
EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


12.02.2024 08:00:00


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS’i aktsia puhasväärtus seisuga 31.01.2024


EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS  teenis jaanuaris  2 541 tuhat eurot konsolideeritud
üüritulu.  Kuu  varem,  2023. aasta  detsembris,  teenis  fond 2 779 tuhat eurot
üüritulu,  mis  sisaldas  kaubanduskeskuste  aasta  lõpus  arvestatud  käibeüüre
kogusummas 211 tuhat eurot.

Fondi  konsolideeritud EBITDA  oli jaanuaris  2 168 tuhat eurot (2023 detsember:
2 181 tuhat eurot). Seekord sisaldab võrdlusperiood esmakordselt ka endise EfTEN
Kinnisvarafond   AS  kinnisvaraobjektide  tulemust,  kuivõrd  fondide  ühinemise
bilansipäev   oli   01.01.2023. Võrreldes   2023. a   jaanuariga   kasvas  fondi
konsolideeritud neto üüritulu sellel aastal 2% ja EBITDA 1% võrra.

Fondi konsolideeritud raha jääk kasvas jaanuaris 760 tuhande euro võrra ning oli
koos   lühiajaliste  hoiustega  31.01.2024 seisuga   kokku  18 871 tuhat  eurot.
Investeeringuid     olemasolevatesse    kinnisvaraobjektidesse    tegid    fondi
tütarettevõtted kokku 1 061 tuhande euro ulatuses, s.h Ermi hooldekodu ehituseks
investeeriti 754 tuhat eurot.

Fondi  tütarettevõtete pangalaenude kaalutud  keskmine intressimäär oli jaanuari
lõpus 5,91% (sama, mis detsembris).

EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS'i  puhasväärtus aktsia  kohta oli 31.01.2024 seisuga
20,3368 eurot  ja EPRA  NRV 21,0917 eurot.  Aktsia puhasväärtus kasvas jaanuaris
tavapäraselt 0,6%.

Marilin Hein
Tel. 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee


The net asset value of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares as of 31.01.2024


In  January, EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS  consolidated rental  income was 2,541
thousand  euros.  The  month  prior,  in  December  2023, the fund earned 2,779
thousand euros in rental income, which included the year-end turnover rents from
shopping centers totaling 211 thousand euros.

The  fund's consolidated  EBITDA was  2,168 thousand euros  in January (December
2023: 2,181 thousand  euros). This time, the  comparison period includes for the
first  time  the  results  of  the  real  estate  properties of the former EfTEN
Kinnisvarafond  AS, as the balance  sheet date of the  funds' merger was January
1, 2023.Compared to  January  2023, the  fund's  consolidated  net rental income
increased by 2% and EBITDA by 1%.

The  fund's consolidated cash balance increased by 760 thousand euros in January
to  18,871 thousand euros including short-term deposits as of January 31, 2024.
The  fund's  subsidiaries  made  investments  in  existing  property investments
totaling 1,061 thousand euros, including 754 thousand euros for the construction
of the Ermi elderly home.

The  weighted average interest rate on the subsidiaries' bank loans was 5.91% at
the end of January (unchanged from December).

The  Net  Asset  Value  per  share  of  EfTEN  Real Estate Fund AS as of January
31, 2024, was  20.3368 euros and the  EPRA NRV was  21.0917 euros. The Net Asset
Value per share increased by 0.6% in January.

Marilin Hein
Phone +372 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee