
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


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26.03.2008 08:54:06


Muudatus OEG Ukraina tütarettevõtete juhtimises


Alates 30. aprillist 2008 täidab Olympic Entertainment Groupi (OEG) Ukraina
tütarettevõtete tegevjuhi kohuseid Lyudmila Pyr, praegune Olympic Casino
Ukraine TOV finantsjuht. Olympic Casino Ukraine TOV senine tegevjuht Lembit Loo
lahkub aprilli lõpus ametist. 

OEG sisenes Ukraina hasartmänguturule 2004. aasta novembris, Lembit Loo on
Olympic Casino tegemisi Ukrainas juhtinud alates 2005. aasta lõpust. OEG
juhatuse liikme Andri Avila sõnul on Lembit Loo selle aja jooksul üles ehitanud
tugeva firma. “2005. aasta lõpus tegutses Ukrainas 4 Olympic Casinot ning
ettevõttes töötas 86 inimest. Tänaseks on avatud juba 17 Olympic Casinot ning
ettevõte annab tööd enam kui 650 inimesele. Lisaks omandasime Lembitu
eestvedamisel eelmisel aastal Ukraina juhtiva kasiinooperaatori Eldorado,”
tunnustas Andri Avila senise tegevjuhi tööd. 

Ametist lahkuva Lembit Loo sõnul on nüüd, kus Olympic Casino on oma positsiooni
Ukraina turul kinnistanud, tema jaoks käes aeg uuteks valikuteks. “Ukrainas
veedetud aeg oli väga huvitav, samuti on mul hea meel, et sain kaasa lüüa
Olympic Casino Sunrise´i avamise projektijuhina Poolas,” sõnas ta. “Nüüd, kus
Ukrainas on Olympic Casino kaubamärgi alla viidud juba kaks endist Eldorado
kasiinot, peaks edasine protsess kulgema plaanipäraselt ning minul on soov
hinge tõmmata ja seejärel uued võimalused üle vaadata,” sõnas ta. 

Alates 30. aprillist, pärast Lembit Loo lahkumist, saab Olympic Casino Ukraine
TOV tegevjuhi kohusetäitjaks Lyudmila Pyr. Alates 2005. aastast ettevõttes
töötav Lyudmila Pyr hakkab juhtima ka teisi OEG tütarettevõtteid Ukrainas
(Elodrado Leisure Company, Alea Private Company ja Ukraine Leisure Company). 


Andri Avila                                                                     
Juhatuse liige                                                                  
Olympic Entertainment Group                                                     
Tel + 372 667 1250                                                              
E-post andri.avila@ocg.ee                                                       


Changes in the management of OEG Ukrainian subsidiaries


As of 30 April 2008 Lyudmila Pyr, current Finance Manager of Olympic Casino
Ukraine TOV, will be performing the duties of the Acting Managing Director of
Ukrainian subsidiary of Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG). Current Managing
Director of Olympic Casino Ukraine TOV Lembit Loo will resign from the position
in the end of April. 

OEG entered the gaming market of Ukraine in November 2004, Lembit Loo has been
leading the activities of Olympic Casino in Ukraine since the end of 2005.
According to Andri Avila, Member of the Management Board of OEG, Lembit Loo has
built up a strong company during that time. “By the end of 2005 there were 4
Olympic Casinos operating in Ukraine with 86 employees. Today there are 17
Olympic Casinos and the company employs more than 650 people. In addition,
under the direction of Lembit we acquired Ukraine's leading casino operator
Eldorado last year,” said Andri Avila giving credit to the work of current
Managing Director. 

According to Lembit Loo, now when Olympic Casino has secured its position on
the Ukrainian market, it is time for him to make new choices. “The time spent
in Ukraine was truly interesting and I am also glad that I was able to
participate in opening of Olympic Casino Sunrise in Poland as a Project
Manager,” he said. “Now when already two former Eldorado casinos have been
rebranded as Olympic Casinos in Ukraine, the further process should proceed
according to the plan, and I wish to catch my breath and thereafter look at the
new opportunities.” 

As of 30 April, after resignation of Lembit Loo, Lyudmila Pyr will be
performing the duties of the Acting Managing Director of Olympic Casino Ukraine
TOV. Lyudmila Pyr, who began to work in the company in 2005, will also become a
Managing Director of other subsidiaries of OEG in Ukraine (Elodrado Leisure
Company, Alea Private Company and Ukraine Leisure Company). 

Additional information: 

Andri Avila
Member of the Management Board
Olympic Entertainment Group
Tel + 372 667 1250
E-mail: andri.avila@oc.eu