Announcement View
Type Company Release
Category Management interim statement or quaterly financial report
Publicize date 06 Jul 2022 08:00:00 +0300
Tallinna Sadam KPI Q2 2022 ENG.pdf
Tallinna Sadam KPI Q2 2022 EST.pdf
Kell English
Title AS Tallinna Sadam operational volumes for 2022 Q2 and 6 months
In  2022 Q2,  4.7 million  tonnes  of  cargo  and  1.9 million passengers passed
through  the harbours of Tallinna Sadam. Compared to the same period of previous
year,  the number of passengers increased by 218% i.e. by 1.3 million passengers
whereas  the cargo volume decreased by 21%. The number of vessel calls increased
by  6% to 1948 calls. The  number of passengers  travelling between the Estonian
mainland and the main islands increased by 8% and the number of vehicles by 1%.
The number of charter days of the icebreaker Botnica stayed at the same level as
in the previous year, utility rate of the vessel was 26%.

According to Valdo Kalm, chairman of the management board of Tallinna Sadam, the
beginning  of summer  and the  holiday period  have brought many passengers from
nearby  countries, especially on the Tallinn-Helsinki  line, where the number of
passengers  has increased by more  than 1.5 times. "The Swedish  line is also on
the  rise, and  more and  more cruise  ships arrive  in Tallinn.  Today, we have
managed to recover to 65% of the pre-pandemic level in passenger volume, and the
growth trend continues," explained Kalm.

There  has been a  shift in the  structure of cargo  types in terms of volumes -
instead  of liquid  bulk, ro-ro  cargo has  become the  largest cargo group, the
growth trend of which continues. The decline in liquid bulk was mainly caused by
the  imposition  of  sanctions  on  Belarussian  oil products from March and the
Russian-Ukrainian  war that started in February. The drop in dry bulk was caused
by  significant decrease  in fertilizer  handling volumes  due to  the sanctions
imposed on the operator of Russian origin. There has been a substantial increase
in  container goods both in tons and in container units. The growth in container
traffic  comes  from  a  low  baseline  previous  year,  when there was a global
shortage of empty containers and disruptions in supply chains.

The  operational volumes  of Tallinna  Sadam group  for 2021 Q2 and 6 months are
presented  in the following table.  The data  for the Q2 2022 are preliminary as
of  04.07.2022. The  final  volumes  for  the  period  will  be published in the
following financial report.

                                            Q2     Q2                   6M
                                          2022   2021 Change 6M 2022  2021    Change

 Cargo volume by type of cargo
 (th tonnes)                             4 675  5 893 -20.7%   9 518  11 168  -14.8%

 Ro-ro                                   1 869  1 677  11.4%   3 531   3 219    9.7%

 Liquid bulk                             1 438  2 352 -38.8%   3 169   4 420  -28.3%

 Containers                                591    483  22.2%   1 140     926   23.2%

 in TEUs                                78 993 57 826  36.6% 146 821 109 932   33.6%

 Dry bulk                                  569  1 264 -55.0%   1 306   2 366  -44.8%

 General cargo                             207    115  79.1%     367     237   54.5%

 Non-marine                                  1      0      -       6       0 1130.2%

 Number of passengers by routes (th)     1 897    596 218.0%   2 793     969  188.2%

 Tallinn-Helsinki                        1 652    545 203.3%   2 453     878  179.3%

 Tallinn-Stockholm                         129      0      -     183       0       -

 Muuga-Vuosaari                             47     32  47.2%      79      62   27.8%

 Cruise (traditional)                       54      0      -      54       0       -

 Other                                      14     20 -29.0%      24      29  -18.7%

 Number of vessel calls by vessel type   1 948  1 836   6.1%   3 593   3 514    2.2%

 Cargo vessels                             411    436  -5.7%     760     795   -4.4%

 Passenger vessels (incl. Ro-Pax)        1 469  1 400   4.9%   2 765   2 719    1.7%

 Cruise vessels (traditional)               68      0      -      68       0       -


 (Saaremaa and Hiiumaa lines)

 Passengers (th)                           632    584   8.2%     955     853   12.0%

 Vehicles (th)                             300    297   1.1%     478     455    5.1%

 Icebreaker Botnica

 Charter days                               24     24   0.0%     114     114    0.0%

 Utility rate (%)                          26%    26%   0.0%     63%     63%    0.0%

*Ferry  traffic volumes  show the  general demand  for the  service, but  do not
directly  affect the financial results of the ferry segment, as the fee is fixed
in  the service  contract regardless  of the  number of  passengers and vehicles

More  detailed statistics  of passengers  by nationality,  gender and  routes on
monthly   basis,   can   be   viewed   on   the   Tallinna   Sadam   web   page:  We now also publish  quarterly key figures in
xlsx format:
Detailed  statistics  on  the  number  of  passengers  and vehicles on passenger

Tallinna  Sadam is one of the largest cargo- and passenger port complexes in the
Baltic  Sea region, which  serves annually 10 million  passengers and 20 million
tons  of  cargo  in  average.  In  addition  to  passenger and freight services,
Tallinna  Sadam group also operates in  shipping business via its subsidiaries -
OÜ  TS  Laevad  provides  ferry  services  between the Estonian mainland and the
largest  islands, and OÜ TS Shipping charters its multifunctional vessel Botnica
for  icebreaking  and  construction  services  in  Estonia and offshore projects
abroad.  Tallinna Sadam  group is  also a  shareholder of  an associate AS Green
Marine,  which provides  waste management  services. The  group's sales in 2021
totalled  EUR 110 million,  adjusted EBITDA  EUR 54 million  and profit  EUR 26

Additional information:

Marju Zirel
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +372 5342 6591 (