
EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


26.10.2023 08:00:00


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS 2023. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused


Intressimäärade  tõus,  mis  on  viimase  aasta  jooksul olnud kinnisvarasektori
peamiseks mõjutajaks, näitas 2023.a III kvartalis esimesi peatumise märke. Kolme
kuuga  tõusis Euroalal  ja Balti  riikides laenuintresside baasmäärana kasutatav
EURIBOR sõltuvalt tähtajast 0,2-0,4 protsendipunkti võrra. See on aeglaseim tõus
alates  2022.a I  kvartalist.  Finantsturgudel  hinnatakse, et Euroalal hakkavad
baasintressid  langema juba järgmise aasta  esimesel poolel. Kuigi selline ootus
võib   osutuda  liiga  ennatlikuks,  viitab  globaalne  inflatsioonisurvete  (sh
energiahindade)  taandumine ning Euroala majandusaktiivsuse pidurdumine sellele,
et intressimäärad on oma tipu saavutanud.

Madala  finantsvõimenduse taseme toel on kinnisvarasektor pidanud Balti riikides
intressikulude  tõusule  siiani  oluliselt  paremini  vastu kui paljudes teistes
Euroopa  riikides,  sh  meie  peamiste kaubanduspartnerite juures Skandinaavias.
Euroala  nõrga  majandusaktiivsuse  püsimisel  pole lähivkartalites tõenäoliselt
oodata   Balti  riikide  majanduskasvu  taastumist.  Sellises  olukorras  muutub
ärikinnisvara  sektoris  järjest  olulisemaks  objektide  täituvus  ja  üüritulu
hoidmine. Uute rentnike leidmine ja olemasolevate säilitamine on üha aeganõudvam
ja  kulukam (nõudes  sageli objektide  ümberehitusi jms).  Suurima surve  all on
erinevad  büroopinnad, kus süvenev n.ö  kodust töötamine hoiab nõudlust viimaste
aastate     madalaimana.     EfTEN     Real    Estate    Fund    AS    kontserni
kinnisvarainvesteeringute    portfell    on   jaotatud   suhteliselt   ühtlaselt
ärikinnisvara  kolme peamise segmendi (kaubandus,  logistika, bürood) vahel ning
selle vakantsus on jätkuvalt väga madal (2%).

Kolmandas kvartalis avaldasid Enlight Research ning LHV Pank analüüsi EfTEN Real
Estate Fund AS (EFT1T) aktsia kohta. Mõlemad analüüsid toovad fondi juures välja
järgmised  tugevused: (i) mõõdukas võlakoormus,  mis aitab ilma raskusteta toime
tulla  ka  tõusvate  intressimäärade  keskkonnas;  (ii)  üüripindade  väga madal
vakantsus; (iii) konservatiivselt hinnastatud portfell.


EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS  teenis  2023. aasta  III kvartali konsolideeritud
müügitulu  kokku 7,965 miljonit eurot (2022  III kvartal: 3,612 miljonit eurot),
jäädes  II kvartaliga  samale tasemele.  Fondi 2023. aasta 9 kuu konsolideeritud
müügitulu  oli 23,714 miljonit  eurot (2022:  10,600 miljonit eurot), sisaldades
EfTEN  Kinnisvarafond  AS-ga  ühinemisest  lisandunud  kinnisvarainvesteeringute
müügitulu  summas  12,644 miljonit  eurot.  Like-for-like  põhimõttel arvestatud
müügitulu on 9 kuuga kasvanud aastatagusega võrreldes 4,4%.

Fondi  konsolideeritud 2023. aasta  9 kuu neto  üüritulu (NOI)  on kokku 22,201
miljonit  eurot (2022 9 kuud: 10,135 miljonit  eurot). Selle aasta neto üüritulu
sisaldab      EfTEN      Kinnisvarafond     AS-ga     ühinemisest     lisandunud
kinnisvarainvesteeringute  neto üüritulu kogusummas 11,616 miljonit eurot. Like-
for-like  põhimõttel arvestatud  NOI on  kasvanud aastatagusega võrreldes samuti
4,4%. Konsolideeritud  neto  üüritulu  marginaal  oli  sellel  aastal 94% (2022:
96%), seega  moodustasid  kinnistute  haldamisega  otseselt  seotud  kulud  (s.h
maamaks,  kindlustus,  hooldus-  ja  parenduskulud) ning turustuskulud 6% (2022:
4%) müügitulust.

Kontserni varade maht 30.09.2023 seisuga oli 385,183 miljonit eurot (31.12.2022:
181,956 miljonit eurot), s.h kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglane väärtus moodustas
varade mahust 94% (31.12.2022: 93%).

