


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


28.02.2024 09:00:00


Aktsiaselts Infortari tütarühing sõlmis investeerimislepingu ja osanike lepingu eesmärgiga omandada 51% suurune osalus OÜ-s Halinga


Eile,  27.02.2024, sõlmisid Aktsiaseltsi Infortar  100% tütarühing OÜ EG Biofond
(registrikood:     11504910) ja     Brorup    OÜ    (registrikood:    16921156)
investeerimislepingu  ja osanike lepingu,  mille kohaselt OÜ  EG Biofond omandab
51% suuruse osaluse OÜ-s Halinga (registrikood: 10021090). Brorup OÜ 100% osanik
on Raul Peetson.

Tehingu  lõpuleviimise  eeldusena  näevad  lepingud ette vajalike kooskõlastuste
saamist  Konkurentsiametilt  ja  täiendavate  toimingute  läbiviimist. Muuhulgas
sõltub  tehingu  lõplik  hind  veel  täpsustamist vajavatest parameetritest ning
selgub tehingu lõpuleviimise kuupäeval.

Tehingu  järgselt  on  OÜ  Halinga  osanikud  51% ulatuses OÜ EG Biofond ja 49%
ulatuses Brorup OÜ.

OÜ  Halinga näol  on tegemist  ühe Eesti  suurima piimatootmise ettevõtjaga ning
piirkonna  olulise tööandjaga, kus  töötab üle 70 inimese. Aktsiaselts Infortari
jaoks  on seega OÜ-s Halinga osaluse  omandamise näol tegemist sisenemisega uude
tegevusvaldkonda.  Halinga lüpsikarja  ja noorloomade  arv ulatub  üle 3000 ning
haritava  maa suurus 3700 hektarini. Pärast tehingu jõustumist jätkab OÜ Halinga
senist tegevust Infortari kontserni liikmena.

Aktsiaselts Infortari tegevjuht Martti Talgre:

Eesti  laiuskraadil  tasub  piima  toota  ja Eesti piimafarmid on piirkondlikult
konkurentsivõimelised.  OÜ Halinga  oma  kolme  farmi  ja  enam kui 3700 hektari
haritava maaga on neist üks suurim ja kaasaegsem. Investeeringud põllumajandusse
sobituvad  Infortari  portfelli  -  tegemist  on  kapitaliintensiivse ja kõrgete
sisenemisbarjääridega  valdkonnaga. Meil huvi investeerida ja plaane jagub, kuid
antud  tehingut ja  plaane saame  täpsemalt kommenteerida peale Konkurentsiameti
kooskõlastusi ja tehingu jõustumist.

Tehing  ei  ole  käsitletav  igapäevase  majandustegevuse  raamidest väljuva või
olulist  tähtsust omava tehinguna  ega tehinguna seotud  isikuga NASDAQ Tallinna
Börsi  reglemendi osa "Nõuded  Emitentidele" tähenduses ega  avalda olulist mõju
Aktsiaseltsi  Infortar  tegevusele.  Aktsiaseltsi  Infortar  nõukogu ja juhatuse
liikmed ei ole tehingust muul viisil isiklikult huvitatud.

Infortar   tegutseb   viies   riigis,   ühingu   peamised  tegevusvaldkonnad  on
energeetika,  laevandus  ja  kinnisvara.  Infortar  omab  42,3 protsendi suurust
osalust  AS-is Tallink Grupp, 100% osalust AS-is Eesti Gaas ning mitmekülgset ja
kaasaegset,   ca   110 000 m2   suurust   kinnisvaraportfelli.   Lisaks  kolmele
põhitegevusvaldkonnale  tegutseb Infortar  ka ehituse  ja maavarade, trükkimise,
taksonduse ja muudes valdkondades. Kokku kuulub Infortari kontserni 103 ühingut:
47 kontserni  ühingut,  5 sidusettevõtjat  ja  50 sidusettevõtjate tütarühingut.
Arvestamata sidusettevõtjaid annab Infortar tööd 1308 inimesele.


Kadri Laanvee
AS Infortar investorsuhete juht
Tel. 5156662
E-mail: kadri.laanvee@infortar.ee (mailto:kadri.laanvee@infortar.ee)
www.infortar.ee/investorile (http://www.infortar.ee/investorile)


Subsidiary of Aktsiaselts Infortar signed an investment agreement and a shareholders' agreement for acquiring a 51% shareholding in OÜ Halinga


Yesterday, 27.02.2024 OÜ EG Biofond (registry code: 11504910), a 100% subsidiary
of  Aktsiaselts  Infortar,  and  Brorup  OÜ  (registry code: 16921156) signed an
investment  agreement and  a shareholders'  agreement according  to which  OÜ EG
Biofond   acquires   a   51% shareholding   in   OÜ   Halinga   (registry  code:
10021090). 100% shareholder of Brorup OÜ is Raul Peetson.

According  to the agreements, getting an approval from the Competition Authority
and  additional operations are preconditions  for completion of the transaction.
Amongst  others the  final price  of the  transaction depends on the transaction
parameters  that are still to be specified  and will be clarified on the closing

Following  the transaction, the shareholders of OÜ  Halinga are OÜ EG Biofond to
the extent of 51% and Brorup OÜ to the extent of 49%.

OÜ  Halinga, is  one of  the largest  milk production  companies in  Estonia and
important employer in the region, employing more than 70 people. For Aktsiaselts
Infortar  the acquisition of a shareholding in  OÜ Halinga marks an entry into a
new  field of business activity. Halinga  dairy herd size reaches 3,000 cows and
young  animals. The area  of cultivated land  is 3,700 hectares. OÜ Halinga will
continue its current activities as a member of Aktsiaselts Infortar group.

Managing Director of Aktsiaselts Infortar, Martti Talgre:

It  is worthwhile to produce milk at the latitude of Estonia, and Estonian dairy
farms  are regionally  competitive. OÜ  Halinga, with  its three  farms and over
3,700 hectares  of cultivated land, is one of  the largest and most modern among
them.  Investments  in  agriculture  align  with  Infortar's portfolio - it is a
capital-intensive  sector  with  high  entry  barriers.  We  have an interest in
investing,  and we have  plenty of plans,  but we can  comment more precisely on
this  transaction and our  plans after obtaining  approvals from the Competition
Authority and the completion of the transaction.

The  transaction  is  not  treated  as  a  transaction  beyond everyday economic
activities  or a transaction  of a significant  importance, nor as a transaction
with  related persons, within the meaning of the "Requirements for Issuers" part
of  the NASDAQ  Tallinn Stock  Exchange rules.  The transaction  does not have a
significant  impact  on  Aktsiaselts  Infortar's  activities. The members of the
Supervisory  Board  and  the  Management  Board  of Aktsiaselts Infortar are not
personally interested in the transaction in any other way.

Infortar  operates in five countries, the  company's main fields of activity are
energy,  maritime transport, and real estate.  Infortar owns a 42.3% stake in AS
Tallink  Grupp, a 100% stake  in AS Eesti  Gaas and a  versatile and modern real
estate  portfolio of approx. 110,000 m2. In addition  to the three main areas of
activity,   Infortar  also  operates  in  construction  and  mineral  resources,
printing,  taxi business and other areas. A total of 103 companies belong to the
Infortar  group: 47 subsidiaries, 5 affiliated  companies and 50 subsidiaries of
affiliated companies. Excluding affiliates, Infortar employs 1,308 people.

Additional information:

Kadri Laanvee
Investor Relations Manager
Phone: +372 5156662
e-mail: kadri.laanvee@infortar.ee (mailto:kadri.laanvee@infortar.ee)
www.infortar.ee/en/investor (http://www.infortar.ee/en/investor)

Yesterday, 27.02.2024 OÜ EG Biofond (registry code: 11504910), a 100% subsidiary
of Aktsiaselts Infortar, and Brorup OÜ (registry code: 16921156) signed an
investment agreement and a shareholders' agreement according to which OÜ EG
Biofond acquires a 51% shareholding in OÜ Halinga (registry code:
10021090). 100% shareholder of Brorup OÜ is Raul Peetson.

According  to the agreements, getting an approval from the Competition Authority
and  additional operations are preconditions  for completion of the transaction.
Amongst  others the  final price  of the  transaction depends on the transaction
parameters  that are still to be specified  and will be clarified on the closing
date.  Following  the  transaction,  the  shareholders  of  OÜ Halinga are OÜ EG
Biofond to the extent of 51% and Brorup OÜ to the extent of 49%.

OÜ  Halinga, is one of  the largest milk production  companies in Estonia and an
important  employer  in  the  region,  employing  more than 70 people. Thus, for
Aktsiaselts  Infortar the acquisition  of a shareholding  in OÜ Halinga marks an
entry into a new field of business activity. The number of animals in OÜ Halinga
exceeds  3,000, and  the  amount  of  cultivated land reaches 3,700 hectares. OÜ
Halinga will continue its current activities as a member of Aktsiaselts Infortar

Managing Director of Aktsiaselts Infortar, Martti Talgre:

It  is worthwhile to produce milk at the latitude of Estonia, and Estonian dairy
farms  are regionally  competitive. OÜ  Halinga, with  its three  farms and over
3,700 hectares  of cultivated land, is one of  the largest and most modern among
them.  Investments  in  agriculture  align  with  Infortar's portfolio - it is a
capital-intensive  sector  with  high  entry  barriers.  We  have an interest in
investing,  and we have  plenty of plans,  but we can  comment more precisely on
this  transaction and our  plans after obtaining  approvals from the Competition
Authority and the completion of the transaction.

The  transaction  is  not  treated  as  a  transaction  beyond everyday economic
activities  or a transaction  of a significant  importance, nor as a transaction
with  related persons, within the meaning of the "Requirements for Issuers" part
of  the NASDAQ  Tallinn Stock  Exchange rules.  The transaction  does not have a
significant  impact  on  Aktsiaselts  Infortar's  activities. The members of the
Supervisory  Board  and  the  Management  Board  of Aktsiaselts Infortar are not
personally interested in the transaction in any other way.

Infortar  operates in five countries, the  company's main fields of activity are
energy,  maritime transport, and real estate.  Infortar owns a 42.3% stake in AS
Tallink  Grupp, a 100% stake  in AS Eesti  Gaas and a  versatile and modern real
estate  portfolio of approx. 110,000 m2. In addition  to the three main areas of
activity,   Infortar  also  operates  in  construction  and  mineral  resources,
printing,  taxi business and other areas. A total of 103 companies belong to the
Infortar  group: 47 subsidiaries, 5 affiliated  companies and 50 subsidiaries of
affiliated companies. Excluding affiliates, Infortar employs 1,308 people.

Additional information:

Kadri Laanvee
Investor Relations Manager
Phone: +372 5156662
e-mail: kadri.laanvee@infortar.ee (mailto:kadri.laanvee@infortar.ee)
www.infortar.ee/en/investor (http://www.infortar.ee/en/investor)