
Hepsor AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


06.11.2023 07:40:00


Hepsor Asi tütarettevõte omandas uued kinnistud Rae vallas


Hepsor  AS tütarettevõte Hepsor VT49 OÜ omandas 3. novembril 2023 kaks kinnistut
aadressidel  Harju maakond Rae  vald Peetri alevik  Kodu tee 9a ja Harju maakond
Rae  vald  Peetri  alevik  Vana-Tartu  mnt  49. Ostetud  kinnistutel  on  olemas
detailplaneering, mis lubab sinna rajada 4 500 m(2) üüritava pinnaga ärihoone.

Hepsori kogu portfell oli enne ostu 169 300 m(2), millest ärikinnisvara portfell
moodustas  poole ehk 85 000 m(2). Ärikinnisvarast Eestis asuvates arendustes oli
21 000 m(2   )pinda  ning  Lätis  asuvates  arendustes  63 000 m(2).  Lisandunud
kinnistud  ning  sinna  planeeritav  ärihoone  on  hea  täiendus  Hepsori  Eesti
ärikinnisvara portfelli.

Henri Laks
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5693 9114
e-post: henri@hepsor.ee


Hepsor AS (www.hepsor.ee
gtjGGuRLQiUCE5K1XUrLZ8biK-A-HDpE3bEXbytkAwMe0YEbReo05IPVMZszWqA==)) on üks
kiiremini kasvavaid elu- ja ärikondliku kinnisvara arendajaid Eestis ja Lätis,
kes tegutseb alates 2023. aastast ka Kanada kinnisvaraturul. Kaheteistkümne
tegutsemisaasta jooksul oleme loonud üle 1600 kodu ja ligi 36 000
m2 äripindasid. Hepsor on esimese arendajana Balti riikides rakendanud mitmeid
uuenduslikke insener-tehnilisi lahendusi, mis muudavad ettevõtte rajatavad
hooned energiasäästlikumaks ja seeläbi keskkonnasõbralikumaks. Ettevõtte
portfellis on kokku 25 arendusprojekti kogupindalaga 169 300 m2.


Hepsor AS subsidiary acquired new properties in Rae Parish


On  November 3, 2023, the subsidiary of Hepsor  AS, Hepsor VT49 OÜ, acquired two
properties  located at the following addresses: Harju County, Rae Parish, Peetri
Village,  Kodu tee 9a, and Harju County,  Rae Parish, Peetri Village, Vana-Tartu
mnt  49. The purchased properties have detailed  planning in place, allowing for
the  construction of a commercial building  with a rentable area of 4,500 square

Hepsor's  total portfolio was  169,300 square meters before  the acquisition, of
which  the commercial real estate portfolio accounted for half, or 85,000 square
meters.  In Estonian developments, there were 21,000 square meters of commercial
property, and in Latvian developments, the figure stood at 63,000 square meters.
The newly acquired properties and the planned commercial building are a valuable
addition to Hepsor's Estonian commercial real estate portfolio.

Henri Laks
Member of the Management Board
Phone: +372 5693 9114
e-mail: henri@hepsor.ee


Hepsor AS (www.hepsor.ee) is one of the fastest growing residential and
commercial real estate developers in Estonia and Latvia. Over the last twelve
years Hepsor has developed more than 1,600 homes and 36,000 m2 of commercial
space. Hepsor was the first real estate developer in the Baltic States to
implement a number of innovative engineering solutions that make the buildings
we construct more energy-efficient and thus more environmentally friendly. The
company's portfolio is comprised of 25 development projects with a total
sellable space of 169,300 m2.