
Nordecon AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


09.01.2008 16:07:33


Laenulepingu sõlmimine


AS Eesti Ehitus ja AS Sampo Pank sõlmisid 09. jaanuaril 2008. a laenulepingu
summas 11 966 497,51 eurot (mille ekvivalendiks on lepingu sõlmimise päeval
vastavalt Eesti Panga kursile 187 235 000 krooni) laenu tähtajaga 11. jaanuar
2008. a - 11. jaanuar 2013. a. Intressi arvestuse aluseks on 6 kuu Euribor +
1,5% aastas. 

Laenu kasutamise eesmärk on AS Eston Ehitus (registrikood 10122448) 52%
aktsiate eest tasumine (vt. AS Eesti Ehituse 19. oktoobri 2007. a börsiteade
„AS Eesti Ehitus sõlmis lepingu 52% aktsiate omandamiseks Aktsiaseltsis Eston

Laenu tagatiseks on AS Sampo Pank kasuks seatav pant (finantstagatise vormis)
kõigile AS Eesti Ehitus omandis olevatele AS Eston Ehitus aktsiatele. 

Jaano Vink
AS Eesti Ehitus
+372 640 0450


Conclusion of loan agreement


AS Eesti Ehitus and AS Sampo Pank concluded on 9 January 2008 a loan agreement
in the amount of EUR 11,966,497.51 (with the equivalent of EEK 187,235,000 on
the date of conclusion of the agreement under the exchange rate of the Bank of
Estonia). The term of loan is 11 January 2008 - 11 January 2013. The basis for
calculation of annual interest is 6 months' Euribor + 1.5%. 

The purpose of use of the loan is payment for 52% of the shares of AS Eston
Ehitus (registry code 10122448) (please see the company announcement of AS
Eesti Ehitus of 19 October 2007 “AS Eesti Ehitus concluded an agreement for
acquisition of 52 per cent of the shares in Aktsiaselts Eston Ehitus”). 

The loan shall be secured by a pledge to be established in favour of AS Sampo
Pank (in the form of financial collateral) on all shares of AS Eston Ehitus
owned by AS Eesti Ehitus. 

Jaano Vink
AS Eesti Ehitus
+372 640 0450