
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


18.01.2008 09:13:58


AS Admirāļu Klubs omandamise eellepingu lõpetamine


Olympic Casino Latvia SIA sõlmis eellepingu AS Admirāļu Klubs ostuks 26.
oktoobril 2007. Tehingu esialgseks väärtuseks hinnati 625,9 miljonit krooni (40
miljonit eurot). 

Tulenevalt due diligence`i tulemustest ei jätka Olympic Entertainment Groupi
(OEG) Läti tütarettevõte Olympic Casino Latvia SIA Läti suuruselt kolmanda
kasiinooperaatori AS Admirāļu klubs omandamist eellepingus sätestatud
tingimustel. Samas jätkavad pooled konsultatsioone mõlemale osapoolele
vastuvõetavate tingimuste leidmiseks. 

Andri Avila
juhatuse liige
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Tel + 372 667 1250
E-post andri.avila@oc.eu


Cancellation of the preliminary contract for the acquisition of AS Admirāļu Klubs


Olympic Casino Latvia SIA concluded preliminary contract for the acquisition of
the AS Admirāļu Klubs on 26th October 2007. The initial value of the agreement
was estimated as 625,9 mln EEK (40 mln EUR). 

In connection with the results of the due diligence, Olympic Entertainment
Group`s(OEG) subsidiary company Olympic Casino Latvia SIA will not proceed the
aquisition of the casino operator AS Admirāļu Klubs on the terms constituted in
the preliminary agreement. The consultations will continue in order to find
conditions suitable for both parties. 

Additional information:
Andri Avila
Member of the Management Board
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Tel + 372 667 1250
E-post andri.avila@oc.eu