
Bigbank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


10.05.2024 08:00:00


Bigbank AS 2024. aasta aprilli tulemused


2024. aasta aprillis Bigbanki kasv jätkus. Kasvasid nii hoiuse- kui ka
laenuportfell, kuine kasum oli heal tasemel.

Aprillis algas turgudel pikalt oodatud intresside langemise periood. Olulised
Keskpangad veel oma baasintresse aprillis ei langetanud, kuid ootus nende
langetamiseks juba sel suvel on süvenenud. See tähendab, et ka euribor on
hakanud langema ja selle tuules on hakanud pangad langetama ka hoiuste intresse.
Ka Bigbanki poolt pakutavad hoiuste intressid on sellest mõjutatud, kuid samal
ajal hoiab Bigbank hoiuste intresse kõikidel koduturgudel deposiidiklientide
jaoks võimalikult atraktiivsetena. Kokkuvõttes on viinud see olukorrani, kus
Bigbanki hoiuseportfelli kasvutempo küll langes, kuid kasv siiski jätkus.
Aprilli lõpuks saavutas hoiuseportfell kokku rekordilise 2,2 miljardi euro
taseme, toodete lõikes on nii tähtajaliste kui ka säästuhoiuste portfellid
võrdselt 1,1 miljardi tasemel.

Laenuportfelli osas oli aprill käimasoleva aasta seni tugevaim kasvukuu. Kuine
kogu portfelli kasv ületas 50 miljoni euro taseme, suurimat kasvu näitas
ärilaenu portfell. Selle aasta vaates toimus seni suurim kuine kasv ka kodu- ja
tarbimislaenude portfellides.

Aprilli osas saab öelda, et laenuportfelli kvaliteedi osas on olukord võrreldes
2024. aasta esimese kvartaliga mõnevõrra paranenud. Esimese kvartali
negatiivseks teguriks oli eelkõige tarbimislaenude, aga mõningal määral ka
ärilaenude portfelli kvaliteedi halvenemine ja sellest tulenevalt kasvanud neto
laenunõuete ja finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste ning eraldiste kulu maht.
Aprillis vastavad kulud moodustasid kokku 1,6 miljonit eurot, mis on võrreldes
esimese kvartali tasemega oluline langus. Samuti on mittetöötava laenuportfelli
tase endiselt madal.

Aprilli 2,9 miljoni suurune puhaskasum on hea näitaja. Võrreldes eelmise aasta
nelja kuu koondtulemusega on Bigbanki puhaskasum vähenenud 2,6 miljoni euro
võrra. Peamiseks teguriks on seejuures nelja kuu kasv neto laenunõuete ja
finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste mahus, kuid oluline mõju on ka palgakulude
ja tulumaksukulu kasvul. Viimase efekt tuleneb peamiselt Lätis
krediidiasutustele kehtestatud tulumaksukohustusest, mis mõjutab finantstulemusi
alates 2023. aasta detsembrist.

Bigbanki 2024. aasta aprilli majandustulemused:

  * Klientide hoiused ja saadud laenud kasvasid aastaga 674 miljonit eurot 2,2
    miljardi euroni (+44%).
  * Nõuded klientidele kasvasid aastaga 335 miljonit eurot 1,8 miljardi euroni
  * Neto intressitulud olid aprillis 8,8 miljonit eurot, aasta nelja esimese
    kuuga kokku 35,2 miljonit eurot. Nelja esimese kuu võrdluses aasta taguse
    sama perioodiga oli kasv 5,2 miljonit eurot (+17%).
  * Neto laenunõuete ja finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste maht ja eraldiste
    kulu kokku oli aasta nelja esimese kuuga 10,5 miljonit eurot, võrreldes
    aasta taguse ajaga oli kasv 4,6 miljonit eurot ehk 77%.
  * Aprilli puhaskasum oli 2,9 miljonit eurot. Nelja esimese kuu kasum kokku
    moodustas 9,3 miljonit eurot, kahanedes võrreldes 2023. aasta sama
    perioodiga 2,6 miljonit eurot ehk 22%.
  * Omakapitali tootlus oli  aprillis 14,4%.

 Kasumiaruanne, tuhandetes
 eurodes                       Aprill 2024 4 kuud 2024 4 kuud 2023 Erinevus YoY
 Neto tegevustulud kokku, sh         9 394      38 172      33 123   5 049 +15%

 Neto intressitulu                   8 775      35 166      29 994   5 172 +17%

 Neto teenustasud                      737       2 901       2 635     266 +10%

 Tegevuskulud kokku, sh             -4 288     -16 421     -13 741  -2 680 +20%

 Palgakulud                         -2 322      -8 734      -7 664  -1 070 +14%

 Halduskulud                        -1 274      -4 943      -4 723    -220  +5%

 Kasum enne allahindluste kulu       5 107      21 751      19 382   2 368 +12%

 Neto laenunõuete ja
 allahindlused ja eraldiste
 kulu                               -1 565     -10 539      -5 971  -4 568 +77%

 Tulumaks                             -617      -1 892      -1 399    -493 +35%

 Aruandeperioodi jätkuvate
 tegevuste kasum                     2 925       9 320      12 013  -2 693 -22%

 Kasum/Kahjum lõpetatud
 tegevustest                             8          29         -71     100
 Aruandeperioodi kasum               2 933       9 349      11 942  -2 592 -22%

 Ärimahud, tuhandetes eurodes  Aprill 2024 4 kuud 2024 4 kuud 2023 Erinevus YoY
 Klientide hoiused ja saadud
 laenud                          2 190 221   2 190 221   1 516 001 674 220 +44%

 Nõuded klientidele              1 794 458   1 794 458   1 459 567 334 890 +23%

 Võtmenäitajad                 Aprill 2024 4 kuud 2024 4 kuud 2023 Erinevus YoY
 ROE                                 14,4%       11,4%       16,5%  -5,1pp

 Kulu/ tulu suhe (C/I)               45,6%       43,0%       41,5%  +1,5pp

 Soovitusindeks (NPS)                   58          58          57      +1

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.ee (http://www.bigbank.ee)) on Eesti kapitalil põhinev
era- ja äriklientide laenudele ja hoiustele keskendunud pank, millel on lisaks
tegevusele Eestis filiaalid Soomes, Rootsis, Lätis, Leedus ja Bulgaarias ning
mis pakub piiriülese teenusena oma tooteid ka Austrias, Saksamaal ja Hollandis.
Bigbanki bilansimaht ületab 2,5 miljardit eurot.

Argo Kiltsmann
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5393 0833
E-mail: argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee (mailto:argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee)
www.bigbank.ee (http://www.bigbank.ee)


Bigbank AS results for April 2024


In April 2024, Bigbank's growth continued. Both deposit and loan portfolios
grew, and monthly profit was at a good level.

In April, the long-awaited period of interest rate declines began in the
markets. While significant central banks did not decline their base rates in
April, the expectation for their reduction this summer has deepened. This means
that even the EURIBOR has started to decline, leading banks to lower deposit
interest rates. The deposit interest rates offered by Bigbank are also
influenced by this, but at the same time, Bigbank keeps deposit rates as
attractive as possible for deposit clients in all domestic markets. Overall,
this has led to a situation where the growth rate of Bigbank's deposit portfolio
has decreased, but growth continued. By the end of April, the deposit portfolio
reached a record level of 2.2 billion euros, with both term and savings deposit
portfolios standing at 1.1 billion euros each.

Regarding the loan portfolio, April was the strongest month of growth so far
this year. The monthly growth of the entire portfolio exceeded 50 million euros,
with the business loan portfolio showing the highest growth. In view of this
year, the largest monthly
growth also occurred in home and consumer loan portfolios.

In terms of loan portfolio quality, the situation has somewhat improved compared
to the first quarter of 2024. The main adverse factor in the first quarter was
primarily the deterioration in consumer loan quality, and to a lesser extent,
the worsening quality of business loans, which led to an increase in net loss
allowances for loans and financial investments and provision expenses. In April,
these costs totalled 1.6 million euros, a significant decrease compared to the
first quarter. Additionally, the level of non-performing loan portfolio remains

A net profit of 2.9 million euros for April is a solid figure. Compared to the
combined results of the previous year's first four months, Bigbank's net profit
decreased by 2.6 million euros. The main factors are the increase in net loss
allowances for loans and financial investments over four months, but there is
also a significant impact from the increase in salary expenses and income tax
expenses. The latter effect mainly arises from the income tax obligation imposed
on credit institutions in Latvia, which has been affecting financial results
since December 2023.

Bigbank's April 2024 financial results:

  * Deposits from customers and loans received increased by 674 million euros
    over the year to 2.2 billion euros (+44%).
  * Loans to customers increased by 335 million euros year on year to 1.8
    billion euros (+23%).
  * Net interest income was 8.8 million euros in April, totalling 35.2 million
    euros for the first four months of the year. Compared to the same period
    last year, there was an increase of 5.2 million euros (+17%) over the first
    four months.
  * Net loss allowances for loans and financial investments and provision
    expenses amounted to 10.5 million euros for the first four months of the
    year, representing an increase of 4.6 million euros or 77% compared to the
    same period last year.
  * April's net profit was 2.9 million euros. The total profit for the first
    four months amounted to 9.3 million euros, decreasing by 2.6 million euros
    or 22% compared to the same period in 2023.
  * The return on equity in April was 14.4%.

 Income statement, in thousands of                                  Difference
 euros                                Apr 2024     YTD24     YTD23     YoY
 Total net operating income, incl.       9,394    38,172    33,123   5,049 +15%

 Net interest income                     8,775    35,166    29,994   5,172 +17%

 Net fee and commission income             737     2,901     2,635     266 +10%

 Total expenses, incl.                  -4,288   -16,421   -13,741  -2,680 +20%

 Salaries and associated charges        -2,322    -8,734    -7,664  -1,070 +14%

 Administrative expenses                -1,274    -4,943    -4,723    -220  +5%

 Profit before loss allowances           5,107    21,751    19,382   2,368 +12%

 Net loss allowances on loans and
 financial investments and other
 provisions                             -1,565   -10,539    -5,971  -4,568 +77%

 Income tax expense                       -617    -1,892    -1,399    -493 +35%

 Profit for the period from
 continuing operations                   2,925     9,320    12,013  -2,693 -22%

 Profit or loss before tax from
 discounted operations                       8        29       -71     100
 Profit for the period                   2,933     9,349    11,942  -2,592 -22%

 Business volumes, in thousands of                                  Difference
 euros                                Apr 2024     YTD24     YTD23     YoY
 Customer deposits and loans
 received                            2,190,221 2,190,221 1,516,001 674,220 +44%

 Loans to customers                  1,794,458 1,794,458 1,459,567 334,890 +23%

 Key figures                                                        Difference
                                      Apr 2024     YTD24     YTD23     YoY
 ROE                                     14.4%     11.4%     16.5%  -5.1pp

 Cost / income ratio (C/I)               45.6%     43.0%     41.5%  +1.5pp

 Net promoter score (NPS)                   58        58        57      +1

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.eu
rCOgizOsBxtumLmCyZ5SzEA7Ol75achY9guZJjleTfYbXuMeuw==)) is an Estonian capital-
based bank specialising in loans and deposits for private and business
customers. In addition to operations in Estonia, the bank has branches in
Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, and Bulgaria and offers its products on a
cross-border basis in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands. Bigbank's total
assets exceed 2.5 billion euros.

Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Telephone: +372 5393 0833
E-mail: argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee