
Bigbank AS


Juhtkonna vaheteadaanne või kvartaalne finantsaruanne


28.11.2007 17:10:58


2007. aasta 3. kvartali aruanne


2007. aasta kolmandas kvartalis alustas Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS     
tegevust Leedu turul, 27. augustil avati Leedus ettevõtte esimene filiaal.      
Ettevõtte juhtkonna hinnangul annavad Leedus tegutsemise esimesed kuud põhjust  
rahuloluks, põhjalikumaid kokkuvõtteid Leedu turu arengutest teeb ettevõte      
pärast esimese tegevusaasta lõppu.                                              
Grupi laenuportfell kasvas kolmandas kvartalis 300 miljoni krooni võrra,        
ulatudes kvartali lõpuks 1 915 miljoni kroonini. Bilansimahus olulist muutust ei
toimunud - laenuportfelli kasvuga paralleelselt vähenes likviidsete vahendite   
osakaal, mis kvartali lõpuks moodustas 12% bilansimahust. Omakapital perioodi   
lõpus ulatus 418 miljoni kroonini, kasvades kvartaliga 9,4% (aasta algusest
Intressitulu kolmandas kvartalis oli 158,6 miljonit krooni, võrreldes 80,2      
miljoni krooniga eelmise aasta samal perioodil. Intressitulude maht käesoleva   
aasta algusest moodustab 395,5 miljonit krooni, mis kasvas 103% võrreldes       
eelmise aasta sama perioodiga.                                                  
Peale eelpool nimetatud Leedu filiaali avamise ei toimunud kvartali jooksul     
muutusi kontserni koosseisus ega kontserni kuuluvate ettevõtete juhatuses. Leedu
filiaali juhiks määrati Maksim Melamed, kes varem töötas Balti Investeeringute  
Grupi Pank ASi välisturgude projektijuhina.                                     
Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank ASi kontorite võrk on kasvanud 37 kontorini,   
sellest 20 kontorit asuvad Eestis, 13 Lätis ning 4 Leedus. Grupi töötajate arv  
30.09.2007 seisuga oli 445, sellest Eestis 230, Lätis 182 ja Leedus 33.         
Aktiivseid laenulepinguid oli 30.09.2007 seisuga üle 90 tuhande.


Public Quarterly Report Q3 2007


In the 3rd quarter of 2007, Balti Investeeringute Grupi Bank AS commenced       
activity on Lithuanian market, the first branch of the company was opened in    
Lithuania on August 27. The company's management board estimates the performance
of the first months successful; more detailed summaries of the developments on  
Lithuanian market shall be made after the end of the first business year.       
In the 3rd quarter, the loan portfolio of the group increased by 300 million    
kroons, amounting to 1 915 million kroons at the end of the quarter. There was  
no significant change in the balance sheet total - in parallel with the growth  
of the loan portfolio, the proportion of liquid assets decreased, accounting for
12% of the balance sheet total at the end of the quarter. As of the end of the  
period, the owner's equity amounted to 418 million kroons, thus increasing 9.4% 
during the quarter (34% from the beginning of the year).                        
In the 3rd quarter the interest income totalled to 158.6 million kroons,        
compared to 80.2 million kroons in the same period of the previous year. From   
the beginning of the current year, the volume of interest income amounts to     
395.5 million kroons, a growth of 103%, compared to same period of the previous 
Besides the above-mentioned opening of the Lithuanian branch there were no      
changes in the composition of the group or in the management of the companies   
belonging to the group during the quarter. Maksim Melamed was appointed as the  
Head of the Lithuanian Branch, who previously worked as a Foreign Markets       
Projects Manager in Balti Investeeringute Grupi Bank AS.                        
The network of offices of Balti Investeeringute Grupi Bank AS has increased to  
37 offices, of which 20 offices are located in Estonia, 13 in Latvia and 4 in   
Lithuania. As of 30 September 2007 there are 445 employees working in the group,
including 230 in Estonia, 182 in Latvia and 33 in Lithuania.                    
As of 30 September 2007 there were more than 90 thousand active loan contracts.