24. septembril toimub üleminek uuendatud veebilehele. Sellega seoses esineb 23. septembril alates kell 17.00 ning üleminekupäeval (24. septembril) süsteemi töös katkestusi. Palume vabandust võimalike ebamugavuste pärast.

The web page of Estonian securities market

The supervisor of Estonian financial sector, the Finantsinspektsioon, is more than glad to welcome you on this web page.

The main purpose of this web page is to provide local and moreover the foreign users with official information regarding Estonian securities market and also about the publicly traded companies.

According to Estonian Securities Market Act Finantsinspektsioon is also responsible for maintaining the Officially Appointed Mechanism (OAM) for storage and filing of regulated information and that system is an important part of this web page. Representatives of the issuers are able to file, disclose and store regulated information so that it could be accessed by foreign users through the network of OAMs. Users interested in receiving the information are able to use the search functionalities of the system, subscribe to RSS feed or mailing list.