
AS Pro Kapital Grupp


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


30.12.2023 10:30:00


AS-i Pro Kapital Grupp suuromanikule ja tema sidusüksustele kuuluvatest aktsiatest


AS   Pro   Kapital   Grupp   suurimale  omanikule  Ernesto  Preatonile  ja  tema
sidusüksustele  kuulub kokku 27 955 063 aktsiat ehk  49,31% AS Pro Kapital Grupp
aktsiatest.  Ernesto  Preatoni  ja  tema  sidusüksused  suunasid nende omanduses
olevad 22 364 424 aktsiat Prantsusmaal registreeritud ettevõttele SA-le Preatoni
Group.   Ernesto   Preatoni  on  ka  SA  Preatoni  Group  enamusosaluse  omanik.
Suunamisjärgselt   hoitakse   nimetatud   22 364 424 aktsiat  jätkuvalt  samadel
esindajakontodel.  Kõnealuste  aktsiate  lõplik  tegelik  kasusaaja,  so Ernesto
Preatoni,  tehingujärgselt ei  muutunud. Seega  isik, kes  kontrollib aktsiatega
esindatud hääli, jääb samaks.

Edoardo Axel Preatoni
Juhatuse liige
Tel: 614 4920
e-mail: prokapital@prokapital.ee


About the shares held by the largest shareholder of AS Pro Kapital Grupp and his affiliates


Mr Ernesto Preatoni, the largest shareholder of AS Pro Kapital Grupp, and his
affiliates own a total of 27 955 063 shares, i.e. 49.31% of the shares of AS Pro
Kapital Grupp. 22 364 424 shares held by Mr Ernesto Preatoni and his affiliates
were transferred to SA Preatoni Group, a company registered in France. Mr
Ernesto Preatoni is also the major shareholder in SA Preatoni Group. Following
the transfer, 22 364 424 shares will continue to be held on the same nominee
accounts. The ultimate beneficial owner of these shares, i.e. Mr Ernesto
Preatoni, has not changed since the transaction. The person who controls the
votes represented by the shares remains the same.

Edoardo Axel Preatoni
Member of the Management Board
Phone: +372 614 4920
e-mail: prokapital@prokapital.ee