


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


23.11.2007 11:32:47


Aktsionäride erakorralise üldkoosoleku otsused


AS Tallinna Vesi aktsionäride erakorraline üldkoosolek toimus 23. novembril
2007.a kell 10.00-11.00 Radisson SAS hotellis. Ettevõtte 20 miljonist
häälest oli 
koosolekul esindatud 14 051 242 häält so 71% häältest.            
KOOSOLEKU PÄEVAVAKORD:                                                         

1.Nõukogu liikmete valimine                                              

Nõukogu ettepanek: Valida Valdur Laid nõukogu liikmeks alates 23. novembrist    

OTSUS: Kinnitada 14 051 035 so 100% poolthäälega Valdur Laid nõukogu liikmeks   
alates 23. novembrist 2007.a                                                    

2. Nõukogu liikmete valimine                                              

Nõukogu ettepanek: Valida Rein Ratas nõukogu liikmeks alates 23. novembrist     

OTSUS: Kinnitada 14 051 157 so 100% poolthäälega Rein Ratas nõukogu liikmeks    
alates 23. novembrist 2007.a.                                                   

3.Nõukogu liikmete valimine                                              

Nõukogu ettepanek: Valida Mart Mägi nõukogu liikmeks alates 23. novembrist      

OTSUS: Kinnitada 14 051 035 so 100% poolthäälega Mart Mägi nõukogu liikmeks     
alates 23. novembrist 2007.a.                                                   

Eteri Harring                                                                   
Rahandus- ja investorsuhete juht                                                
Tel 62 62 225                                                                   


The decisions of Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders


Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company was held on
Friday, 23 November 2007 at 10-11.00 a.m. in Radisson SAS hotel conference
venue. From the Company`s 20 million votes 14 051 242 votes ie 71% were

MEETING AGENDA:                                                                 

1. Election of Valdur Laid as a Supervisory Council member 

Council proposal: To elect Valdur Laid as an independent Supervisory Council    
member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 23 November 2007.                      

DECISION: With 14 051 035 ie 100% votes in favour to approve Valdur Laid as a   
Supervisory Council member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 23 November 2007.  

2. Election of Rein Ratas as a Supervisory Council member 

Council proposal: To elect Rein Ratas as a Supervisory Council member of AS     
Tallinna Vesi starting from 23 November 2007.                                   

DECISION: With 14 051 157 ie 100% votes in favour to approve Rein Ratas as a    
Supervisory Council member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 23 November 2007.  

3. Election of Mart Mägi as a Supervisory Council member 

Council proposal: To elect Mart Mägi as a Supervisory Council member of AS      
Tallinna Vesi starting from 23 November 2007.                                   

DECISION: With 14 051 035 ie 100% votes in favour to approve Mart Mägi as a     
Supervisory Council member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 23 November 2007.  

Eteri Harring                                                                   
Head of Treasury and Investor Relations                                         
Ph: + 372 6262 225                                                              