


Muu oluline informatsioon


29.12.2023 13:01:36


Correction of the report nr 14/2023.


The Management Board of FON SE with its registered office in Tallinn hereby publicizes the correction of the information contained in current report No. 14/2023 published by the Company on 28/12/2023. The correction results from the fact that, due to an error, the incorrect number of shares sold by the parent entity was provided towards the Issuer, i.e. Patro Invest OU, in the amount of 770 000 shares. The correct number of shares of FON SE sold by Patro Invest OU resulting from the stabilization of the share price is 770 100 as at 11:00 a.m. on 29/12/2023. However, as at 5:06 p.m. on 28/12/2023, it was 730 100 shares.

Currently, the Issuer's parent entity does not have shares admitted to stock exchange trading (number as of 11:00 on 29/12/2023). However, it has 57 757 500 registered shares not admitted to stock exchange trading, resulting from the bonus issue.