2023. aasta   septembri   lõpu   seisuga   on  kontsernil  35 (31.12.2022:  18)
ärikinnisvarainvesteeringut,  mille  õiglane  väärtus  bilansipäeval on 363,289
miljonit eurot (31.12.2022: 168,875 miljonit eurot) ning soetusmaksumus 350,004
miljonit  eurot  (31.12.2022:  151,426 miljonit  eurot). Lisaks kuulub kontserni
ühisettevõttele  hotell  Palace  Tallinnas,  mille  õiglane  väärtus 30.09.2023
seisuga oli 9,8 miljonit eurot.

2023. aasta  9 kuuga  teenis  kontsern  kokku  23,714 miljonit  eurot  üüritulu.
Võrreldavatel  alustel arvestatud üüritulu oli  2023. aasta 9 kuul kokku 10,343
miljonit eurot, mis on 4% rohkem kui 2022. aastal samal ajal.

2023. aasta   9 kuu   jooksul   pikendasid   fondi  tütarettevõtted  kokku  kuus
laenulepingut.  Pikendamisel  langes  nelja  laenu  intressi marginaal 0,05-0,5
protsendipunkti   ning   ühe   laenulepingu   intressi  marginaal  tõusis  0,14
protsendipunkti.    Pikendamisel    lühendatakse    võimaluse   korral   kõikide
laenulepingute  EURIBORI perioodi.  Laenulepingud pikendati  kolmeks kuni viieks

Järgmise  12 kuu jooksul lõppevad  kontserni nelja tütarettevõtte laenulepingud,
mille  jääk 30.09.2023 seisuga  on 14 734 tuhat  eurot. Lõppevate laenulepingute
LTV   on   35%-51% ning   kinnisvarainvesteeringud  omavad  stabiilselt  tugevat
üürirahavoogu,  mistõttu  kontserni  juhtkonna  hinnangul ei teki laenulepingute
pikendamisel takistusi.

Kontserni laenulepingute kaalutud keskmine intressimäär tõusis EURIBOR´i muutuse
mõjul  septembri lõpuks 5,8%-ni (31.12.2022: 3,7%) ning  LTV (Loan to Value) oli
41% (31.12.2022:  40%). Kõik fondi tütarettevõtete laenulepingud on seotud ujuva
intressimääraga.  Kõiki  fondi  laenulepinguid  teenindatakse  tavapäraselt ning
kõikide  laenu tagatiseks seatud  kinnisvarainvesteeringute äritegevuse rahavoog
ületab laenude põhiosa- ja intressimakseid.

EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS  aktsia  EPRA  puhasväärtus (EPRA NRV) oli seisuga
30.09.2023 20,76 eurot  (30.09.2022: 20,32 eurot).  EfTEN Real  Estate Fund AS´i
aktsia  EPRA puhasväärtus  kasvas 2023. aasta  9 kuuga 2,0% (2022 9 kuud: kasvas


                                                     III kvartal     9 kuud
 EUR tuhandetes                                          2023  2022   2023   2022
 Müügitulu                                            7 965 3 612 23 714 10 600
 Müüdud teenuste kulu                                  -363   -80 -1 120   -211
 Brutokasum                                           7 602 3 532 22 594 10 389

 Turustuskulud                                         -105   -63   -393   -254
 Üldhalduskulud                                        -841  -488 -2 568 -1 391
 Kasum / kahjum kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglase
 väärtuse muutusest                                       0    -1 -6 182  3 701
 Muud äritulud ja -kulud                                 10     5     23     48
 Ärikasum                                             6 666 2 985 13 474 12 493

 Kasum / kahjum ühisettevõtetest                         84     0    -25      0
 Intressitulud                                           77     0     97      0
 Muud finantstulud ja -kulud                         -2 156  -376 -5 693 -1 098
 Kasum enne tulumaksu                                 4 671 2 609  7 853 11 395

 Tulumaksukulu                                         -236  -282   -973 -1 186
 Aruandeperioodi koondkasum kokku                     4 435 2 327  6 880 10 209
 Kasum aktsia kohta
 - tava                                                0,41  0,46   0,64   2,01
 - lahustatud                                          0,41  0,46   0,64   2,01


                                    30.09.2023   31.12.2022
  EUR tuhandetes
  Raha ja raha ekvivalendid             14 167       11 331
  Lühiajalised hoiused                   2 880            0
  Nõuded ja viitlaekumised               1 805        1 522
  Ettemakstud kulud                        138           49
  Varud                                      1            0
  Käibevara kokku                       18 991       12 902

