
AS Pro Kapital Grupp


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


08.07.2024 15:00:00


AS-i Pro Kapital Grupp notariaalse pandi seadmise tehingust


22. märtsil   2024 sõlmis  AS  Pro  Kapital  Grupp  (Pro  Kapital)  osade  ostu-
müügilepingu,  millega omandas 67,5% osaluse  ettevõttes Preatoni Nuda Proprieta
S.R.L. (registreeritud Milanos, Itaalias).

Pro  Kapitali poolt emiteeritud tagatud, fikseeritud intressimääraga võlakirjade
2020/2028 ISIN  SE0013801172 kogumahus 19 950 000 eurot  tingimuste kohaselt oli
Pro  Kapital kohustatud  pärast ülalmärgitud  tehingu lõpuleviimist pantima kõik
Pro Kapitali poolt omandatud ettevõtte osad agendi Nordic Trustee & Agency AB ja
kõikide võlakirjaomanike (keda esindab Nordic Trustee & Agency AB) kasuks.

Pro  Kapital annab  teada, et  5. juulil 2024 tehti  Itaalias nõutud notariaalne
pandi  seadmise  tehing  Preatoni  Nuda  Proprieta  S.R.L. 67,5% osade osas ning
Itaalia  notar  esitas  vastavad  dokumendid  Itaalia  registrile  vastava kande

Edoardo Axel Preatoni
Juhatuse liige
Tel: 614 4920
Email: prokapital@prokapital.ee


Conclusion of a notarial deed of pledge by AS Pro Kapital Grupp


On 22 March 2024, Pro Kapital entered into a share purchase agreement to acquire
a 67.5% stake in Preatoni Nuda Proprieta S.R.L. (registered in Milan, Italy).

Pursuant  to the terms and conditions of  the senior secured callable fixed rate
bonds  2020/2028 with ISIN SE0013801172, with a total nominal amount outstanding
of  EUR 19,950,000, issued by Pro Kapital, Pro  Kapital is obliged to pledge all
of  Pro Kapital's shares of  the acquired company in  favour of the agent Nordic
Trustee  & Agency AB  and all the  bondholders (represented by  Nordic Trustee &
Agency AB) after the completion of the above mentioned share purchase.

Pro  Kapital announces that  it has entered  into the required  notarial deed of
pledge  in Italy on  5 July 2024 in respect  of 67.5% of the  shares in Preatoni
Nuda  Proprieta S.R.L. and  the Italian notary  submitted the relevant documents
for entry in the Italian register.

Edoardo Axel Preatoni
Member of the Management Board
Phone: +372 614 4920
e-mail: prokapital@prokapital.ee