
Coop Pank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


02.02.2024 10:00:00


Coop Pank AS korraldab 2023. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu majandustulemuste tutvustamiseks veebiseminari


Coop Pank kutsub aktsionäre, investoreid, analüütikuid ning teisi huvilisi
osalema veebiseminaril 9. veebruaril 2024 kell 9.00.

Seminaril tutvustavad 2023. aasta IV kvartali ja aasta auditeerimata
majandustulemusi panga juhatuse esimees Margus Rink ja finantsjuht Paavo Truu.

Veebiseminari toimumise ajal on kuulajatel võimalik esitada küsimusi.
Küsimustele vastatakse peale esitlust. Veebiseminar toimub eesti keeles.

Osalemiseks palume Teil eelnevalt registreeruda aadressil: https://bit.ly/CP-

Registreerunutele saadetakse link veebiseminarile ja üks tund enne veebiseminari
algust meeldetuletav e-kiri.

Veebiseminar salvestatakse ning avalikustatakse ettevõtte kodulehel
www.cooppank.ee (http://www.cooppank.ee) ja YouTube'i kontol

Eesti kapitalil põhinev Coop Pank on üks viiest Eestis tegutsevast
universaalpangast. Pangal on 180 300  igapäevapanganduse klienti. Coop Pank
kasutab jaekaubanduse ja panganduse vahel tekkivat sünergiat ning toob
igapäevased pangateenused inimeste kodu lähedale. Panga strateegiliseks
aktsionäriks on kodumaine kaubanduskett Coop Eesti, mille müügivõrgustikku
kuulub 320 kauplust.

Katre Tatrik
Telefon: +372 5151 859
E-post: katre.tatrik@cooppank.ee


Coop Pank AS will hold an investor webinar to introduce the results for the fourth quarter and 12 month of 2023


Coop Pank invites shareholders, investors, analysts and other stakeholders to
join its investor webinar, scheduled on 9 February 2024 at 9 am (EET).

The webinar will be hosted by the Chairman of the Board Margus Rink and Chief
Financial Officer Paavo Truu, who present the unaudited financial results of the
IV quarter and the year of 2023.

During the webinar all attendees can ask questions. All questions will be
answered after the presentation. The webinar will be held in Estonian.

To join the webinar, you need to register in advance via following link:

Registrants will be sent a link to the webinar and a reminder email one hour
before the start of the webinar. The webinar will be recorded and published on
the company's website www.cooppank.ee (http://www.cooppank.ee) and on our
YouTube account (https://www.youtube.com/@cooppank).

Coop Pank, based on Estonian capital, is one of the five universal banks
operating in Estonia. The number of clients using Coop Pank for their daily
banking has reached 180,300. Coop Pank aims to put the synergy generated by the
interaction of retail business and banking to good use and to bring everyday
banking services closer to people's homes. The strategic shareholder of the bank
is the domestic retail chain Coop Eesti comprising 320 stores.

Additional information:
Katre Tatrik
Communication Manager
Tel: +372 5151 859
E-mail: katre.tatrik@cooppank.ee