  Pikaajalised nõuded                      175           61
  Ühisettevõtete osad                    2 552            0
  Kinnisvarainvesteeringud             363 289      168 875
  Materiaalne põhivara                     175          116
  Immateriaalne põhivara                     1            2
  Põhivara kokku                       366 192      169 054
  VARAD KOKKU                          385 183      181 956

  Laenukohustused                       20 589       22 058
  Võlad ja ettemaksed                    2 419        1 461
  Lühiajalised kohustused kokku         23 008       23 519

  Laenukohustused                      128 221       45 917
  Muud pikaajalised võlad                1 901        1 008
  Edasilükkunud tulumaksukohustus        7 474        7 248
  Pikaajalised kohustused kokku        137 596       54 173
  Kohustused kokku                     160 604       77 692

  Aktsiakapital                        108 198       50 725
  Ülekurss                              84 721       16 288
  Kohustuslik reservkapital              2 749        2 149
  Jaotamata kasum                       28 911       35 102
  Omakapital kokku                     224 579      104 264
  KOHUSTUSED JA OMAKAPITAL KOKKU       385 183      181 956

Marilin Hein
Tel. 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee (mailto:marilin.hein@eften.ee)


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS unaudited results for 3nd quarter and 9 months 2023


The  increase in interest rates, which has  been the main factor influencing the
real  estate sector over the past year,  showed the first signs of stabilisation
in  the third quarter of 2023. Over three  months, the EURIBOR, used as the base
interest  rate  in  the  Eurozone  and  Baltic  countries, increased by 0.2-0.4
percentage  points  across  different  maturities.  This is the slowest increase
since  the first quarter of 2022. Financial  markets price in that base interest
rates  in the Eurozone  will start to  fall in the  first half of the next year.
Although  such  expectation  may  prove  to  be  premature, the global easing of
inflationary  pressures (including energy prices)  and the decelarating economic
activity in the Eurozone suggest that interest rates have reached their peak.

Due to the low level of financial leverage, the real estate sector in the Baltic
countries  has so far coped significantly better with the rise in interest costs
compared  to many other European countries,  including our main trading partners
in  Scandinavia. With  the persistent  weak economic  activity in the Eurozone,
business  cycle  recovery  in  the  Baltic  countries  is  unlikely  in the near
quarters.  In such a  situation, maintaining occupancy  and rental income levels
are  becoming  increasingly  important  in  the  commercial  real estate sector.
Finding  new tenants and retaining existing ones is becoming more time-consuming
and  costly (often requiring property  modifications etc). The greatest pressure
is  on various office  spaces, where the  increasing trend of  working from home
keeps  demand  at  its  lowest  in  recent  years. The EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS
group's  real estate investment portfolio is relatively evenly distributed among
the  three main segments of commercial real estate (retail, logistics, offices),
and its vacancy rate remains very low (2%).

In the third quarter, Enlight Research and LHV Bank published equity analysis of
the  EfTEN Real  Estate Fund  AS (EFT1T).  Both analyses highlight the following
strengths  of the fund: (i) moderate leverage, which allows the fund to navigate
through  a rising interest rate environment with  ease; (ii) very low vacancy of
rental spaces; (iii) conservatively priced portfolio.

Financial overview

The  consolidated sales income  of the EfTEN  Real Estate Fund  AS for the third
quarter of 2023 was 7.965 million euros (2022 III quarter: 3.612 million euros),
remaining  at the same level as the  II quarter. The Fund's consolidated revenue
for  the 9 months of 2023 was 23.714 million euros (2022: 10.600 million euros),
including  revenue from  investment property  added from  the merger  with EfTEN
Kinnisvarafond  AS in the amount of 12.644 million euros. The revenue calculated
on  the Like-for-like basis has increased by 4.4% in 9 months compared to a year

The consolidated net rental income (NOI) of the Fund for the 9 months of 2023 is
22.201 million  euros  (2022  9 months:  10.135 million  euros). This year's net
rental income includes the net rental income from investment properties added by
the  merger with EfTEN  Kinnisvarafond AS in  the total amount of 11.616 million
euros.  Therefore, NOI calculated on the  like-for-like basis has also increased
by  4.4% compared to a year  ago. The consolidated net  rental income margin was
94% (2022:  96%) this  year,  so  costs  directly related to property management
(including   land   tax,  insurance,  maintenance  and  improvement  costs)  and
distribution constituted 6% (2022: 4%) of revenue.

The gross value of the Group's assets as of 30.09.2023 was 385.183 million euros
(31.12.2022:  181.956 million  euros),  of  which  the  fair value of investment
properties made up 94% (31.12.2022: 93%).

As  of the  end of  September 2023 the  Group has 35 (31.12.2022: 18) commercial
investment  properties  with  the  fair  value  as  at the balance sheet date of
363.289 million   euros   (31.12.2022:   168.875 million  euros)  and  with  the
acquisition  cost of 350.004 million  euros (31.12.2022: 151.426 million euros).
In addition, the Group's joint venture owns the Palace hotel in Tallinn with the
fair value of 9.8 million euros as of 30.09.2023.

In  the first 9 months of 2023, the Group earned a total of 23.714 million euros
in  rental income.  The rental  income calculated  on a  comparable basis in the
first  9 months of  2023 was a  total of  10.343 million euros, which is 4% more
than at the same time in 2022.

In  9 months  of  2023, the  Fund's  subsidiaries  extended  a total of six loan
agreements.  The  interest  margin  for  the  extension  of  four  loans fell by
0.05-0.5 percentage  points and of one loan increased by 0.14 percentage points.
Upon  extension, the  EURIBOR period  of all  loan agreements  will be shortened
where possible. Loan agreements were extended for three to five years.

Within  the next 12 months, the loan agreements of the Group's four subsidiaries
will expire, the balance of which as of 30.09.2023 is 14,734 thousand euros. The
LTV  (Loan to Value) of the  expiring loan agreements is 35%-51%, and investment
properties  have a stable, strong rental  cash flow. Therefore, according to the
Group's management, there are no obstacles in extending the loan agreements.

The  weighted average interest rate of the Group's loan agreements rose to 5.8%
by the end of September (31.12.2022: 3.7%) due to the change in EURIBOR, and the
LTV  was 41% (31.12.2022: 40%). All  loan agreements of  the Fund's subsidiaries
are  linked to  a floating  interest rate.  All loan  agreements of the Fund are
serviced  correctly,  and  the  cash  flow  from  the business activities of all
investment properties exceeds the principal and interest payments of the loans.

The  net asset value  of the EfTEN  Real Estate Fund  AS (EPRA NRV)  share as of
30.09.2023 was  20.76 euros  (30.09.2022:  20.32 euros).  The  EPRA net value of
EfTEN  Real Estate Fund  AS share increased  by 2.0% in the  9 months of 2023 (9
months of 2022: increased by 6.3%).


                                                     III quarter    9 months
 EUR thousands                                           2023  2022   2023   2022
 Sales income                                         7,965 3,612 23,714 10,600
 Cost of services sold                                 -363   -80 -1,120   -211
 Gross profit                                         7,602 3,532 22,594 10,389

 Marketing costs                                       -105   -63   -393   -254
 General and administrative expenses                   -841  -488 -2,568 -1,391
 Profit / loss from the change in the fair value of
 investment property                                      0    -1 -6,182  3,701
 Other operating income and expense                      10     5     23     48
 Operating profit                                     6,666 2,985 13,474 12,493

 Profit / loss from joint ventures                       84     0    -25      0
 Interest income                                         77     0     97      0
 Other finance income and expense                    -2,156  -376 -5,693 -1,098
 Profit before income tax                             4,671 2,609  7,853 11,395

 Income tax expense                                    -236  -282   -973 -1,186
 Net comprehensive profit/loss for the reporting
 period                                               4,435 2,327  6,880 10,209
 Earnings per share
 - basic                                               0.41  0.46   0.64   2.01
 - diluted                                             0.41  0.46   0.64   2.01


                                   30.09.2023   31.12.2022
  EUR thousands
  Cash and cash equivalents            14,167       11,331
  Current deposits                      2,880            0
  Receivables and accrued income        1,805        1,522
  Prepaid expenses                        138           49
  Inventory                                 1            0
  Total current assets                 18,991       12,902

  Long-term receivables                   175           61
  Shares in joint ventures              2,552            0
  Investment property                 363,289      168,875
  Property, plant, and equipment          175          116
  Intangible assets                         1            2
  Total non-current assets            366,192      169,054
  TOTAL ASSETS                        385,183      181,956

  Borrowings                           20,589       22,058
  Payables and prepayments              2,419        1,461
  Total current liabilities            23,008       23,519

  Borrowings                          128,221       45,917
  Other long-term liabilities           1,901        1,008
  Deferred income tax liability         7,474        7,248
  Total non-current liabilities       137,596       54,173
  Total liabilities                   160,604       77,692

  Share capital                       108,198       50,725
  Share premium                        84,721       16,288
  Statutory reserve capital             2,749        2,149
  Retained earnings                    28,911       35,102
  Total equity                        224,579      104,264
  TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY        385,183      181,956

Marilin Hein
Phone +372 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee (mailto:marilin.hein@eften.ee)