


Muu oluline informatsioon


05.12.2007 17:11:17


Olulise osaluse muutus


Seisuga 30.11.2007 a. on AS-i Kalev aktsionäride struktuuris toimunud olulised

03.12.2007 a. informeeris AS Hansapank emitenti, et tema osalus AS-is Kalev
vähenes 27,39%-lt (6 473 296 aktsiat) 1,59 %-ni (375 392 aktsiat). 

05.12.2007 a. teatas GKG Investeeringute AS, et võõrandas oma 19,99 % suuruse
osaluse AS-i Kalev. GKG Investeeringute AS võõrandas Citibank International PLC
(Luxembourg Branch)/UBS Luxembourg S.A kliendikontol olnud 4 724 409 AS-i Kalev
aktsiat ning ta ei ole 30.11.2007 a. seisuga AS-i Kalev aktsionär. 

OÜ Moonrider omandas 7,52% suuruse osaluse AS-is Kalev. 30.11.2007 a. seisuga
kuulub OÜ-le Moonrider 1 777 581 AS-i Kalev aktsiat. 

LFS Asset Management AG võõrandas osaluse AS-is Kalev. 30.11.2007 a. seisuga
vähenes LFS Client Account esindajakontol olev AS-i Kalev aktsiate arv 1 777
581 aktsia võrra. Eeltoodud kuupäeva seisuga ei ole LFS Client Account
esindjakontol AS-i Kalev aktsiaid. 

AS Rubla suurendas oma osalust AS-is Kalev 10,96%-ilt 56,76%-ni, omandades 10
824 409 AS-i Kalev aktsiat. 30.11.2007 a. seisuga kuulub AS-ile Rubla 13 414
620 AS-i Kalev aktsiat. 

Allan Viirma
Õigusteeninduse juht
616 1916


Change in qualifying holding


Significant changes have occurred in the structure of shareholders of AS Kalev
as of 30 November 2007. 

On 03 December 2007 AS Hansapank announced the decrease of the bank's share in
AS Kalev from 27.39% (6,473,296 shares) to 1.59% (375,392 shares). 

On 05 December 2007 GKG Investeeringute AS announced the decrease of its
shareholding in AS Kalev by transferring 19.99% (4,724,409) AS Kalev shares
previously held at Citibank International PLC (Luxembourg Branch)/UBS
Luxembourg S.A client account. 

OÜ Moonrider announced about the acquisition of 7.52% holding in AS Kalev. As
of 30 November 2007 OÜ Moonrider holds 1,777,581 AS Kalev shares. 

LFS Asset Management AG transferred its ownership in AS Kalev. On 30 November
2007 the number of AS Kalev shares on LFS Client Account decreased by 1,777,581
shares. As of 30 November 2007 LFS Client Account is not holding any AS Kalev

AS Rubla increased its share in AS Kalev from 10.96% to 56.76% by acquiring
10,824,409 AS Kale shares. As of 30 November 2007 AS holds 13,414,620 AS Kalev

Allan Viirma
Head of Legal Service
616 1916