Hotel in
the Bucharest World Trade Centre. 

Additional information:
Andri Avila
Member of the Management Board
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Phone + 372 667 1250
E-mail: andri.avila@oc.eu