
AS Tallink Grupp


Muu oluline informatsioon


14.01.2008 17:04:01


2007 detsembri statistika


AS Tallink Grupp vedas 2007 aasta detsembris 532 739 reisijat, mida on 1.8%     
rohkem kui detsembris 2006. Veetud kaubaveo ühikute arv oli 24 545 ning veetud  
sõiduautode arv 46 570.                                                         

Märgatav tõus oli Eesti-Soome vahelises liikluses, kus uue laeva Star ja selle  
ilmastikukindlus on avaldanud positiivset mõju, mille tulemusena kasvas         
reisijate arv detsembris 17.8%, veetud kaubaveo ühikute arv 27.7% ja veetud     
sõiduautode arv 64.8%.                                                          

2007 a. detsembris veeti AS-i Tallink Grupp laevadega reisijaid, kaubaveo       
ühikuid ja sõiduautosid järgmiselt:                                             

|                    | Detsember 2007 |      Detsember 2006 |           muutus |
| Reisijad           |        532 739 |             523 103 |             1.8% |
| Soome-Rootsi       |        210 146 |             250 608 |           -16.1% |
| Eesti-Soome        |        231 082 |             196 151 |            17.8% |
| Eesti-Rootsi       |         60 380 |              56 180 |             7.5% |
| Läti-Rootsi        |         22 941 |              12 423 |            84.7% |
| Soome-Saksa        |          8 190 |               7 741 |             5.8% |
| Kaubaveo ühikud    |         24 545|               25 106 |            -2.2%| 
| Soome-Rootsi       |          7 343 |               9 453 |           -22.3% |
| Eesti-Soome        |          8 218 |               6 437 |            27.7% |
| Eesti-Rootsi       |          3 087 |               3 125 |            -1.2% |
| Läti-Rootsi        |            864 |                 499 |            73.1% |
| Soome-Saksa        |          5 033 |               5 592 |           -10.0% |
| Sõiduautod         |         46 570 |              36 234 |            28.5% |
| Soome-Rootsi       |         10 867 |              11 199 |            -3.0% |
| Eesti-Soome        |         26 292 |              15 955 |            64.8% |
| Eesti-Rootsi       |          3 840 |               4 540 |           -15.4% |
| Läti-Rootsi        |          3 577 |               2 203 |            62.4% |
| Soome-Saksa        |          1 994 |               2 337 |           -14.7% |

Arengutele avaldasid mõju järgmised asjaolud.                                   


M/L SkyWind müügist 2007 aasta augustis tulenes madalam veomahutavus 2007 aasta 
detsembris võrreldes 2006 aasta detsembriga. Muutus on peamiselt mõjutanud      
kaubaveoühikute arvu.                                                           

Oktoobris toimunud üleminek uuele, kogu ettevõtet hõlmavale piletite            
broneerimis- ja registreerimissüsteemile avaldas negatiivset mõju ka detsembri  
broneeringutele. Samas on näha, et süsteemi käivitamisest tingitud mõju on      
jätkuvalt vähenemas.                                                            


„Tallink Shuttle“ teenus, mida opereerib uus M/L Star, võrreldes Autoexpress    
kiirlaevade, M/L Meloodia ja M/L Regal Star opereerimisega eelmise aasta samal  

2006 aasta detsembris oli M/S Regal Star doki tõttu 20 päeva liiklusest väljas. 


Erinevalt eelmisest aastast ei opereeri M/L Vana Tallinn enam                   
Paldiski-Kapellskäri liinil.                                                    


Opereerimine kahe laevaga ja igapäevased väljumised mõlemasse sihtpunkti        
võrreldes ühe laeva opereerimisega eelmisel majandusaastal on suurendanud       
Läti-Rootsi liini mahtusid.                                                     

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
Fax: +372 6409 810                                                              
E-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee


Statistics for December 2007


In December 2007 AS Tallink Grupp transported 532,739 passengers which is 1.8%  
more than in December 2006. The number of transported cargo units was 24,545 and
passenger vehicles 46,570 in December.                                          

The impact of our new Shuttle vessel “Star” and its weather reliability is      
noticeable as the passenger numbers between Estonia and Finland increased by    
17.8%, number of cargo units increased 27.7%, and number of passenger vehicles  
increased 64.8%.                                                                

AS Tallink Grupp's passenger, cargo units and passenger car numbers for December
2007 were the following:                                                        

|                           |  December 2007 |  December 2006 |         change |
| Passengers                |        532,739 |        523,103 |           1.8% |
| Finland-Sweden            |        210,146 |        250,608 |         -16.1% |
| Estonia-Finland           |        231,082 |        196,151 |          17.8% |
| Estonia-Sweden            |         60,380 |         56,180 |           7.5% |
| Latvia-Sweden             |         22,941 |         12,423 |          84.7% |
| Finland-Germany           |          8,190 |          7,741 |           5.8% |
| Cargo units               |        24,545  |        	25,106 |        -2.2% |
| Finland-Sweden            |          7,343 |          9,453 |         -22.3% |
| Estonia-Finland           |          8,218 |          6,437 |          27.7% |
| Estonia-Sweden            |          3,087 |          3,125 |          -1.2% |
| Latvia-Sweden             |            864 |            499 |          73.1% |
| Finland-Germany           |          5,033 |          5,592 |         -10.0% |
| Passenger vehicles        |         46,570 |         36,234 |          28.5% |
| Finland-Sweden            |         10,867 |         11,199 |          -3.0% |
| Estonia-Finland           |         26,292 |         15,955 |          64.8% |
| Estonia-Sweden            |          3,840 |          4,540 |         -15.4% |
| Latvia-Sweden             |          3,577 |          2,203 |          62.4% |
| Finland-Germany           |          1,994 |          2,337 |         -14.7% |

The following operational factors influenced the development.                   


The sale of M/S SkyWind in August 2007 resulted in smaller capacities in        
December 2007 compared to December 2006. The change affected mainly the         
transportation of cargo units.                                                  

From the implementation of the new Group wide booking and check-in system in    
October the December bookings were also affected which leaded to decrease in    
volumes. However we see that the negative impact continues to reduce            


Tallink Shuttle service with new M/S Star was operated between Tallinn and      
Helsinki route compared to the Autoexpress service and the operations of M/S    
Meloodia and M/S Regal Star in the same period of last year.                    

Cargo vessel M/S Regal Star was in the dock in December 2006 and did not operate
for 20 days.                                                                    


M/S Vana Tallinn does not operate any more between Paldiski-Kapellskär, but was 
there last year.                                                                


The operations of two vessels and everyday departures to both destinations      
compared to one vessel operations in previous financial year have increased the 
volumes on Latvia-Sweden route.                                                 

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
Fax: +372 6409 810                                                              
E-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee