
Bigbank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


21.02.2024 18:30:00


Parandus: Bigbank AS 2024. aasta jaanuari tulemused


Bigbank AS parandab varasemalt avaldatud börsiteates  "Bigbank AS 2024. aasta
jaanuari tulemused
et)" olevates tabelites ?Kasumiaruanne", ?Ärimahud" ja ?Võtmenäitajad"
võrdlusperioodide pealkirju.

2024. aasta algas Bigbankile tugevate tulemustega. Jaanuaris suurenesid ärimahud
ning see kajastus ka tuludes.

Muutuvas intressikeskkonnas, kus hoiuseintressid on saavutanud oma tipu ja kus
eeldatakse nende langust 2024. aasta jooksul, otsivad paljud hoiusekliendid
aktiivselt võimalusi oma vabade vahendite mõistlikel tingimustel paigutamiseks.
Bigbank jätkab turule atraktiivsete intressimäärade pakkumist ja seetõttu näitas
hoiuseportfell jaanuaris märkimisväärset kasvu, jõudes 2,0 miljardi euro
tasemeni. Eraldiseisvalt näitasid kasvu nii säästuhoiuseportfell kui ka
tähtajalise hoiuse portfell. Oluline verstapost oli tähtajalise hoiuse turule
toomine Leedus, mis tähistab ühtlasi Bigbanki viimase koduturu katmist, kus seda
toodet varem ei pakutud. Alates jaanuarist 2024 pakub Bigbank tähtajalist hoiust
kõigil oma tegevusturgudel.

Laenuportfellis vedas kasvu kodulaenude portfell, kuid väiksemat kasvu näitasid
ka ärilaenu- ja tarbimislaenuportfell. Kodulaenude osas on Bigbanki koduturgudel
toimunud teatav elavnemine, mis ühelt poolt on põhjustatud samuti muutustest
intressikeskkonnas ja ootusest euribori edasiseks languseks ning teisalt ka
konkurentsiolukorra tihenemisest, mis kokkuvõttes avaldub klientidele soodsamate
intresside näol.

Kasvanud laenuportfell ja langev, kuid endiselt kõrgel tasemel olev
intressikeskkond on kokkuvõttes võimaldanud Bigbankil suurendada neto
intressitulusid jaanuaris eelmise aastaga võrreldes 2 miljonit eurot ehk 27%.

Tarbimislaenude portfellis on näha eelmise aasta viimases kvartalis alanud
teatavat kvaliteedilanguse jätku. Seda kinnitab ka kasvanud neto laenunõuete ja
finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste maht, mis oli jaanuaris 2,5 miljonit eurot.
Mittetöötava laenuportfelli tase on siiski endiselt madal ja laenuportfelli
üldine kvaliteet hea.

3,2 miljoni euro suurune jaanuari puhaskasum on hea näitaja. Rõõmustav on ka
kulu/tulu suhte langus alla 40% taseme, jaanuari näitaja oli 38,5%.

Bigbanki 2024. aasta jaanuari majandustulemused:

  * Klientide hoiused ja saadud laenud kasvasid aastaga 557 miljonit eurot 2,0
    miljardi euroni (+39%).
  * Nõuded klientidele kasvasid aastaga 317 miljonit eurot 1,69 miljardi euroni
  * Neto intressitulud olid jaanuaris 9,3 miljonit eurot. Eelmise aasta
    jaanuariga võrreldes oli kasv 2,0 miljonit eurot (+27%).
  * Neto laenunõuete ja finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste maht oli jaanuaris
    2,5 miljonit eurot; võrreldes aasta taguse ajaga oli kasv 1,0 miljonit eurot
    ehk 62%.
  * Jaanuari puhaskasum oli 3,2 miljonit eurot; kasv võrreldes 2023. aasta sama
    perioodiga oli 0,2 miljonit eurot ehk 8%.
  * Omakapitali tootlus oli  jaanuaris 15,5%.

 Kasumiaruanne, tuhandetes
 eurodes                        Jaanuar 2024 1 kuu 2024 1 kuu 2023  Muutus, %
 Neto tegevustulud kokku, sh           9 935      9 935      8 116   1 819 +22%

 Neto intressitulu                     9 347      9 347      7 349   1 998 +27%

 Neto teenustasud                        722        722        662      60  +9%

 Tegevuskulud kokku, sh               -3 821     -3 821     -3 288    -533 +16%

 Palgakulud                           -2 214     -2 214     -1 898    -317 +17%

 Halduskulud                          -1 025     -1 025     -1 054      29  -3%

 Kasum enne allahindluste kulu         6 114      6 114      4 828   1 285 +27%

 Neto laenunõuete ja
 allahindlused                        -2 507     -2 507     -1 550    -957 +62%

 Tulumaks                               -358       -358       -275     -83 +30%

 Aruandeperioodi jätkuvate
 tegevuste kasum                       3 248      3 248      3 003     245  +8%

 Kahjum lõpetatud tegevustest              0          0          0       0
 Aruandeperioodi kasum                 3 248      3 248      3 003     245  +8%

 Ärimahud, tuhandetes eurodes   Jaanuar 2024 1 kuu 2024 1 kuu 2023  Muutus, %
 Klientide hoiused ja saadud
 laenud                            2 002 513  2 002 513  1 445 100 557 413 +39%

 Nõuded klientidele                1 687 528  1 687 528  1 370 264 317 264 +23%

 Võtmenäitajad                  Jaanuar 2024 1 kuu 2024 1 kuu 2023  Muutus, %
 ROE                                   15,5%      15,5%      16,8%  -1,3pp

 Kulu/ tulu suhe (C/I)                 38,5%      38,5%      40,5%  -2,0pp

 Soovitusindeks (NPS)                     57         57         56      +1

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.ee) on Eesti kapitalil põhinev era- ja äriklientide
laenudele ja hoiustele keskendunud pank, millel on lisaks tegevusele Eestis
filiaalid Soomes, Rootsis, Lätis, Leedus ja Bulgaarias ning mis pakub piiriülese
teenusena oma tooteid ka Austrias, Saksamaal ja Hollandis. Bigbanki bilansimaht
ületab 2 miljardit eurot.

Argo Kiltsmann
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5393 0833
E-mail: argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee


Correction: Bigbank Financial Results for January 2024


Bigbank AS revises the headings of the comparison periods in the tables 'Income
statement,' 'Business volumes,' and 'Key figures' in the previously published
stock exchange notice 'Bigbank Financial Results for January 2024

The year 2024 started with strong results for Bigbank. Business volumes
increased in January, which was also reflected in the revenues.

In a changing interest rate environment, where deposit interest rates have
peaked and are expected to decline during 2024, many depositors are actively
seeking opportunities to place their available funds under reasonable
conditions. Bigbank continues to offer attractive interest rates in the market,
and therefore, the deposit portfolio showed significant growth in January,
reaching the level of 2.0 billion euros. Both the savings deposit portfolio and
the term deposit portfolio showed growth individually. A significant milestone
was the introduction of term deposits in Lithuania, marking the coverage of
Bigbank's last domestic market where this product was not previously offered.
Since January 2024, Bigbank offers term deposits on all its operating markets.

The growth in the loan portfolio was driven by the home loan portfolio, although
there was also slight growth in the business loan and consumer loan portfolios.
There has been some revitalisation in the home loan market, partly due to
changes in the interest rate environment and expectations of further declines in
Euribor, as well as increased competition, ultimately resulting in more
favorable interest rates for clients.

The increased loan portfolio and the declining yet still high-interest rate
environment have ultimately enabled Bigbank to increase net interest income in
January compared to the previous year by 2 million euros or 27%.

There is evidence of a certain continuation of the quality decline in the
consumer loan portfolio that began in the last quarter of the previous year.
This is confirmed by the increased volume of net loss allowances on loans and
financial investments, which amounted to 2.5 million euros in January. However,
the level of non-performing loan portfolio remains low, and the overall quality
of the loan portfolio is good.

A net profit of 3.2 million euros in January is a positive indicator. It is also
gratifying that the cost-to-income ratio has decreased below the 40% level, with
the January figure at 38.5%.

Bigbank's January 2024 Financial Results:

  * Customer deposits and loans increased by 557 million euros to 2.0 billion
    euros (+39%) compared to the previous year.
  * Receivables from customers increased by 317 million euros to 1.69 billion
    euros (+23%) compared to the previous year.
  * Net interest income was 9.3 million euros in January. Compared to January of
    the previous year, there was an increase of 2.0 million euros (+27%).
  * The volume of net loss allowances on loans and financial investments
    amounted to 2.5 million euros in January; compared to the same period last
    year, there was an increase of 1.0 million euros or 62%.
  * The net profit for January was 3.2 million euros; compared to the same
    period in 2023, there was an increase of 0.2 million euros or 8%.
  * Return on equity was 15.5% in January.

 Income statement, in thousands of                                  Difference
 euros                                Jan 2024     YTD24     YTD23     YoY
 Total net operating income, incl.       9,935     9,935     8,116   1,819 +22%

 Net interest income                     9,347     9,347     7,349   1,998 +27%

 Net fee and commission income             722       722       662      60  +9%

 Total expenses, incl.                  -3,821    -3,821    -3,288    -533 +16%

 Salaries and associated charges        -2,214    -2,214    -1,898    -317 +17%

 Administrative expenses                -1,025    -1,025    -1,054      29  -3%

 Profit before loss allowances           6,114     6,114     4,828   1,285 +27%

 Net loss allowances on loans and
 financial investments                  -2,507    -2,507    -1,550    -957 +62%

 Income tax expense                       -358      -358      -275     -83 +30%

 Profit for the period from
 continuing operations                   3,248     3,248     3,003     245  +8%

 Loss before tax from discounted
 operations                                  0         0         0       0
 Profit for the period                   3,248     3,248     3,003     245  +8%

 Business volumes, in thousands of                                  Difference
 euros                                Jan 2024     YTD24     YTD23     YoY
 Customer deposits and loans
 received                            2,002,513 2,002,513 1,445,100 557,413 +39%

 Loans to customers                  1,687,528 1,687,528 1,370,264 317,264 +23%

 Key figures                                                        Difference
                                      Jan 2024     YTD24     YTD23     YoY
 ROE                                     15.5%     15.5%     16.8%  -1.3pp

 Cost / income ratio (C/I)               38.5%     38.5%     40.5%  -2.0pp

 Net promoter score (NPS)                   57        57        56      +1

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.eu) is an Estonian capital-based bank specialising in
loans and deposits for private and business customers. In addition to operations
in Estonia, the bank has branches in Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Bulgaria and offers its products on a cross-border basis in Austria, Germany,
and the Netherlands. Bigbank's total assets exceed 2 billion euros.

Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Telephone: +372 5393 0833
Email: argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee