
AS Pro Kapital Grupp


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


28.05.2024 15:00:00


AS Pro Kapital Grupp aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


AS Pro Kapital Grupp aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused

AS Pro Kapital Grupp (edaspidi nimetatud kui Ühing) aktsionäride korraline
üldkoosolek (edaspidi nimetatud kui Koosolek) toimus teisipäeval, 28.05.2024.a.
algusega kell 11.01,  Ühingu asukohas Sõjakooli 11, Tallinn, Eesti Vabariik.

Koosoleku osalejate nimekirja kohaselt oli Koosolekul esindatud 6 aktsionäri,
kellele kuuluvate aktsiatega oli esindatud kokku 36 274 040 häält, mis moodustab
kokku 63,99% aktsiatega määratud häältest.

Koosoleku päevakord ja vastuvõetud otsused:

1.         Üldkoosoleku juhataja ja protokollija valimine

Vastuvõetud otsus:

Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku juhatajaks valiti Ilona Nurmela.
Protokollijaks valiti Helena Purga.

Otsuse poolt anti 100% koosolekul esindatud häältest.

2.         Ühingu auditeeritud 2023.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

Vastuvõetud otsus:

Kinnitada Ühingu auditeeritud 2023.a. majandusaasta aruanne.

Otsuse poolt anti 100% koosolekul esindatud häältest.

3.         Kahjumi katmise otsustamine

Vastuvõetud otsus:

Katta 31. detsembril 2023 lõppenud majandusaasta kahjum summas 900 000 eurot
eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasumi arvelt.

Otsuste poolt anti 100% koosolekul esindatud häältest.

Otsuste poolt anti 100% koosolekul esindatud häältest, igat otsust hääletati

Koosoleku protokoll avaldatakse AS Pro Kapital Grupp koduleheküljel
www.prokapital.com hiljemalt 29.05.2024.

Edoardo Axel Preatoni
Juhatuse liige
Tel 6144 920
Email: prokapital@prokapital.ee


Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of AS Pro Kapital Grupp shareholders


Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of AS Pro Kapital Grupp shareholders

The annual shareholders meeting (hereinafter referred to as the Meeting) of AS
Pro Kapital Grupp (hereinafter referred to as the Company) took place on
Tuesday, 28th of May, 2024 starting at 11.01  at the premises of the Company at
Sõjakooli 11 in Tallinn, Estonia.

As per the registration list of the meeting 6 shareholders were represented at
the meeting, who represented in total 36 274 040 votes, which form 63,99% of all
votes attached to the shares.

The agenda and decisions adopted at the Meeting were as follows:

1.         Election of the Chairman and Secretary of the annual general meeting
of shareholders

Decision adopted was as follows:

Elect Ilona Nurmela as the Chairman of the annual general meeting of the
shareholders. Elect Helena Purga as the Secretary of the meeting.

100% of the votes were in favour of the decision.

2.         Approval of the audited annual report of the Company for the
financial year of 2023

Decision adopted was as follows:

Approve the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2023.

100% of the votes were in favour of the decision.

3.         Resolution of covering the loss

Decision adopted was as follows:

To cover the net loss for the financial year which ended 31 December 2023 in the
amount of 900 000 Euros with retained earnings of previous periods.

100% of the votes were in favour of the decisions.

The minutes of the meeting will be published on the website of AS Pro Kapital
Grupp www.prokapital.com no later than 29.05.2024.

Edoardo Axel Preatoni
Member of the Management Board
Tel +372 6144 920
Email: prokapital@prokapital.ee